Imagine those creepy maggots, usually only seen in rotten, filthy places. Most people will feel nauseous or even vomit just when they think about their squirming figures. But who could have imagined that these tiny living beings could one day become "heroes" who save lives? Zhang

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Imagine those creepy maggots, usually only seen in rotten, filthy places. Most people will feel nauseous or even vomit just when they think about their squirming figures. But who could have imagined that these tiny living beings could one day become "heroes" who save lives?
Zhang Yue, only 21 years old, is already a martial arts performer who is favored by the industry. His future was originally full of infinite possibilities, but a sudden accident almost cost him everything.
Imagine those creepy maggots, usually only seen in rotten, filthy places. Most people will feel nauseous or even vomit just when they think about their squirming figures. But who could have imagined that these tiny living beings could one day become 'heroes' who save lives? Zhang - Lujuba

One day in March 2010, he was accidentally burned while working in a factory. More than 80% of the skin on his body was burned . After he was taken to the hospital, the doctor told him that his condition was very critical and amputation might be required to save his life.

This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for a 21-year-old young man. He couldn't believe that he would encounter such a tragedy, and he was unwilling to lose his legs and arms like this.

He cried and begged the doctor to give him a chance to save his limbs. The doctor looked at his pitiful appearance and felt very sad. But they had no choice, because Zhang Yue's wound had begun to fester and become infected. If not treated in time, it might cause sepsis or necrosis.

In the operating room, Zhang Yue was lying on the operating bed in pain. His legs were severely burned, and the rotten wounds were covered with 100,000 maggots. They made a crackling sound of chewing flesh, making Zhang Yue feel that life was worse than death.

When the doctor suggested maggot therapy, he seemed to see a glimmer of hope. But the doubts and fears that followed made him confused again.

Live maggots are the common name for fly larvae. In nature, they usually feed on carrion.

Doctors have discovered that in some wars or disasters, some people were injured and had flies laying eggs on their wounds, but miraculously survived and the wounds healed well.

After research, it was discovered that these live maggots can eat necrotic tissue and bacteria on the wound, and secrete a substance that can promote the growth of new tissue and prevent infection.

The ten-hour operation seemed like an endless torture. More than 100,000 maggots weighing five kilograms were put into Zhang Yue's body. Although anesthesia was given before the operation, the severe pain made the anesthesia seem so ineffective.

After the operation, Zhang Yue’s treatment had just begun. The doctor told him that when new flesh begins to grow after the carrion is eaten, the maggots will also eat the new flesh. The pain is indescribable. But if the nerve is bitten, you may feel extremely itchy.

To Zhang Yue's family's dismay, amputation was still unavoidable because the rot and damage to his legs were so severe that a small part was even eaten by maggots. To save his life, doctors had to perform amputation.

After the amputation, Zhang Yue experienced a long period of confusion and decadence, but he did not want to live his life like this. Fortunately, the China Disabled Persons' Federation extended a helping hand and taught him e-commerce knowledge, opening up a new world for him. Zhang Yue seized this opportunity and started his e-commerce journey. He sold souvenirs and delicacies from his hometown. With sincerity and hard work, his online store gradually became famous. Three years later, he paid off the debt he incurred from treatment, and at this moment, he felt like he had truly gained a new lease of life.

Today, Zhang Yue has a successful career and a happy family. His online store business is booming and his income is stable; he can walk independently just like an able-bodied person; he has a happy family and a wife who loves him deeply. Looking back on the past, Zhang Yue knew that she was able to get to where she is today because of her unyielding fighting spirit and love for life.
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