With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk

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With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-processing, etc. AI technology has gradually become a way to empower creators from all walks of life. Industry consensus.

In addition to various international AI software applications, major domestic manufacturers are also actively exploring AI technology and conducting product iterations. With the technical support of major manufacturers, there are currently many creative tools equipped with AI creation functions in order to inspire creators and reduce their burden.

In terms of editing software alone, Baidu’s product Dujia is a new generation of AI native creator tools. It is equipped with functions such as AI hot word hotspot tracking, AI film making, and AI digital people, helping various types of creators to complete videos. Creation can reduce costs and increase efficiency, especially the AI ​​digital human function, which provides a reliable tool for creators who are not good at appearing on camera.

Byte's editing software Jianying is also equipped with similar functions to help creators optimize the video production process and improve content creation efficiency.

How do these creation tools perform in actual use? Which one performs better in AI creation? Which one has more powerful native editing capabilities?

Crowry has brought you an evaluation of the AI ​​function of editing software to help you understand it in the actual evaluation.

AI generates text + AI generates movies PK

The first thing to test is the AI ​​generated copywriting (intelligent optimization of copywriting) and the one-click movie making function.

From the perspective of video creation tools with AI functions, AI copywriting is the prerequisite capability for AI filmmaking. Users first output video scripts through AI copywriting, and then convert them into videos through the one-click filmmaking function. Therefore, we combine the two related The functions are put together for evaluation.

Crowry selected topics in three different fields for testing, namely life, current affairs, and entertainment topics to see how Dujia and Cutout performed.

's first test is a life-related topic, "What time do you go to bed to stay up late?" This topic is less difficult. The main test is whether the expression structure of the two is complete and whether the content output is logical.

Let’s first look at the copy generated by Dujia. The entire copy generation process by Dujia takes about 20-30 seconds. The copy is fully expressed and the logic is very clear. Copywriting can be imported with one click based on video extraction and link extraction, and then optimized and rewritten through AI.

Dujia gave a positive answer to the core topic of "what time to go to bed to stay up late". Dujia also has some highlights in this copy. He gave the video a reference title and a humanized ending greeting. Overall, the quality of the copywriting is good, and it is highly usable as a video script.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

Image source plus

Next, let’s look at the copy generated by clipping. The copywriting generated by clipping takes less than 1 minute, and multiple pieces of copy can be generated at one time. Copywriting can be extracted based on headline links.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

Picture source clipping

The copy generated by the clipping is slightly less logical and complete. It lacks the definition, harm and related suggestions of staying up late, and mentions the role of sleep and sleep aid methods. There is no positive answer to the core of the question, and copywriting availability is limited.

Then it’s time to compare the film effects.

uses Dujia's one-click video generation function, which takes one minute to generate a video that is about one minute in length, has complete materials, and has dubbing and subtitles.

Specifically, Dujia’s video material matches well. “Going to bed after 12 o’clock is actually considered staying up late” is accompanied by a picture of the clock pointing to 12 o’clock. The correlation between the video material and the script is high. Dujia understands the actual needs of the creator very well, and the direct effect of the finished film is better. The one-click video editing function of

takes about 1 minute and 20 seconds to generate a video of 1 minute and 22 seconds. The edited film contains rich materials, most of which are pictures, and the parts related to sleeping time at night are accompanied by pictures of "sleeping in on weekends".

In the first round, Dujia performed well in terms of copywriting logic, completeness, and video material matching, and the material matching in the edited film was moderate.

The second topic is the current affairs topic "How to prevent the high incidence of influenza in winter". The difficulty of this topic has increased to a certain extent. It examines whether AI can generate copywriting based on hot information. The copy generated by

Dujia is stable and analyzes the causes, symptoms, preventive measures and suggestions of influenza.

It is worth mentioning that in the process of using Dujia, you can freely adjust and preset the type and point of view of the copywriting, and then use AI to optimize and adjust the copywriting, making the overall use experience better.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

The copywriting of the picture source plus

clipping performed better this time than the previous one, with clear logic, complete structure, and usable copywriting.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

Image source clipping

In the comparison of one-click video generation, the difference between the two lies in the use of video materials. The video generated by Dujia is about 57 seconds long and uses video materials throughout. A total of 13 video materials are used. The video generated by

clipping is about 1 minute and 23 seconds, using a total of 16 materials and 7 video materials. The materials match the text script well. However, the material appears to be incoherent. The clips using comics and photography materials are used throughout, and a video material of a real hospital is inserted at the end. The direct-to-video effect is medium, and the finished film can be used after manual material replacement.

In the second round, both copywriting methods are available. The one-click feature of Dujia uses more video materials, while the editing uses more picture materials and relies more on manual adjustments.

The third topic is the entertainment hot topic "GQ2023 Ceremony Opens, Half of the Entertainment Circle Gathers in Zhejiang Town". This topic is more difficult. It tests comprehensive ability, copywriting ability and material matching of the video generation function. sex.

In terms of copywriting, the information points of the copywriting generated by Dujia are basically accurate. There are specific discussions for each star, and the copywriting is generally available. There are some inaccuracies in the copy information points generated by

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

image source plus

clipping, and the overall copywriting style is more lively and colloquial.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

Picture source clipping

Comparison of video generation effects, Dujia performs well, can match based on keywords, has one-click generation function and post-packaging of entertainment accounts, and has strong video usability.

clipping still uses more picture materials, and AI direct video relies more on the creator to make adjustments.

In the third round, the post-production packaging of the video directly released by Dujia has the texture of an entertainment account, with good material matching and rich original materials and templates for editing.

Overall, the AI-generated text and one-click filmmaking function of the clipping are of certain reference. The direct effect of the film is medium, and the overall effect is relatively dependent on manual adjustment.

Dujia’s AI text generation function has high usability, and the video direct output effect is excellent. The advantages of Dujia AI's film-making function are mainly reflected in the matching degree, richness and generation efficiency of the materials.

It is not difficult to find that Dujia performs very well in chasing hot spots. Hot event signals can be quickly captured, copywriting can be generated with one click to capture information points, and video materials are time-sensitive, which can save creators energy. Based on the above advantages, Dujia can help creators quickly complete films and empower full-process AI creation. It is a creative tool more suitable for AI-native creators.

Try digital people

The next thing to test is the digital human generation function. AI digital humans have been widely used in the past two years, and digital humans have appeared on many content platforms and live broadcast e-commerce platforms.

Crowry will test the fidelity, template richness and freedom of digital humans through two topics: life and current affairs.

The first topic is the life topic "How to be a mentally strong person". The AI ​​digital human function generated by

has currently launched 10 images. The digital humans have different images, voices, ages, and backgrounds. The scenes according to the background template can be divided into more serious work scenes and relatively casual life scenes.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

Picture source plus APP

We still use AI to generate text first, and then generate a digital video based on the copy.The background template of the digital human-generated video generated by

Dujia cannot be modified. Each digital human image can be previewed first. After selecting the digital human image, then enter the copy to generate the digital human video. The automatic rendering of the video takes about 1-3 minutes. Then you can start adjusting the video footage and digital human footage.

It can be observed from the digital human video generated by Dujia that the mouth shape, gesture changes, blinking, and head movements during the explanation process are relatively natural and highly realistic. After the video is generated, add a text title, select a subtitle style, and a video packaging template before outputting it.

During the experience process, Crowry discovered that Dujia is recruiting creators with original content production capabilities from across the network to conduct customized digital human cooperation. Users can sign up to participate after filling out a questionnaire and proving their production and creativity.

While customizing digital people for individuals, Dujia also customizes digital people for top KOLs, such as the Ji Lianhai digital person jointly launched by Dujia and Miaodong Encyclopedia. Teacher Ji Lianhai once appeared on the "Hundred Schools Forum" to tell the story of famous officials of the Qing Dynasty. The digital character Ji Lianhai is vivid and natural, and his language expression is cadenced and has personal characteristics.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

Dujia uses the digital human customization function to meet the needs of creators for oral broadcasting without showing their faces. It can also help some creators try new content creation models and improve content production efficiency. The digital human generation function of

has a certain degree of freedom. It has 4 characters and 15 templates. It supports changing the scene and background of the digital human, and also supports the use of multiple digital human images in one video. During the use of

, the static image of the digital human being cut out sometimes has black edges, and the fusion effect with the background is moderate. Secondly, there will be a mismatch between the AI ​​film duration and the digital human broadcast duration, which requires manual adjustment.

Manually edited for a smooth video effect.

The second test topic is the current affairs topic "Tickets for the Forbidden City are fully booked for 3 days starting from today."

Dujia’s digital human performs stably in terms of action fidelity. Dujia can perform one-click packaging after generating digital human videos, which is easy to operate.

Dujia can also automatically match materials based on text content. In the video "Forbidden City Tickets Full", Dujia matched a picture material of the Forbidden City Snow Scene when the copy mentioned "Forbidden City Snow Scene".

In addition, Crowry also observed that Dujia is providing AI digital human support for more high-quality creators in vertical categories to serve a wider range of user consumer groups.

With the widespread application of AI technology, many creators are now using AI tools to assist in copywriting, picture drawing, video shooting, video and picture post-production, etc. AI technology has gradually become an industry-wide focus on empowering creators from all walk - Lujuba

Editor-in-Chief and Commentator Wang Pan of Zhengzhou Zhongyuan Newspaper Group's "Yellow River Review"

The digital human generated by the clipping has multiple functions such as beautification, speed change, special effects animation, etc., and there is certain room for customization and modification.

No artificial editing effect

Overall, the digital human fidelity of the editing is medium, and there is a certain degree of freedom in the operation process.

Dujia’s digital human image is more natural and lifelike, its functions are simple to operate, and it lowers the threshold for creation. Overall, the functions of Dujia are simpler and more convenient.

According to Crowry, the Dujia Editing App has also opened up digital human material matching and voice-driven digital human generation functions to a small number of creators for internal testing, hoping to help creators achieve content creation more efficiently.

Dujia uses a large language model to conduct semantic understanding and material matching of oral broadcast copywriting, and can automatically recommend materials suitable for video copywriting. It only takes a few minutes to generate high-quality video content. Creators can also drive digital human models through voice, allowing them to quickly and efficiently produce content in various scenarios.

written at the end

Through the comparison of the above cases, it is not difficult to find that each product equipped with AIGC function has different positioning and differentiation advantages.

is better than "editing". It has professional editing functions and complete templates. It is an all-round editing tool. Dujia, on the other hand, is better at AIGC creation. It has irreplaceable advantages in the three functions of AI generated copywriting, AI generated videos, and digital people. It is more suitable for AI native creators to "one-click completion" of content production within the platform. .

Through evaluation, Crowry felt that such products are changing rapidly in terms of AIGC's capability iteration and product function evolution. Through actual measurement and comparison, Crowry believes that the above-mentioned products have empowered creators and helped people achieve "cost reduction and efficiency improvement."

The advancement of AI technology may further affect creators in the future, changing the way content is created, the form and boundaries of content presentation. With the expansion of AI capabilities and its impact on creative methods, using AI capabilities to develop new ways to create videos will be a new trend faced by every content creator. At a time when AI is empowering production tools and achieving progress in production tools, we always maintain confidence and expectations for the future.

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