"Alliance Story" Suning teenagers' dream-seeking heart

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has a unique personality, unique appearance, and numerous unique creatures that make up the world.

When the moon replaces the sun, and the night turns to the earth, I am about to fall asleep. Before I go to bed, a vision of my dream flashes before my eyes. Whether it is realistic or not, whether it will be put into action, it has been with me for a long time. Must-do homework.

At this time, all living beings look so similar, absorbing nutrients from the oasis in their hearts.

Those dreams that we can't realize and touch can only meet before going to bed. A small number of people who chase dreams stay with them day and night. Dreams become beliefs. The way to chasing dreams is persistence, and the starting point of the road is a brave heart.

This is a story about faith and persistence. The beginning of the dream of

: Talent and love

​​The beginning of the story is in high school, with his white side face against the blue sky, the birds on the willow tree call the cicadas, and the school uniform on his body is spotless. Under the same sky, there is a young man who has developed ideas for the future and has a deep heart.

On the coast south of the small city, there are often teenagers who come to see the sea. After their parents separated, Tang Huanfeng (Huanfeng) took three to four hundred yuan a month for living expenses and grew up alone in a small house from the age of 12. The special growth environment made him mature earlier than his peers. After entering high school, he began to live in a residential life with a teacher several times to talk to him, asking if it is a way to go to a career.

'Alliance Story' Suning teenagers' dream-seeking heart - Lujuba

In another high school, Chen Zebin (Bin) also lived the same living life, because his parents did not let him bring his mobile phone, and after the lights in the dormitory were turned off, he borrowed his mobile phone from his classmates to watch League of Legends videos or live broadcasts. After the teacher learned about it, he called his parents to the school and suggested that he could go home after studying late and do something he was interested in.

As early as in junior high school, Xiang Tao (Angel), who was the king of the first and second doubles, saw GodV and Easyhoon on site during that summer vacation. He had the ambition to play professionally in his freshman year. On the one hand, it was an invitation to the club for trial training, and on the other hand, it was a cold war confrontation with my mother over whether to play professionally.

Under the same sky, their stories are intertwined, pointing in the direction of their hearts.

Dream Departure: Rebellion and Family

​​The wind in the early spring still carries some coldness, but the stubborn things in the heart of that young man are as hot as a soldering iron. We are used to calling those rebellions, those who believe that they can be the enemy of the world power.

was also at that time. For the first time, we felt that we had a distinct love and hate, realized our dreams, and had someone we wanted to protect.

Because Tang Huanfeng was about to transfer, his father was a little humble at the school gate to negotiate with the school leaders. He didn't see his father bow his head and drove home by himself. On the question of whether to continue studying, after a big fight with his father, he got on a bus far away from home. He didn’t know where the end point was. It was like his career plan for himself. Sketches. In another story line, Chen Zebin seemed a little lucky. The parents agreed to the teacher's suggestion and bought a new console with a higher configuration. During that time, he went crazy and started to touch the door of professional e-sports.

Chen Zebin's parents only regarded games as his hobby. When SN's invitation came, they almost thought it was MLM. To Chen Zebin, the news of the trial training was like good news from heaven. At his insistence, his parents went to the e-sports base with him. How far is

'Alliance Story' Suning teenagers' dream-seeking heart - Lujuba

from Nanning to Dongyang? It can measure thousands of kilometers from the southwest to the East China Sea. What about the distance between adolescent thinking and mother's conservativeness? It was just two doors that were close at hand but couldn't be opened.

Xiang Tao thought about continuing the cold war and didn't help his idea of ​​playing a career at all. He began to teach his mother some knowledge of e-sports. At the same time, the mother who suffered from the cold war decided to fulfill his ideas.

So they boarded the train to Dongyang. In my mother's eyes, there are many houses in Dongyang, but most of them are turned off, and there are few cars and people on the street. She was about to bid farewell to the child she had raised for many years, and her eyes were filled with tears. But Xiang Tao in the corner of his eyes was excitement from the heart. She worked hard to change her tears into a smile, and went to the dream place with her son.

The teenagers under the same sky all opened upTo the gate of the gaming kingdom. The difference in family environment made Tang Huanfeng and Xiang Tao's journey more bumpy. Fortunately, that thing called rebellion supported their deepest thoughts.

When using their perspective to explain rebellion, rebellion means that the parents’ requirements are right, but they don’t feel wrong, and insist on doing what they think is right. After ten or twenty years, we will look back at our corrected rebellion, whether we regret not being able to persist like them. The cruelty of

dreams: no one understands that if

​​is not for this rebellion, where is the SN3C that blew the youth storm. If

magnifies this rebellion a bit more, it is the courage to be an enemy of the world, and it is the light radiating from the faith in the heart.

In 2012, League of Legends officially opened its Vietnamese service. The following year, Sofm, who was only 15 years old, shined in the officially organized exhibition match, and together with his teammates defeated the Vietnamese team Saigon Joker who had participated in S2 3-0, and he became famous ever since.

But it wasn't until 16 years before he met his age to play and began to vent his talent on the court. After that, he came to LPL and conquered more and more audiences.

'Alliance Story' Suning teenagers' dream-seeking heart - Lujuba

When all junglers are still planning their own jungles, Sofm has already begun to plan all jungles. Today, with the help of tools, we can only remember the refresh cd of the double buff, but since then, Sofm has remembered the refresh time of all monsters. When countless LPLs describe Sofm, they will Than having a nightmare, saying that he has never seen his F6.

's rebellion against the world is that he is playing wild in a different way from everyone else. He has always insisted on his own game understanding. Even until S10, he entered the world for the first time and touched it for the first time. The temperature of dreams. In the long four years of

, Sofm’s unique style of play was like a double-edged sword, with frequent gaps between the upper and lower limits, and inexplicable mistakes. This made him ridiculed as the "richest man" and was even thought of as Jiang Lang's talent. Short-lived.

The unsatisfactory ones are often inconsistent with others.

Many times, the most important persistence in our hearts is just strange behavior in the eyes of others. All people say: dreams are destined to be a lonely journey.

Dream breakthrough: nine years of persistence

​​When four rebellious people met together, all persistence began to have meaning. This kind of "violent" Chinese medicine requires a single drug introduction to reconcile them. This person is Hu Shuojie (SwordArt). The opposite of

and the story of three young people chasing dreams with passion is Hu Shuojie's 8 years of hard work. In the 13 years when the League of Legends World Championship was first known, countless viewers met legendary players such as Faker and Uzi for the first time. Since then, Hu Shuojie has been a member of the World Championship. For many years after

'Alliance Story' Suning teenagers' dream-seeking heart - Lujuba

, heroes often appeared on the stage of the World Championship, and the famous scene was born. However, the name lightning wolf has always been a runner, like a spectator under the throne of champions. The

team from Taichung has created countless famous scenes, but has never broken the shackles of the knockout rounds. Kramer, Karsa, Hanabi, Maple, Betty, and too many players have left their names in the splendid history of Galaxy.

How far away they are from their dreams, no one can say clearly, because every year is like a new year. In a sense, the decline of Lightning Wolves began with Karsa's transfer to RNG. After that, the same persistent Hu Shuojie chose to stick to the Lightning Wolves for another year. In the 2018 World Championship, the Lightning Wolves made the World Championship for the last time. They were dragged into the playoffs in the recognized weakest group and lost to G2. After the battle, Hu Shuojie looked up at the lights of the stadium, turned around and looked at the audience who were leaving the venue intermittently, let out a long sigh of relief, and left the last one.

Hu Shuojie joined SN in 2019 and became the cornerstone of SN's reconstruction.

'Alliance Story' Suning teenagers' dream-seeking heart - Lujuba

's 7-year career in the Lightning Wolves has just written a whole volume of team history. The dazzling lights of the world stadiums are so bright every year, but every year they fail to shine into his dreams and shine into his heart.

and SLike ofm, he is going to find a boat that can carry his dreams. In the ninth year of his career, Hu Shuojie finally made it to the World Championships again. It feels like he is very familiar, but he has never been as morale as this year. I don't know how long he can hold on, but he can leave the Lightning Wolves who played for seven years and come to an unfamiliar competition area. This is the courage that ordinary people rarely have, the courage brought by dreams.

Dreams come true

​​The light of the morning wakes up the sleeping people. Under the noisy alarm clock, we are forced to open our tired eyes. The strange thoughts about dreams that flashed before going to bed last night are gone.

The night came again, and twelve hours later, it was dawn again. Strange ideas come and go, and go well with this week of life.

At a certain moment, I regretted not insisting on my youthful rebellion.

At a training base in Shanghai, Tang Huanfeng and Xiang Tao are training day and night, Sofm and Hu Shuojie are sharing their years of accumulated experience with young people. After a few training games, they went back to the room to rest as if they were reluctant to train. Just before turning off the lights, they passed the scenes of those years before their eyes, thinking that they must be on the professional arena, and the corners of their mouths began to rise unconsciously... …

'Alliance Story' Suning teenagers' dream-seeking heart - Lujuba

On October 8, 2020, SN won two consecutive G2 games, won the group's first place, and won the first round of the finals for the LPL. With the blessing of Huanfeng's arrow, Angel flies into the sky, Bin's fire crossing dominates the game, SwordArt opens the magical journey, and Sofm's ultimate explosion is the final word. Those who insist on

finally come to the palace of their dreams, young and fearless, and daring to be the first. Efforts and talent have supported them until now, but the rebellion in their hearts has long been their most precious wealth.

In front of the TV, the intent-looking parents were already crying with excitement.

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