The TV series "The Ultimate Confession Eighteen Years Later" is directed by Wang Weiren, starring Tan Junyan, Huang Zhiwen, Yang Xiuhui, and Chen Shancong. It tells that 18 years ago, seven housing estate teenagers killed and buried gangsters under conflict. The story of the bones being discovered in 18 years.
What is the relationship between the characters in the TV series "The Ultimate Confession Eighteen Years Later"? What is the relationship between the various characters? Let’s take a look at the relationship diagram of the characters:
The ultimate confession eighteen years later, the main character relationship introduction
The ultimate confession eighteen years later, the main character relationship introduction
Male number one: Lin Langsheng
36 years old, accountant
Female No. 1: Ruan Lijin
32 years old, Inspector of Crime Squad
Male number two: Shen Jingyi
36 years old, gang leader