The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs.

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plays with the second dimension, every day is exciting! Here is the ACG cat gentleman who will bring you two-dimensional anecdotes every day. Friends of
who watch anime after watching it all know that many anime are "harem" themes, telling the story of a bunch of girls chasing a male protagonist. But after all, most places are now monogamous, and these animations are no exception. In the end, the male protagonist can only choose one, so that the other girls have become "lost dogs".

The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs. - Lujuba

The most famous "defeating dog" role is Ying Lili among the passers-by heroines. She is talented and arrogant and the childhood sweetheart of the male lead. She has won the love of many Azhai with her cute style and personality, but she did not win. Under the heart of the male protagonist, the passer-by female protagonist finally came together with Hui.

The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs. - Lujuba

In addition to Ying Lili, Chunwu also just broke the news of the ending, the big teacher finally came together with Xuenuo, and finally "the group is destroyed". "The pears are exhausted", "The group is destroyed", "Silver can't be", "Berry conscience"... The defeated dogs have also been played by fans as stalks, and recently two highly popular defeated dogs have appeared in the second dimension. The character is heartbreaking.

The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs. - Lujuba

These two characters are from the anime 's ​​quintile . As one of the most popular "stock speculation" at present, the quintuple quintessence of the flower has set up five heroines at the beginning, but it is also clear I told fans that the male protagonist ended up marrying only one of them. And the person who finally gets married has become the target of fans’ daily speculation and debate, and a large fan group has also formed during the period. Among them, Nino and Sanjiu are popular because of their daring chasing love, daring to love and daring to hate (and cuteness). quite high.

The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs. - Lujuba

However, in the 113th episode of the comic, the author gave the fans a "knife". When the male protagonist finally made a choice, he still chose his former playmate Yotsuba, and Erno and Sanjiu were defeated. Knowing the result, the two embraced and cried, and Ernai, who has always been stronger, even cried into tears, which made people feel distressed.

The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs. - Lujuba

, ​​as the only two of the five sisters who took the initiative to confess to the male lead, the two who gave everything for love and bravely moved forward, but in the end it ended like this... Even if they confessed, they lost, which is worse than Ying Lili ah. However, there are also fans who don't believe this evil. After all, the anime hasn't really come out to the last episode, and the male protagonist just said hello to Yotsuba and hasn't confessed yet. It seems that there is still a possibility of a comeback?

The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs. - Lujuba

After all, the five equal flower marriages are well-shaped no matter which of the five sisters, and there are many people who like them. The final outcome will definitely be unacceptable to many people. I don't know if the author will make an open ending, in which the male protagonist confesses to different female protagonists in different world lines. In this case, this anime should be truly successful, right?

The five-part flower wedding ended, and the two were the three dogs. - Lujuba

Since Ernai and Sanjiu don't want the male protagonists, emm... Then let me take the cat-kun home!

Tags: cartoon