People who experienced the 7.4-magnitude earthquake in Tonga: After the earthquake, the tsunami warning sounded throughout the city, and the residents moved to the highlands

gossip 618℃

According to the official determination of China Seismological Network : At 18:48 on November 11, Beijing time, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred in the area of ​​the Tonga Islands, with a focal depth of 40 kilometers. On the 12th, a reporter from upstream news ([email protected]) contacted a number of teachers from a university in Shandong who were assisting in Tonga, and they described some situations after the earthquake.

​​The upstream news reporter learned that three teachers from a university in Shandong are currently helping local residents grow vegetables in Tonga and provide educational assistance. "Although the epicenter was far away from us, we still felt the tremor." Teacher Zhang, who was in charge of Chinese language teaching in the local area, told reporters that at around 23:48 (local time) on the evening of the 11th, the building began to shake from side to side, a smaller earthquake than before. The degree of shaking is more violent. In the past, it was usually shaken a few times, but this time it was about 10 seconds to 15 seconds. "About a few minutes after the earthquake, the tsunami warning sounded, and there were horns constantly reminding everyone to evacuate, the sound resounded throughout the city, there were many people and cars outside the house, and people started to go to high places or far away from the capital. "

People who experienced the 7.4-magnitude earthquake in Tonga: After the earthquake, the tsunami warning sounded throughout the city, and the residents moved to the highlands - Lujuba

Tonga has returned to calm after the earthquake. Photo source: Photo courtesy of the interviewee

​​A teacher also said that he felt a strong earthquake last night, and he was woken up just after falling asleep. "Because the tsunami warning was issued, all the people living by the sea left, but there were no major problems for more than an hour after the earthquake." Another teacher said that he was tossed by the earthquake and the time for the tsunami alarm to sound was not short. Fortunately, there was no accident.

​​"I have been in Tonga for 3 years and have encountered earthquakes often. According to past experience, earthquakes are not particularly scary. If the tremor is particularly strong, you can go to an open place, mainly to worry about tsunamis." Teacher Zhang said that at present, Tonga was not greatly affected. About an hour or two after the earthquake, everyone went home and went to sleep before the tsunami came. At present, local work and life have returned to normal.

​​According to Xinhua News Agency 11 report, news came out from Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa , and there is no report of casualties or property damage.

​​upstream news reporter Zhu Ting

​​editor Yang Bo

​​editor in charge Wang Rong Guan Yi

​​review Feng Fei

Tags: gossip