The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it!

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Li Kaihu, an ordinary Hong Kong female boss, runs a "One-person Tea Restaurant" with a history of more than 50 years. Recently, she has received various retaliations for supporting the Hong Kong police, but she has also received support from hundreds of thousands of people.

netizens said: "I must go to this shop when I go to Hong Kong" "Which food platform, remotely place an order to the police!" "1.4 billion people tea restaurant" "Don't say anything, buy it!!!"

"I just express my feelings: All the people support the police and support the police. What's wrong with this?" Li Kaihu, a Hong Kong resident who runs a tea restaurant in Lei Yue Mun, Hong Kong, recently told reporters about his support for the police and the series of unpleasant experiences caused by it. At that time, the mood fluctuated slightly, but the attitude of supporting the police remained firm.

Li Kaihu participated in a police support rally at Tamar Park in Admiralty on June 30 this year. The next day, according to his wishes, three police police posters brought back from the rally were posted on the wall of his tea restaurant.

Maliciousness followed: the tea restaurant showed a lot of bad reviews on various online platforms and appraisal software, and even received abusive calls. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Labour Department also came to the door after receiving complaints about poor cleaning and hiring illegal workers. understand situation.

Li Kaihu was surprised by this. She recalled afterwards that posting the poster was just a random decision, and she did not expect to trigger the aforementioned malicious attacks and complaints.

This tea restaurant named "Yinlong Coffee Tea House" was taken over by Li Kaihu from his father and brother who had passed away. This year is the 51st year of opening. The medals hung in the

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

show that the tea restaurant has won the restaurant sanitation competition and the "cleaning utensils award"; the shop is managed by Li Kaihu, and the neighborhood or volunteers have helped but never hired shop assistants. broken.

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

"I was in a bad mood at the time, why is it so unjust?" Faced with questions made out of nothing, Li Kaihu was wronged and disappointed. She felt that such an approach obliterated her dedication to the tea restaurant day and night, and lost the most basic courtesy and respect between people.

is not only that, in the initial stage after the incident, the store’s business dropped significantly by half, and someone who knew her clearly stated that she would not patronize again, and even the relationship with her family was affected.

But Li Kaihu has never doubted and regretted everything he did to support the police. She never adopted the suggestion to remove the poster to reduce the number of complaints. The three police support posters are still posted on the wall, and more similar police support posters have been posted.

"No matter what happens, I will stick to my own ideas." Li Kaihu didn't think about the worst case of the store being forced to close, but she is willing to continue to do what is right and should be done.

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

Someone asked why she was so brave? Li Kaihu laughed and said that he was not brave in fact. "I think I want to be myself, so I will speak out, I welcome the police." This is her simple thoughts. What supported her was her father's teaching of conscience and justice since she was a child, and her compassion for the Hong Kong police.

She could not agree with some people in Hong Kong who used verbal insults to slander their personality when the police performed their official duties. She cites her own experience as an example. The people who scolded her actually didn’t know her, and they would keep her awake all night. What’s more, the police who stood by their posts and protected the citizens but worried about the safety of their families. How worried?

Li Kaihu believes that the injury caused by language is even more serious than a stab wound, because the wound will always be sealed and healed, but once the bad words are in the heart, it will be hard to forget. What touched her is that there are many people in Hong Kong who sympathize with her. After the posters were posted, there was a group of citizens who came to the cafe to express their support, including the elderly who came together.

Some of them are from Sheung Shui and some are from Tin Shui Wai. They may not know how to get to Lei Yue Mun by car, and it took a lot of time to arrive on the road. "We see your news, we want to support you." Li Kaihu heard such heart-warming words, and he felt more strength and determination in his heart.

Li Kaihu, who was born in the 1960s, missed the lives of Hong Kong people living together under the Lion Rock, looking forward to the restoration of peace in Hong Kong.The family returns to harmony.

She does not think that it is possible to change young people who have different political philosophies from her, because their experiences and life values ​​are different. She believes that time will prove many things, and young people will also experience growth. What she wants to draw is the bottom line of a civilized society: don't use violence and don't hurt others.

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would support the business of female bosses

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

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zz would support the business of female bosses

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

The female owner of a Hong Kong tea restaurant was retaliated for supporting the police! Netizen: Where's the address? Buy it! - Lujuba

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