"Little Forest": Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value

movie 1570℃

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba


The movie "Little Forest" is a film about healing made by director Junichi Mori in 2014. It tells the story of an ordinary girl Shizi who couldn't adapt to life in the city, and her feelings were frustrated, so she fled back to the village where she had lived since she was a child, and lived alone in Komori, looking for a goal in life.

Komori is a remote village away from the hustle and bustle of the city, surrounded by green hills, shaded by trees, and rich in material. It is like a paradise that makes people fall in love at a glance.

In Komori, Ichiko leads a simple life of sunrise and sunset. You only need to take care of your own crops every day, being self-sufficient, and living a loose and free life.

Because he likes to be interested in various foods, even if he lives alone, Shizi tries his best to make every meal of his own exquisite and delicious. If you have free time, Shizi will pick hazelnuts, wild vegetables, toon, etc. in the forest of the single-living cottage, and then make delicious food by hand to share with friends. Occasionally, when alone, prepares a dessert for himself , a book, and you can spend the day.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

This simple and full of life in the pastoral life is like the life we ​​all yearn for.

escapes the hustle and bustle of the city, and can have a moment of peace of mind, without worrying about the cumbersome secular life, high-intensity work pressure, and complicated interpersonal relationships.

in Komori, just need to pay attention to the field fun between meals. Feel the satisfaction of physical fatigue and harvest brought by physical labor.

But, even if it is a simple pastoral life, there is no worry and pressure?

but not. The seemingly simple life in the country requires day-to-day work, and it is not easy. The large paddy fields of

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

need to be planted in time to have rations for the next year. The city also needs to worry that the rice will get wet when it rains, and there will be no harvest. In order to store food for winter, Shizi had to sow seeds, take good care of them, catch insects and water them at the beginning of each season, and dare not relax for a moment. Even though

is very tired, he only dared to complain about "sore waist" and continued to work.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

occasionally lazy, bugs will eat cabbage; planting potatoes if the land is not renovated before winter, it will not be a good time to plant potatoes, weeds are not cleared in time, it will affect the growth of crops.

seems to be every simple agricultural work, Shizi must spend a long time and energy to do them well and have a good harvest.

This is the truth that Shizi only understands after working day after day.

is not our own philosophy of life: is in silence and hard work, only to understand that day after day work, seemingly simple, boring, but also requires us to work hard to complete, will reap different pleasures and reshape life Meaning.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

Ichiko cherishes and treats the ingredients that I have worked hard in exchange for. Even if you eat alone, Shizi will spend the same time and energy to make the food delicious and delicate.

This may also be the place where we envy the city of : alone can live a life that is monotonous and repetitive.

Maybe we have seen too many people, for the simple repetitive life, only complain day after day, envious of the colorful life of others, want to live a different life. However, even if it is a simple life, they can still lead a bad life. Because they have never loved life from the bottom of their hearts, they just gave themselves an excuse to escape.

Instead of thinking about those unrealistic ideas, it is better to think about how to live the life before you.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba


's life in Komori, although single but full of life, but Ichiko, do you really like Komori's life?

returned to Komori as a last resort. Because of the inability to adapt to the city, the hard work of a person outside, and the separation from her boyfriend, Ichiko returned to Komori where she lived with her mother with a whole body of pain.

far away from the discomfort of the city, after returning to live JaneA simple but serious pastoral life, but Shizi is still hesitating, and once asked himself for a while, staying in Komori, do you really like Komori in your heart?

is different from a younger student who has a clear goal. He likes Komori's tranquility and simplicity from the heart and dislikes the complicated interpersonal relationships in the city, so he is willing to stay in Komori.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

It can be seen from here that although seems to be living a serious life and trying to take good care of herself, Shizi’s life goal has been hesitated and helpless, lacking the courage to face it.

may be the mother's leaving without saying goodbye, so that Shizi suddenly lost support. She can only take the food she likes to make seriously and find the belief that supports her strength from the food.

Therefore, Shizi repeats the delicacies his mother cooked for her when she was a child, and may be able to find the answer she wants from her mother's food.

Shizi once complained that her mother was lazy in cooking and only willing to cook simple food. However, when I repeat every meal that my mother made for herself when she was a child, Shizi realized that it was not easy for her mother to cook every time. The green vegetables need to be blanched and shredded to be refreshing and delicious. Only the male celery will make the food. More fragrant. Those seemingly simple meals require a lot of energy~

It turns out that she has always blamed her mother, and her mother is not the same as she thought, so she doesn't care.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

also recalled that when I was working hard in the city, I complained about the supervisor who scolded myself: when I came back home, I only knew that I was tired every day, and some people cooked delicious meals and washed clean people. And not only do I have to work, but I also have to do housework when I get home. I complained that the supervisor didn't think about how hard it was to live without relatives.

But Shizi suddenly understood that might be like his own supervisor. At the beginning, he knew how to take it. He was used to his mother's contribution. He didn't really care about his mother's happiness or unhappiness, nor did he care about his mother's pursuit.

Thinking of this, Shizi let go of his mother.

So, she no longer pursues potato bread that tastes the same as her mother, but makes her own bread that tastes different from her mother but is equally delicious.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

is like one's own path in life, if you repeat the path of others, it may not be suitable for you.

This may be Shizi's way of reconciliation with her mother, and it is also the beginning of rediscovering her own meaning in life.

Everyone has his own independent life and also his own life. Once wanted to understand this, Shizi also began to look for his life goal.


In the fall, my mother sent a letter to Shizi, telling Shizi that she had started a new life, and also said some truth: When

fell down somewhere, every time she looked back I found that they all fell in the same place. Although

has been working hard, he always goes round and round in the same place. It is very disappointing to find that he has returned to the original point after wandering around.

But every time we have accumulated experience, every success or failure should not be called returning to the origin, nor is it called a circle, but a spiral. From a certain place, it should look like going around in the same place, but in fact, it should be a little bit up or down every time, which is good.

Perhaps, people themselves are spirals, going around in the same place, but they are different, turning up or down or going out sideways.

'Little Forest': Only after repeated attempts can I find out my life value - Lujuba

Shizi solved the knot, and finally understood that he was no longer confused and afraid of city life. Life is a train without a return journey. Instead of living a life that you don't want so much, it is better to pursue your dreams. Maybe we can work harder, maybe it will be different. Ichiko left Komori, returned to the city with firm belief, and challenged again.

Five years later, Ichiko returned to Komori with her husband. This time, Komori has more firmness in her eyes. She has found her goal in life, rebuild Komori's branch school, and pass on Komori's culture.

Maybe, everyone will experience hesitation, helplessness, confusion, and don't know where to go. Only after trying again and again can I find out my own life value.

Tags: movie