Reading Club│ "The Name of the Rose" and In the Name of Faith

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Reading Club│ 'The Name of the Rose' and In the Name of Faith - Lujuba

book introduction


This is a detective, philosophy, and historical novel. In addition to the confusing and exciting storyline, the book is full of various knowledge, involving theology, politics, history, criminology, and different ideas such as Aristotle, Aquinas, and Bacon. It shows the author's profound knowledge and extraordinary narrative ability.

"Name of the Rose"

Author: Umberto Eco (Italy)

Translator: calyx Shen Mei, Liu Xirong

Press: Shanghai Translation Publishing House

"the name of the rose 'novel than our late.

was first recommended frequently because of the sensation of "The Da Vinci Code" and thought it was a similar work. I received a lot of new jobs some time ago and found that my knowledge reserve was insufficient, and the existing knowledge modules were difficult to integrate into my work, especially when I was writing, so a friend recommended this novel.

just happened to be the new translation of the novel, so I read it. According to the introduction on Douban,

said: "The Name of the Rose" is a vocabulary used in the Middle Ages to indicate symbolic meaning. The novel is set in a medieval monastery. This monastery is famous for having a huge library, a huge collection of books, and a lot of fine products. However, a series of bizarre deaths occurred in this monastery, which has been smothered by heretical suspicions and the personal desires of monks. A knowledgeable priest of Saint Francis was responsible for investigating the truth, but he was involved in a terrible crime...

Reading Club│ 'The Name of the Rose' and In the Name of Faith - Lujuba

"The Name of the Rose" physical book

The truth in the novel actually we people today will be surprised, but the novel details All kinds of knowledge is amazing, what is dazzling skills? The author simply dazzled that at ease. I realized that the author was originally an expert in semiotics, and he was a first-class professional master in the world. And the knowledge in it is all about semiotics, mysticism, religion, human nature, politics, etc. It is thought-provoking.

Reading Club│ 'The Name of the Rose' and In the Name of Faith - Lujuba

Two monks of the Franciscans came to a cathedral with the largest library in Europe and were involved in a series of mysterious murders.

is still from Douban, a netizen named @出家去了 wrote "The Background of the Times and the Prototype of the Plot". The first actor of 007, Sean Connery, played the famous Franciscan monk William in the movie. , Is actually William Occam, the man who proposed the famous Occam's Razor (Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor) principle.

If you understand the history of Western philosophy, you know that this role is based on William of Occam. As the last batch of scholars in the era of scholastic philosophy, it is precisely because of his knowledge and ability that he was in the church And the history of thought is known as the "invincible doctor." But the era of scholastic philosophy is also the era of "philosophy is the handmaid of theology." At that time, the prevailing thought was based on Thomas Aquinas and integrated with Arrives. Stodd’s philosophy attempts to prove the existence of God by means of Asian rational inference. Therefore, the ideological system is huge and cumbersome...

In order to solve this increasingly cumbersome ideological dilemma, William Okan proposed a very The well-known method of thinking-Occam's Razor (Ockham's Razor), this method of thinking can be summarized as a sentence "If it is not necessary, do not increase the substance." It only recognizes the things that do exist. The universal essentials of those empty things are all It is a useless cumbersomeness. Why should we extend so many explanations to make people ridiculous? This method has been widely used in various fields for thousands of years... The

method of thinking has also brought trouble for him, because once the razor is released, it is like It opposed the mainstream Aquinas’ theological method at that time. This method turned the question about God into pure belief. This is something to be believed by faith, not something that can be deduced by reasoning. The status of "" is shaved off from the process of logical inference methods; therefore, his second half of his life was almost spent in persecution by the church, but his achievements in the history of thought are also here. This method was proposed, leading to The collapse of scholastic philosophy completely liberated philosophical thought from theology and became the pioneer of modern philosophy.


Of course what we are going to say is not this.

Reading Club│ 'The Name of the Rose' and In the Name of Faith - LujubazThe images of the two spiritual practitioners of the 0z Franciscans are still somewhat different from those in the novel, but this movie is also repeatedly recommended by the university teachers.

In the novel "The Name of the Rose", the author used a lot of pen and ink to describe that the monks were depressed because they were sitting in the monastery and could not be released. What's interesting is that the depiction of all kinds of greed is very similar to the Buddhist concept of "holding the law" and "self-holding".

For example, the dean is greedy for power, young people are greedy for knowledge, the blind monk is greedy for glory, the chef is greedy for carnal desire, and even Brother William is greedy for vanity and so on. Each greed leads to deviations in their behavior. Without timely reflection, repentance and awareness, they can only eventually go further and further, even out of control, irretrievably. The description at the end of the

novel is so realistic that people sigh. The monks seek the ultimate meaning of religion, that is, to obtain the liberation of the soul. Buddhism is to obtain the highest wisdom. In fact, the purpose of the highest wisdom is to understand the way of liberation.

However, whether you have practiced for a lifetime or for a while, in the face of sudden changes, one by one either hopes to rely on the monastery who has been relied on for a long time, depends on authority, and depends on everything that can be relied on, but forgets himself.

So, what is faith?

is like a young monk in a monastery, giving himself to a so-called monastery who also has human defects? Leave all his arrangements, rewards and punishments?

No more, just like the old library director, pious to the pinnacle of faith-eradicate all heresy? At any cost, including anyone's life.

God gave mankind free will, but mankind chose fetters. Of course, this is not the meaning of the novel, it is just other plots we read from the novel. The film director

Reading Club│ 'The Name of the Rose' and In the Name of Faith - Lujuba

Fang is the director of "Wolf Totem", "Lover", and "The Soldiers Under the City". In order to make this film, he really built a towering monastery library, and then set it on fire to clean it.


Enter the hoof lightly, the tree falls cherry

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Reading Club│ 'The Name of the Rose' and In the Name of Faith - Lujuba
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