Korean Drama Alice Episode 14 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 2929℃

Korean drama Alice episode 14 diversity plot introduction

Yoo Min Hyuk heard Park Sun-ryeon’s recordings, Park Jin-hee from another dimension is the murderer

Yin Taiyi saw the last page of the prophecy, which read, "She opened the door of forbidden time and saw the world that she shouldn’t see. Now the punishment she should bear has been set. In order to close the door of time, she has to Killing her favorite son, the price of her crime of opening the door of time is that she has to die at the hands of her son, who becomes a murderer, destroyer of everything, above time. The son of a destroyer can only be produced through her Only when the amazing creations are dead, the time stopped will start to flow again.” Yin Taiyi was flustered for a while when he saw these, then a man in a black raincoat appeared and tried to strangle Yin Taiyi. In 2020, Park Zhenqian heard Yin Taiyi's cry for help and hurried to rescue her, but was stabbed to the ground by a man in black.

   Park Jinqian and Yoon Tae-yi have been missing for ten days, and Yoon Tae-yi’s father collapsed and went to the police station to make trouble. Yin Taiyi returned to 2020 again and hurried to find Park Zhenqian. Park Zhenqian, who was stabbed, returned to his house in 2020 with the injuries. Kim Doyeon, who was helping Pu Zhenqian to clean up the house, hurriedly sent him to the hospital. In the hospital, Do-yeon questioned Yoon Tae-yi angrily why she made Park Jin-qian like this, but Yoon Tae-yi was also incoherent.

   In the hospital, Yin Taiyi took the last page of the prophecy to Park Jinqian, and said that he was the child who controlled the time, and it was because of his ability that Park Sunling hid it. Hearing this, Park Zhenqian thinks that the prophecy may be wrong. At least the person who killed his mother was not himself in 2010, but the man in black, but it is strange that ten years of money was shot, but this time it was indeed a stab wound.

   Liu Min Hyuk quietly came to the hospital to visit Park Jinqian, but he was hit by Doyeon, but he hurriedly left. Yin Taiyi handed over the DNA organization of the man in black in his fingernails to a colleague and asked him to analyze it.

   Holding the last page of the prophecy, recalling what Park Sun Ling said, if you stop time travel, all time travellers will disappear. Yin Taiyi is very puzzled why the time cannot be reset.

   Park Jinqian took the knife he brought back from 2010 to investigate and learned that it was bought 10 days ago, which means that the man in black also took time travel. Liu Min Hyuk came to Park Jinqian with medicine, asked him where he went during the time travel, and said that he was here to help him. Hearing this, Park Zhenqian took out the knife, but Park Zhenqian wanted to catch the murderer himself.

   Liu Min Hyuk came to Park Sunling’s cemetery and saw the note Yin Taiyi left for him, and hurried to find her. Yoon Tae-yi who saw Yoo Min-hyuk felt the sense of sight, and scenes of Yoo Min-hyuk and Park Sun-ryung came to mind, but she did not tell Yoo Min-hyuk.

   In the cafe, Yoon Tae-il wants to know why Park Sun-rye gave up preventing time travel, but Yoo Min-hyuk didn't know either. Liu Minhe knew that she had a sense of sight, and told her that this was a sequelae of encountering another herself, and it would be fine after a while. There was also Park Jinqian who had the same sense of sight. He mistakenly regarded his colleague as a man in black. Seeing that Park Jinqian was about to stabbing his colleague, Du Yeon yelled that Park Jinqian had recovered his sanity, but he no longer remembered what happened just now. Up.

   Doyan asked Park Jinqian, but Park Jinqian refused to tell her the truth. Do Yeon told Yoon Tae Yi about Park Jinqian’s anomaly, and Yoon Tae Ye gave her the last page of the prophecy. Do Yeon bluntly stated in many ancient books that time is the murderer of ten thousand people and the destroyer of all things. Everyone died because of aging. Tough stones will turn into sand over time.

   Yin Taiyi hurried to find Park Jinqian and called him, but it was Park Jinqian who answered the call in 2010, and Yin Taiyi hung up in a panic. When Park Jinqian came back, Yin Taiyi was a little afraid that he didn't say anything. Yin Taiyi remembered Park Sunryeon telling herself to stay away from Park Jinqian, and put Park Jinqian's toothbrush in his bag. Wu Shiyuan learned that Yin Taiyi had returned to 2020 with the last page of the prophecy and sent Liu Min Hyuk's brother to deal with her.

   Yoon Tae-yi told Do-yeon about Park Jin-him’s killing of her mother in other dimensions. Faced with Do-yeon’s doubts, Yoon Tae-yi bluntly said that it was Park Jin-hem who killed Park Sun-ryeon in other dimensions.If it is a strange person, Park Jinqian will also be affected, will change, or it may have changed.

   Yin Taiyi guessed that Park Jinqian's mother gave up blocking time travel to protect him. If Park Sunrye would disappear if time travel was prevented, Park Jinqian who was in Park Sunrye's stomach would also disappear. Liu Min Hyuk’s brother sent Oh Silva to kill Park Jinqian, and just as Oh Silva was about to do it, Liu Min Hyuk appeared in time.

   After Park Jinqian left, Liu Min Hyuk told her that she should not have time to travel in the first place, and that the past time should pass away, because wrong greed not only destroys the people in the past, but also destroys herself. Wu Shizi was very touched and wanted to tell him about Liu Minhe's brother killing Yin Taiyi. Just as Wu Shizi immediately told the truth, Liu Minhe's brother shot her secretly.

   Wu Shizi told Liu Min Hyuk the truth before he died, apologized to him, and gave him the recording that Park Sun Lian left with Liu Min Hyuk. Park Sun-ryeon didn't hate Liu Min Hyuk, and even apologized to him without explaining to him face to face. In the end, she missed him very much. Listening to what Park Sun-rye said to him in the recording, Liu Min Hyuk was in distress, and he blamed himself for not looking for her, and secretly swore that he would protect Park Jin-qian.

   Yin Taiyi knew that the man in black was Park Zhenqian, so he hurried back to Park Zhenqian's hometown, and the man in black looked at her from behind. Yin Taiyi waited for Park Jinqian at home and told him that Park Jinqian was the murderer in other dimensions. Knowing that only Yin Taiyi knew the truth, Park Jinqian immediately revealed a fierce look.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo