"Five Million Detective Inspector" Lei Luo, the real prototype is far more exciting than the movie

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, a movie called "Chasing the Dragon" was released. In the movie, a "500 million detective" named Lei Luo was introduced. The editor felt that this person was a hero, and then I learned that 20 years ago, there was also A movie is called [The Story of Five Million Inspector Lei Luo], which depicts and restores his overturned situation in Hong Kong at that time. In the

movie, this person is called Lei Luo, played by Andy Lau. Speaking of this movie, it has been in theaters for more than 20 years, but it is still hot today. The prototype of Lei Luo is Lu Le. Speaking of this person, everyone may be relatively unfamiliar, but in Hong Kong in the 1960s, just like in the movies, he was a black and white person in life and work. Together with Han Sen, Lan Gang, and Yan Xiong at that time, they were called the Four Chinese Inspectors. During his tenure as the Four Chinese Inspectors, Lu Le was the first of the four in terms of qualifications, connections, and influence. During Lu Le's stay as a Chinese inspector, he tailored a complete set of corruption mechanisms related to the underworld system. It is said that the financial assets reached 500 million. In the era when the wonton noodles were still 30 cents, that was not a small number! During the 1960s, Lu Le could be said to cover the sky with only one hand in Hong Kong. At that time, Hong Kong had not yet returned. It was the British who had the final say. In the entire Hong Kong Island area, Lu Le was not afraid of anyone except the British. From the initial little plain clothes to the Zonghua Inspector, there are also some opportunities and his personal strengths. {Lu Le}

'Five Million Detective Inspector' Lei Luo, the real prototype is far more exciting than the movie - Lujuba

was exposed by the colonial government in the 1960s. Former Hong Kong Governor MacLehose established the Independent Commission Against Corruption in 1974 to curb the increasing corruption of the police force. This famous "tiger attack" action caused panic among the police and even led to conflicts between police and integrity. Afterwards, MacLehose issued an amnesty order to no longer pursue most of the corruption cases before 1977, and then quell the police riots. However, the ICAC has never given up on the pursuit of Lu Le and the other four. In 1968, due to the strong anti-corruption voices at the time, Lu Le decided to "retire bravely" early and retired early at the age of 48, living a worry-free life by collecting rent and saving. In 1973, before the establishment of the ICAC, Lu Lekang moved to Canada with eight children and his wife to evade arrest. It is said that the current arrest warrant is still valid. Later, according to a report by the Ming Pao in Vancouver, Canada, the "500 million detective" Lu Le, who had dominated the Hong Kong police and underworld in the 1960s, had passed away. He held a funeral in Vancouver, Canada on May 13, 2010, at the age of 90.

'Five Million Detective Inspector' Lei Luo, the real prototype is far more exciting than the movie - Lujuba

In 1991, Hong Kong director Liu Guochang shot this box office movie [The Story of 500 Million Inspector Lei Luo] based on his history. It is said that Hong Kong’s entertainment executives Xiang Huaqiang and Xiang Huasheng went to Taiwan to visit Lu Le in person. Although Lu Le agreed to shoot, he did not agree to use his real name. All of them have the current movie, the homophonic name "Lei Luo". After the

film was released, Lu Le felt that he was dissatisfied with two points. First: Yan Xiong and Lu Leping in the movie "The Story of the Five Billion Detective Lei Luo" are on the same level. Lu Le believes that it is against the facts. The most well-known Yan Tong in the movie "Lei Luo Biography", Lei Luo, played by Andy Lau in the film, had to offer him tea to apologize. Even when he was bullied by him as a small policeman, he was still his number one opponent after being promoted to detective. But in real life, Yan Xiong ranked last among the four detectives. Lu Le’s most dissatisfaction with this movie is Yan Xiong’s part. In the film, Yan Xiong has performed Lei Luo’s growth history from high above to equal to him, but in life Lu Le looks down on Yan Xiong very much. In his eyes, Yan Xiong is just his follower, who "feeds" with him. The real situation of getting along with him is like the lard boy played by Wu Mengda, which is more realistic. According to Lu Le, Yan Xiong, who is now living in Thailand, sometimes comes to Taiwan when he is still alive to talk to him.

'Five Million Detective Inspector' Lei Luo, the real prototype is far more exciting than the movie - Lujuba

Lu Le, who was ranked among the top four detectives, talked about the past and said that Yan Xiong was only his subordinate and could not be compared with him. At that time, he didn't want to do it, and it was Yan Xiong's turn to be promoted to the position of Inspector. Lu Le said: "He was with me before. But he is quite capable, because only Yan Xiong in Hong Kong can handle the people in the Kowloon Walled City. He has a good face in Chaozhou Gang."

Of course Yan Xiong also has his strength. Lu Le once said that Yan Xiong is quite powerful in the Kowloon Walled City in the three-regarding zone. The interests of all parties in the Kowloon Walled City must be settled by Yan Xiong. Only he has such strength. Despite being looked down upon by Lu Le, he also thinks that Yan Xiong has a bit of face in the Chaozhou Gang, which is considered an affirmation of him. Yan Xiong is not only Lu Le's attendant, but even the original position of Yau Ma Tei Police Inspector is favored by Lu Le. Lu Le gave up this position and was taken over by Yan Xiong. This was also the highest position in Yan Xiong's life. Looking back, Yan Xiong’s tallestThe position was not required by others, so he took over. He is also among the four inspectors, the only one who has not been a Zonghua inspector, so he is the last of the four inspectors. This is why Yan Xiong and Lu Leping sit on the same level in the movie, and Lu Le will feel dissatisfied. Among the four major detectives, Han Sen depends on him for promotion, and Yan Xiong and him eat together. Neither of them is Lu Leguan. In Lu Le's eyes, the only one who can equal him among the four detectives is the chief inspector of Kowloon, Lan Gang.

Second: In the play, Lei Luo collects protection money from hawkers on the street. Lu Le thinks this is a slander against him. How could the police collect like this, like a beggar. As for how to close, he closed his eyes and mouth to remain silent, keeping secret.

is like what the movie says, people are good or bad, just like a coin, there is a side of words, but also a side of things. You can't just look at one side of it. The life of a generation of hero Lei Luo {Lu Le} can be regarded as a legend!

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