"It's really hard to pick out a good script", some new viewing experiences in July

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(pure writing work)

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

It seems like it was yesterday, I remember that the platform is using a lot of resources to build momentum for "The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family S", this wave of "King Ani Return" has indeed raised fans and passers-by's expectations for this drama .

It's just, maybe we are all too young, naively thinking that S is "sweet" - "Super (super) and Supreme (supreme) Second life (Second life) is about to Start (start)" - But forgot that S can also be "super cup" !

is not easy to cut this time, if it does, each episode will only be about 10 minutes. The possible operation is probably like "Go to tattoo" like "Extreme Master Fu Dao" to retouch the picture frame by frame.

is no accident, the fate of this work is similar to "Shadow House". Since

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

said "more than big", "The Dorm of the Goddess" can be regarded as a "clear stream" in this hot summer.

If you have the guts to not be afraid of being banned, you can try to use Du Dewei's "Take Off" to make an AMV. According to my speculation, there will be an 88.48% high probability of becoming a hit with more than one million views on that day!

In terms of plot, don't have expectations. You can't really expect a female bodhisattva in the real world to "transcend the calamity" for you, right?

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

From the perspective of the plot, "Reincarnated as an evil lady who only has an Otome game to destroy the Flag Season 2" is a very good look at the moment, the overall rhythm is more compact than the first season, and the skills of the job are also visible to the naked eye. improvement.

But since I haven't read the novel and only swept some of the comics in a hurry, the stability of the second season's storyline is critical.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

In addition, there are three works with different story lines, namely "The Detective is Dead", "Elf Fantasy" and "Our Remade Life". The problem with

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

"The Detective is Dead" lies in the forced change of heroine and the improper connection of the plot.

If you insist on speaking from the academic point of view, as a script, the protagonist group launched at the beginning cannot be easily replaced. Even if the protagonist is arranged to die, it should be at the end of the climax of the plot. "Detective is Dead" starts with a series of fights. The drama and literary drama created a white-haired heroine and expressed her emotional line. As a result, the next episode will overturn and reset the above-it seems to be an interesting idea, but how the new heroine image "stands up" is a problem.

If there are suspense elements, they can also be piled up through various events. However, since the story has nothing to do with suspense, this surrealistic animation of "changing the protagonist" can only be said to be "superfluous".

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

If you honestly write the adventure story of the white-haired detective and the male protagonist - refer to "go sick", it is not that it cannot be a good work.

"Elf Fantasy" has a bigger problem. The plot is like porridge in a college cafeteria, which is extremely sloppy.

There is also a controversial point here, that is, many viewers themselves did not come for this plot, the harem, it looks good. In essence, "Elf Fantasy" and "The Dorm of the Goddess" can be regarded as the same destination. The old routine of

time-travel drama may have a market in Japan, but it may be prone to aesthetic fatigue in China. However, the core is here. Fan script is mainly to serve the local market. If [we] feel bad, it can be regarded as our "self-entertainment".

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

"Our Remade Life" is produced by a company in which shares shares of b station. If the producer is more ambitious, you can compare it to "White Box" to make a story about life in the industry.

But we can intuitively see that the producer seems to be a little "overwhelmed". The first episode took 50 minutes, and he desperately used a long story to lay out the background. The content of the second episode was too rushed. In comparison, 3rdThe plot of the episode can only be said to make do. This kind of top-heavy will make people very concerned about the narrative ability of the main creator. The narrative ability of

is about the degree of rhythm control, such as the so-called "stepping point" of some works. I thought that it was actually possible to redistribute the entire plot line in the standard 23 or 24 minutes, and even 1-3 episodes could be fully laid out, and the content of the original episode 2 could be added to the front, so that the content of the new episode 4 would be will be fuller.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

Considering that "Our Life Remastered" only has "going back" as an ability, the rest is still based on reality. Therefore, it is not difficult to play the story well - "KitKat Taxi" in April is a typical example.

In short, it is not recommended to expect too much from the animated "Our Life Remastered". If conditions permit, it is recommended to read the original.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

" Realism Hero's Kingdom Rebuilding " and "Black Heart Enterprise in Another World Labyrinth" are both eye-catching different world travel dramas this season.

I took the time to catch up with the comics that have been updated so far. The follow-up space for "Rebuilding the Kingdom of the Realist Brave" is significantly higher than that of "Black Heart Enterprise in Another World Labyrinth", but in terms of animation expressiveness, the latter On the contrary, it is stronger than the former.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

"Black Heart Enterprise in Another World Labyrinth" is a bit "black eat black" + revenge, but the author especially likes "repeated time travel", people always feel that the author is "Ah, this part can't be edited anymore, in order to reopen a story Line, then go through it!"

said it a little bit badly, the author of "Black Heart Enterprise in the Labyrinth of Another World" has the shadow of the author of "Shave, Then Picked Up JK", which belongs to a good idea, and it comes down to making up stories. level is overwhelmed.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

"Rebuilding the Kingdom of the Realist Brave" has already been a little redundant in the 5000-word long comment. In short, the problem of the follow-up plot may be how to write [Power Conspiracy] interestingly.

From the perspective of the market, the animation of "Reconstruction of the Realist Hero's Kingdom" and "Black Heart Enterprise in the Labyrinth of Another World" is on the one hand to fill the gap in the Japanese market, and the other part is to promote comics and light novels work. These two works will probably only stay in the first season, and it is unlikely that a second season will be released.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

"Journey to Another World under the Moonlight" and "The Leisurely Life in Another World of Kaihang Pharmacists" are classic routines that will be late but will not be absent, and there are a number of people who will be excited when they hear it "white hair, animal ears, girl "Three hits.

is unlikely to be a hit, but it's better to watch it when you have nothing to do than watch it at all.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

Then, it's the romantic comedy time that almost everyone loves to see - "Master Reaper and the Black Maid".

I always thought it was an interaction between a seasoned girl and a fledgling boy. If you insist on biology knowledge, it is probably due to the fact that men and women of the same age, women are more mature than men. As for love, this work can be regarded as taking over the love vacancy of "SSSS Electro-optical Machine King".

is big on the top and fishnet socks on the bottom. All the hints are that the "Eighteen Bans" are not directly printed in the middle of the screen. Creating a "love that looks like it will never be reached" will definitely be a beautiful vision for girls and boys who have never tasted the bittersweetness of love in depth.

is right, if the black maid is done, the sales should be very good . The selling points of

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

"Meet 5 Seconds to Fight" are [wisdom] and [playing]. As for whether the heroine is big enough, and whether the villain BOSS Meow Niang is coquettish enough, it all depends on whether the audience buys it.

If the scene design is eye-catching enough, it might become a big hit in July in China.

However, this kind of power works is difficult to be logical in many places, especially in terms of skill definition.It is easy to go wrong, if you still want to see the happy life of social animals. Then I highly recommend "Big Brother Uncertainty". The long comment is here -

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

In fact, I have much confidence in the original drama. "Aquarium in Baisha" is an example. In the plot, there is a scene like "the protagonist feeds animals without training", which makes me feel that a realistic There are always such unrealistic designs in the works. Is it because the main creator has not done a good job in the background?

"The Opera Girl! ! ” and “The Peach Boy Crossing the Sea”, in my eyes, are alternatives that really don’t have much to watch on public channels, “Opera Girl! ! "There is a certain concept of documentary, but unfortunately I am really not interested in the style of painting and the plot. And "Peach Boy Crossing the Sea" is a bit "nonsensical" in terms of plot. For example, when the heroine roars, the bunny girl actually explodes her power to defeat the walrus villain.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

If the plot can be so perfunctory, then "Girlfriends in Pairs" is a better choice. As a harem drama in the real world, as a new work that inherits the essence of "Stupid Girl", "Girlfriends in Pairs" will be dedicated to lowering the IQ of the public, so that the public can obtain inexplicable happiness in the unknown - in short, without The brain looks fine. Although

is not a strong recommendation, it can still be used to pass the time.

'It's really hard to pick out a good script', some new viewing experiences in July - Lujuba

At the same time, since "Top Students in Magic High School" mainly focuses on the work of brother and sister falling in love, which is contrary to "social ethics", it is definitely impossible to pass the trial, but it is also a work that can be used to pass the time - especially if you are particularly I like the voices of Saori Hayami and Amamiya Tian, ​​and don't miss it.

Tags: cartoon