Team Suning has no fans × Everyone is a fan of Suning √

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Team Suning has no fans × Everyone is a fan of Suning √ - Lujuba

Mai Ke | Wen

Before the world game, the reliable e-sports Chai Xi once came to Suning e-sports club for an interview.

When she asked Suning’s head coach Shi Yihao for "char siu", did she have anything to say to Suning fans? Barbecued pork smiled and waved and said, "We don't have fans, so we don't have to talk." He always seems to have no energy, and he usually feels more relaxed.

Audience friends on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have always liked to listen to char siu speeches. Old fans are not only willing to listen to his "dry speech", but also specifically expect him to speak nonsense (referring to nonsense, bragging, and rhetoric).

has a humorous and humorous conversation, which is both reasonable and logical. When the char siu was still anchored on the Twitch channel, there were many mainland audiences in the live broadcast room who turned the wall to see him.

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and char siu are also very good at using language arts to guide others. He used to live broadcast the domestic game "Invisible Guardian" on the Twitch platform. During this period, he spoke closely and without leaking, giving no chance to any audience in the live broadcast room to take the rhythm. During the time

was the anchor, he also hosted an event review program called "XO Sauce LOL". In the frequently exposed golden sentences and gan words, the audience can feel that the char siu has a very unique understanding of the game, and the skills in analyzing the game are also very deep.

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After all, he is not just an ordinary stranger anchor. Before entering the live broadcast industry, Char Siew served as a tactical analyst for the TPA team, and later coached the seeded team "Flash Wolves" as the head coach during the "Anti-Han Qixia" period in the LMS division.

He has a very clear idea on Ban/Pick, and he often shows a brilliant hand in the team's hero selection.

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It can be said that, whether it is as a host of a review program or a game anchor, the char siu is very good at it and has achieved considerable success to a certain extent.

Therefore, everyone did not expect that in the summer of 2019, char siu would suddenly announce on the "XO Sauce LOL" program: I am going to the mainland to develop.

"Go to LPL, I have more dreams," he said.

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So he left the show that he had worked so hard to manage without looking back, leaving behind his own live broadcast room with a large audience.

Many viewers who came to bid farewell to the anchor char siu only noticed that on the Twitch platform, the avatar of the char siu is still a "beautiful photo" he took during the event. When

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just took over the Suning team, the overall performance of the club was relatively average. In the fierce competition for places in the LPL playoffs, they are usually either stuck outside the knockout stage or unfortunately stopped in the first round.

To revitalize Suning like this, the club seems to have more fresh blood to join...

"Bin" Chen Zebin

Now whenever people mention Suning's rookie top laner "Bin" Chen Zebin, they always think of group match Suning. When facing G2, he used the world famous painting created by the captain "Powder Keg".

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Audiences who like Bin often kindly call him "A Bin". And at this time, everyone usually comes to his hand with several "well-known stalks".

And the most eye-catching and unproductive of these is the famous "landlord wife stalk" by netizens. The stalk

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is derived from a small Huang Wen called "Young Abin" on the Internet. In the opening story of this vulgar novel, Abin has a series of relationships with the landlord’s wife. The specific content is not easy to describe here.

Although many people always cite this bad slogan, they say that Bin was influenced by the landlord’s wife to make his career path.

But in reality, it was his friends, teachers and parents who supported the young Chen Zebin's choice.

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Bin said that he is a particularly lucky person.

He comes from Huanggang, Hubei, where he focuses on education, and his grades in his previous studies are pretty good. Friends in the high school class discovered Bin's outstanding talent in "League of Legends" and took the initiative to communicate with the head teacher about the situation.

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Their head teacher is very cheerful. After learning about Bin's amazing "League of Legends" strength, the teacher immediately contacted Bin's parents. The

class teacher suggested to Bin's parents that their children should go to school during the day and return home early in the evening to practice the "League of Legends" game. Try to train for a while and see how it works.

So Bin had his own computer, and gradually embarked on the path of e-sports career.

Bin's parents actually knew "League of Legends" for a long time, and his father himself would also play this game. When

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first knew that his son was playing well, in order to supervise the child's play time, he had simply taken Bin to the Internet cafe to play League of Legends.

Sometimes, when his father gets pitted in the first half of the game, he will call Bin to continue playing for himself. No matter how bad the court is, after Bin takes over, he will soon be able to control the audience.

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Before De Yunse and Bin lined up on the ladder, they once broke the golden sentence after the pit: "Ah Bin, is it not difficult for professional players to play 4?" It is not difficult for

, after all, Bin is already at home in this kind of scene. See too much...

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may know that people around him will support him enlightenedly, maybe he has experienced too many "1 hit 4" scenes, Bin always seems to be full of confidence in the game. In an interview with

, he once said: "I feel that LPL is not as powerful as I imagined."

In the game, he will always take the lead, lively and vigorously, thinking about how to use the operation show to turn the opponent.

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The audience was pleasantly surprised to see that the LPL Division produced such a domestic top laner who dares to fight. And teammates sometimes feel headaches for him and accuse him of “just send it out” after the game.

But young Bin's style of play is indeed pleasing to the eye. In his operation, people can feel that this talented player is now carrying the expectations of others and his own dreams.

"SofM" Li Guangwei

In the Suning team, "SofM" Li Guangwei is undoubtedly the player who bears more expectations.

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In this World Championship, due to the epidemic, the Vietnamese team was forced to abandon the trip to China to participate in the competition.

Therefore, as a Vietnamese foreign aid, SofM, the jungler of the Suning team, became the only hope of the League of Legends fans in Vietnam for this World Championship. During the

competition, at the entrance of Suning Club, you can often receive condolences purchased by Vietnamese fans through various channels.

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is jokingly called SofM, the "richest man" in Vietnam, and his current influence in Vietnam can be imagined from this.

In fact, for SofM, the "richest man" is not something to be mentioned by others. Although he is extremely dominant in the jungle position, he has often made mistakes that look very outrageous in the past.

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Some players said that such an operation even made people suspect that SofM bought the periphery of his game.

therefore left a stalk of "the richest man" that SofM didn't like.

According to his friends in Vietnam, SofM was very talented in mathematics when he was a child, and he often won the first place in the grade.

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and the junglers who have played against SofM have also said that his time calculation ability in the field is simply outrageous. It is often the moment when the monsters refresh, that SofM is already waiting there.

Therefore, in this world competition, So for the first time appeared on the world stagefM, often far ahead of the opponents in the number of hits in the jungle, has become a nightmare for the opposing coach in the Ban/Pick link.

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SofM has a very unique understanding in the field of brushing. In the popular "Subject 2" fielding speed test before, he was regarded as the standard answer by the audience and friends, and the record he left was easily crushed. Jungle opponent. Although

is a Vietnamese, in this Suning team, SofM is already a veteran of LPL.

think that at the beginning, SofM used to be a middle field player in the Vietnam division team. Because of the bad communication in the bottom lane of the team, he temporarily replaced the AD position in the game. Feeling that he had encountered a bottleneck, he came to China to challenge himself, joined the Snake team, and became a jungler.

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caused quite a stir at the time. After all, he became the first Vietnamese "League of Legends" player to come to the four major divisions. After years of experience in China, SofM is now very fluent in Chinese and can communicate smoothly with his teammates.

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Although he has stated many times that it is easy for Vietnamese to learn Chinese. But when he first came to LPL, because he could not understand Chinese, he mistakenly thought that the LPL World Qualifier he was playing was the Demacia Cup. The misunderstanding of

was not resolved until many years later. At this time, SofM realized that he was only one step away from his dream of going to the World Championship.

In 2019, veteran SofM did not achieve much. But he didn't want to leave LPL just like that, so SofM started looking for a new team.

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He often sees Suning's Bin, SwordArt and Angel in the "League of Legends" rankings. SofM thinks they are very hardworking. So I want them to be teammates. This choice made by

SofM is very lucky.

He joined the team he likes very smoothly, because Suning also happened to need a jungler like him at the time.

"Angel" Xiang Tao

Suning's mid laner "Angel" Xiang Tao is a diligent and low-key player.

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Angel said that he has been a more obedient child since he was a child. It’s relatively quiet in school, never being late or leaving early, and finishing all homework seriously. It belongs to the kind of obscurity.

But as long as someone chats with him about the topic of "League of Legends", Angel, who looks very introverted, is interested and can talk to his friends for a long time.

In the first year of junior high, Angel hit the king rank on the Zuan server (there was no master rank at the time). In the third year of junior high, he switched to the Ionia server and rushed to the strongest king rank during the limited time during summer vacation.

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At this moment, Angel suddenly realized that playing "League of Legends" by herself seemed to be much better than everyone around her.

But compared with Bin, Angel's process of gaining support from his family has not been so smooth.

He insisted on his own ideas, and subtly competed with his family for reasons.

In the WeChat family group, Angel often shares some good articles about the e-sports industry, hoping to get the understanding of his family.

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and his mother will specifically find those articles describing the dark side of e-sports and send them to the group as a response. In the brainwashing essay, both sides hold their own opinions and do not give in to each other.

After entering high school, Angel gradually received invitations from some professional clubs. He talked with his family and thought he would regret if he didn't try.

In this stalemate, the estrangement between Angel and his family is growing.

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Fortunately, his mother realized in time that the career of an e-sports player requires a lot of age. If this opportunity is missed, Angel may never have the opportunity to try this path in the future. And if it’s a year’s interruption in studies, there will still beMethod to make up.

So Angel's mother finally let go, she promised Angel only try for a year, and if she fails to get results, she will come back to school with peace of mind.

Angel is very lucky.

In the first year of participating in the LDL competition, his Tyloo team won the tournament. After

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got the results, he was followed by the Suning Club. Through LPL's experience, Angel himself has also gained a lot of growth.

His father warned Angel not to always take his own ideas as right, but to listen to the opinions of his teammates. And Angel does often sacrifice herself in hero selection, silently paying for teamwork.

In this world competition, many people said that Angel is the most underrated player. If Suning can go further in this tournament, please don't ignore that Angel's angel's wings are silently guarding this team.

"huanfeng" Tang Huanfeng

The story of the seaside teenager "huanfeng" Tang Huanfeng, I believe that many people now know it very well.

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His parents were divorced and he experienced poverty in his family at an early age. Since

started his own life at the age of 12, he developed a lonely character. And during this period, he discovered his talent in "League of Legends" in countless nights of games. When

was in school, Tang Huanfeng had good academic performance, and a girl in the class often asked him to do physics lessons.

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This girl often shared food with other classmates. Tang Huanfeng was very confused about her approach, "Why do you want to be so good to others?"

and this somewhat changed his lonely character...

in an interview, the same class The girl revealed that Tang Huanfeng is actually not easy to get along with. It's a "boring gourd" that is bothersome to talk.

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Because of his excellent grades, Tang Huanfeng was transferred to the key class. Leaving his original classmates, he felt once again that he was out of step with his surroundings.

One day, after quarreling with his classmates in the new class, Tang Huanfeng suddenly felt that he could no longer read. So he left school and chose to take a path called e-sports. After

left his hometown, Huanfeng played the Internet cafe team in Yinchuan. When he learned that this team would "sell" the LDL quota, he found an excuse to escape from the team.

Then, he came to WuDu, the LDL team, and successfully obtained the LDL qualification. But after the end of the summer game, Huanfeng, who did not perform well, was expelled from WuDu.

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huanfeng is lucky. Leyan, his teammate during WuDu's period, still misses him. When

was formed at iGY, Leyan contacted Huanfeng, who had been squatting at home for more than three months.

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But during this period of time, Huanfeng was still very anxious, because his teammates were promoted to LPL one by one, but he himself felt very clearly that his strength was still not enough.

After many failed LPL club trials, Huanfeng was finally selected by the Suning team.

Fortunately, his partner is an experienced player. In contact with his teammates, Huanfeng's personality gradually became more cheerful.

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may be compared to the results achieved in the rookie season, the feeling of finding a home in the LPL team, is the greatest wealth Huanfeng has gained.

"SwordArt" Hu Shuojie

"SwordArt" Hu Shuojie is often called "snake".

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As a world-renowned auxiliary player, SwordArt has shown strong game talent in the LMS Flash Wolves team in the past.

SwordArt is very assertive, he often skipped class to play "League of Legends" when he was studying. At that time, the TPA team just won the S2 World Championship. This game has been popular in Taiwan for a long time.

is in the support position, and he is another player who pays great attention to communication. Many teammates responded that his personality off the court is completely different from that on the court. He has a very good personality and often yells with his teammates irritably for the game.

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In Lightning Wolves, SwordArt's past colleagues think he is the most effective teammate in the team.

When discussing problems within the team, he will become incomprehensible, sometimes even arguing with the coach, this kind of courage is not available to all players.

He believes that if the team is ambiguous about the game, it is better to have a big fight, and everyone will speak up. After

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represented the LMS division several times to break the World Championships eight and sixteen, SwordArt chose to come to the more challenging LPL division, want to test their own strength to what extent. As an experienced veteran,

played the role of coach in the Suning team. He often shouted hoarse throats in order to adjust the atmosphere. In the

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game, SwordArt will never say frustrating words, even if he loses a team battle, he will come up with some trivial advantages to encourage his teammates.

In 2020, the newly launched Suning team joined two inexperienced rookies.

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In the spring competition, Suning's performance was very poor, and SwordArt often quarreled with Huanfeng.

However, Huanfeng recalled afterwards that SwordArt taught him a lot. In addition to his experience in the game, he also has many principles in life. After experiencing the bleakness of the Spring Split, a team like

finally got sublimated in the Summer Split and really twisted together like a rope. After seeing the performance of this team, the father of

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Bin also felt that the atmosphere of the Suning team is so good now, "It seems like five right people have come together." The semi-finals of the

World Championship have always been the demons of the Flash Wolves players. After winning the e-commerce battle with the JD team yesterday, SwordArt finally crossed this important hurdle.

SwordArt thinks he is very lucky. He said excitedly on social media that "it was really right to be here in Suning."

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, but Suning team believes that they will also feel very lucky at the same time to be so lucky to meet these five players. During the

spring competition, Char Siew once said that no one would believe that Suning could reach the LPL semi-finals.

Before the World Games, Char Siew also said that the "Final Four" was the big goal of the Suning team.

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Now, after defeating the Jingdong team and advancing to the semi-finals, this energetic team will never want to stop here.

will never stop because of the dreams of these young people.


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