This beast was finally caught

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Pai Ye has recommended many Korean movies, and everyone should be impressed.

There is "Suyuan" that abuses young girls. The original offender Zhao Douchun is about to be released after serving his sentence, causing panic.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

has a "melting pot" that has collectively sexually assaulted young girls, and even promoted South Korea through the film to formulate related laws to prevent the recurrence of such cases. The animal teacher in the film makes people shudder.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

However, compared with these two cases, the next criminal of may be regarded as a national-level fear object.

For more than 30 years, the murderous man who raped and killed 10 women has not been whereabouts.

Until two days ago, the murderer of this case was finally arrested!

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

DNA comparison identified the murderer Li Chuncai

the retired police detective He Shengjun who participated in the case at that time, also got the news for the first time.

He and his old colleague were crying on the phone.

Finally, the nightmare that has haunted him for many years is coming to an end.

From September 15, 1986 to April 3, 1991, 10 cases of rape and murder of women occurred in Taean, Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. Among the victims of

, ​​the oldest of was 71 years old, and the youngest was only 14 years old .

all criminals raided the victim in the middle of the night on the farm or on the small road. After the rape, they were strangled to death with clothing such as silk stockings worn by the victim, and their lower body was also stuffed with various foreign objects.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

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South Korea has deployed the most police force in history for this purpose, and various investigation records have not been broken so far.

But after 1991, the criminals suddenly disappeared and stopped committing crimes. The case of

has also become an unsolved case and has been included in 's "Three Unsolved Mysteries in South Korea" . In the following years, the case of

was brought to the stage and the big screen by different artists.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the young director Feng Junhao, after visiting and investigating for more than a year, made this case into a movie-

"Memories of Murder"

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

Why is such a cruel beast?

Why are so many police officers unable to solve the case after years of investigation?

When this case gradually became blurred in the memory of the group involved because of time, Feng Junhao used a movie to depict us the complicated case and environment of that year. The opening of the

movie is like this.

Under the warm sun, a group of dolls chased and played in the wheat field, and their hands were throwing a bloody underwear.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

A tractor came slowly, and a person jumped out of it.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

He walked to an unattended ditch and looked down.

Through the reflection of the mirror, he saw a naked woman with her limbs tied back.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

was stuffed with cloth strips in her mouth, and ants and flies crawled around on her stiff body.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

This plainclothes is Agent Park.

is at the scene, he has to be responsible for driving away the dolls that destroy the scene.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

The conditions for solving the case at that time were really so simple.

The first crime scene is unattended, and the criminal police manpower involved in solving the case is limited. The drawbacks of

can be seen everywhere in the second scene.

Around an old woman who was killed in a field haystack, many people gathered to watch the excitement.

children are also laughing and playing nearby, just like celebrating the holidays.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

The roadside may be the footprint of a suspected criminal, and there is no special person to guard it. A tractor was almost run over by it.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

A group of detectives spit and smoke near the corpse, but the technical appraisal department did not arrive.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

On one side is the corpse of an old woman who was tortured to death, on the other side is a group of melon-eating people who have nothing to do with them. The environment of

is so absurd and true to the audience.

In addition to the complexity of the environment, these criminals have not been clean.

Inspector Park and his partners tried to find the murderer immediately, so that the case can be closed quickly.

So, the suspect who had just found the shoe print, even though he knew he was mentally handicapped, went up and fisted.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

In order to avoid injuries, the army boots were covered with shoe covers.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

After finishing the incident, asked the suspect to read according to their induced draft and bend to .

, ​​another suspect caught after this, also repeated the same trick.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

However, fake ones are not true after all.

In the process of making statements, the suspects are always inconsistent in some places and cannot justify themselves.

Although they are also very happy, let the media take pictures and publish in the newspaper, announcing that the case has been solved.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

However, the number of victims is constantly increasing.

They are cracking a case of torturing women, but after get off work, the entertainment of this group of people, is to go to pornographic places to get drunk .

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

On weekdays, their reputation among ordinary people is not good.

When everyone sees them on TV, they will grit their teeth with hatred.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

The quality of the criminals is worrying. In the movie

, ​​there is also a police detective from Seoul (the original name of Seoul). At first, he couldn't understand the behavior of these small local policemen.

felt that they couldn't get on the wall in mud, and they couldn't solve the case, they would still think of asking the goddess.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

He believes in clues, believes in science, and keeps collecting evidence to confirm the clues of the murderer.

However, when his students who had a relationship with him were killed, he exploded with more primitive anger than Inspector Park.

punched and kicked people he believed to be suspects, and even put a gun against his head.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

, ​​ironically, the scientific appraisal report sent back from the United States found the suspect innocent.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

Logically speaking, there are too many unsolved cases in this world. The case of

is not solved, and it is normal.

Besides, none of these people are first-class criminal police officers, and their professional ability is not very high.

It was an accident that they were able to solve the case.

However, ten years have passed, twenty years have passed, even if Inspector Park changes his career, he will still pass that ditch.

choose to continue to investigate, will find the missing clues.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

"Memories of Murder" presents us with this question-

why this case has not been solved for so long?

The chaotic society at the time and the low-quality police force may be the answer to this question.

But at the same time, the movie also presents us with another problem-

, ​​a group of police officers, looks so annoying on the surface, and even annoying to make people laugh.

But what is , supporting them and pursuing this case?

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

The crime scene

of the year was more impressive than the regret of being unable to solve the crime. Instead, it was the spark of human nature that flashed in the hearts of these complicated characters.

He Shengjun in reality has been following up on this case for several years. If

has any sexual assault cases in nearby areas, he will ask for a file to compare with the Hwaseong case. After

retired, he was extremely depressed.

Because he felt that he did not catch the criminal, he was the criminal.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

was responsible for the police detective He Shengjun

After all, many people were responsible for this case.

Some people suffer from hemiplegia after being overworked because hasn't rested for a month.

When he saw a junior high school girl who was killed, his hands and feet were tied back, her mouth was blocked by a bra, and a ballpoint pen, fork, spoon and other foreign objects were inserted into her vagina.

He described his mood at the time, that is, wanted to kill the murderer himself.

And another person who pursues the same pursuit as him is the director of "Memories of Murder" Feng Junhao.

He felt that he was shooting this film by himself, partly because was to help the police find the criminal .

Because he thinks that the criminal is a high-profile person who loves to show off, he will definitely go to see this movie.

So at the end, he asked Inspector Park, played by Song Kanghao, to look directly at the camera and make one-on-one eye contact with the criminal.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

but the ending, outside of reason, is also expected.

Li Chuncai was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1994 for rape and murder of his wife’s sister.

This beast was finally caught - Lujuba

In prison, he is a rare model prisoner .

has a good relationship with all the inmates, because loves pottery and also participated in related competitions on behalf of the prison.

was also assigned to a two-person high-level prison with an air-conditioned refrigerator because of his good performance.

had it not been for his life imprisonment, he would have been commuted and released.

Before the DNA comparison results came out, no one thought he would be such a beastly inferior person.

Now, the dust has settled and the deceased have rest in peace.

But this does not mean that the movie "Memories of Murder" will lose its original luster.

Because, for evil, even those who are imperfect, and imperfect times.

will not have room for it to grow.

This is the reason why no one can surpass this Korean crime movie.

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