Movie "Little Forest": 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0

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"Little Forest" has two parts, one is summer and autumn, the other is winter and spring.

Both movies are directed by Junichi Mori of Japan, starring Ai Hashimoto, and are gourmet movies based on Daisuke Igarashi's manga of the same name. They were released in Japan on August 30, 2014 and February 14, 2015. The

film tells the story of the Japanese girl Ichiko returning to her hometown of Komori, a small village in a village in northeastern Japan. Where

is there, Shizi does his own farm work every day, planting, gathering, harvesting, making food by himself, and enjoying it quietly by himself. Sometimes it is shared with friends and neighbors.

Douban scores of both movies are 9.0. The

film starts from summer and introduces 7 delicious foods of summer.

1 toasted bread

summer weather is hot and humid, 市子 clothes can not be dried after drying for many days, and the wooden shovel mixed with fruit pulp is also moldy. Ichiko decided to use the stove to deal with mold and to use the high temperature and humidity environment to bake bread.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

Since no one grows wheat in Komori, the wheat harvesting season coincides with the Komori rainy season, and the wheat cannot be dried at all and cannot be preserved unless it is dried. So the baked bread uses purchased flour.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

Put the yeast in the wheat flour, knead it well; let the dough spit out twice during the fermentation, and slowly raise the noodles, so that it will be delicious and not difficult. When the dough is fully fermented, the stove is almost finished. Toast bread should be about 200 degrees, which is exactly the temperature of the residual heat when the stove is about to go out.

2 Sour rice wine

Pour the koji into the porridge and stir. Just leave it at room temperature in summer. It's ready after one night, it tastes good and sweet. In order to promote fermentation, fungi must be added, such as yogurt or puree wine. The small city adds yeast for making bread. Stir it well, the temperature is just right, you can drink it in half a day. After the fermentation is complete, bubbles will come out and the taste will be more refreshing.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

You can put the sour rice wine in the refrigerator. After cutting the grass like a sauna, take a cup, sour and sweet, easy to eat, and usually drink up. Sometimes

can make too much, and if I can't finish drinking, I invite my younger brother Yuta to come and drink.

3 Elaeagnus jam

Ichiko Seeing Elaeagnus, think of her boyfriend who had lived together. Elaeagnus can only fall and rot after the fruit bears. Shizi felt it was a pity and decided to make Elaeagnus jam.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

Ichiko deseeds and mashes the Elaeagnus fruit, and puts 60% sugar in the weight of the juice. Boil the jam to dry, take some jam and put it into the water. If it will form small balls, it means that the water is boiled dry.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

A bamboo basket of Elaeagnus fruit was made into three small bottles of jam. Shizi couldn't wait to open the first bottle the next morning. The taste was strong and acidity was great.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

4 Worcester soy sauce

Ichiko family makes Worcester soy sauce every year. Chop carrots, ginger, chili and celery, pour water into the pot, add the soup kelp, cloves, peppercorns, green pepper, bay leaves, sage and thyme, pour into the cut The good vegetables are boiled over medium heat. When the water is halfway left, add soy sauce, vinegar, sweet cooking wine, and brown sugar, and cook for about an hour.

During this period, taste the taste, add some leftover jam, spices, etc., filter through a bleached cloth, and put it in a bottle.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

The small city once thought that Worcester soy sauce was only available at home, but later discovered that it was also sold in stores. Similarly, there is also the chocolate hazelnut jam. Chocolate hazelnut jam is in autumn. Pick the hazelnuts, roast them, then grind them into a slurry, add cocoa powder, sugar and a little oil to the pot, stir until the color is bright. This sauce is thickly spread on the bread, which is a big love in the small market.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

5 Yujiu Flower

There are many rain-jiu flowers growing in the marsh fields, and the Yujiu flowers can be eaten until autumn. Peel the skin and blanch the stems in hot water to make blanched vegetablesdish. Or mixed in pickles, it's fresh and refreshing, with some smoothness. The red part of the root of

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

is chopped out with a kitchen knife to make the Yujiu flower mud. Season with miso or shamisen vinegar, and pour it on hot rice. Even when you lose your appetite due to the bitter summer, you can eat a bowl of rice more often than mashed yam.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

6 Arctic char

Koichi and Yuta work at the fish farm and transfer the char from the fish farm to the fishing pond in the tent area. Roasted fish is delicious.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

can also be made into char miso soup. Cut the char into large pieces, put it in water and cook, and then melt the miso into the soup, so that the char miso soup is ready.

7 Tomatoes

Eat a chilled tomato on a hot summer day, and you can resurrect with full blood. When cooking

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

, ​​tomatoes are also essential. Scald the skin off the tomatoes, boil them in water, marinate them in salt water, boil them and save them after disinfection.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

homemade whole canned tomatoes, which can be used in curry or pasta in winter.

Movie 'Little Forest': 7 delicacies in summer, not beaten by hot and humid weather, Douban score 9.0 - Lujuba

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