"Quanyou 8" premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away

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has experienced a number of official trailers with rhythms, interviews with director Martin Uncle, the suspense of "pretending" spoilers in major shows, and predictions of the endings of all parties, the "King of the Year" finally came out— —The eighth season of "Game of Thrones" will be broadcast exclusively on Tencent Video today. You can also search for the Aurora TV screen in the TV box.

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

is worthy of what netizens said, the director is carrying the banner of the TV series and doing the filming. In the first episode, we have seen many shots that can correspond to the trailer. For example, the army seen from Amber’s perspective:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Dragon Ma and Snow bring the Unsullied and Dothrack army back to Winterfell from the Great Wall:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Cersei and Coben look into the distance, each with their own thoughts:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujubaz The battle report revealed by all parties before the broadcast, the battle between humans and ghosts, will be the most ambitious and long-lasting fighting scene in the whole show. Its length is even hard to find a precedent in the entire movie history. The first episode currently broadcast by

mainly presents the preparations made by several forces for this war. Although the army of alien ghosts has not yet appeared in this episode, the crisis and tension they brought has already been surging under the seemingly calm narration.

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

There are several key plots that cannot be ignored in the first episode:

1. The Dragon Mother returning from the Great Wall and Jon Snow

When Snow announced that the Northern Territory would recognize the Dragon Mother as the only queen and loyal to it, The reaction of the subjects in the north was quite strong. On the way back to the city, passers-by stared suspiciously at the strange queen and the two giant dragons; back in the city, Leona Mormont first protested on behalf of the crowd:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Sansa’s interrogation made her attitude self-evident:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

dan Niris Targaryen is a strange existence to all the citizens of the North, not to mention that she is the daughter of the "Mad King". They neither knew her nor planned to accept the rule of Winterfell from an outsider.

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

For the Dragon Mother, how to establish her prestige in the north and truly win the trust of her subjects is a severe test for her.

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Winter City is different from the city-states under slavery that she conquered before. The people in those areas are not highly civilized, and rule by force is the simplest and most effective means. But the people of the North have lived in Winterfell for a long time. They are brave, tough, stubborn and highly loyal. Their allegiance is to Jon and Sansa. Forcing them to surrender will only arouse their resistance.

2. The reunion of the four siblings of the wolf family

The situation is changing, as if a world away, when they meet again, not only the appearance of the opposite person has changed, but the way of speaking, attitude and mood have also been turned upside down. Bran responded to Xue Nuo’s hug with a cold smile. When he becomes a three-eyed crow, he is no longer a Stark, nor is Xue Nuo’s younger brother:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

, and the reunion between Er Ya and her brother will be warm. many. After many years, she has been a faceless killer who has experienced many battles and is skillful and calm, but she still trusts and likes this brother with a different surname as she did when she was a child. She always carries the "sewing needle" he gave.

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

At the moment they embraced, I do not know how many fans of the drama were full of emotion, everything was silent, displacement, pain, confusion, grievance... Thousands of words melted in this embrace.

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Third, the appearance of Samwell Tully knows his life experience.

Sam was able to see the dragon mother because he had cured the big bear’s gray scale disease, but he learned that his father Landau Tali and his younger brother were executed for reluctance to be loyal to the dragon mother. Although his father rarely treated himself well, he was hearing bad news. At that moment, he still shed heartbroken tears.

may have been touched because of this, and Sam had no feelings for Daeneryssense of trust. Coupled with Bran’s advice, he saw Snow and told him the truth:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Jon Snow, this man who has always lived carefully and carefully under the name of an illegitimate child, he suffered from Caitlin’s cold eyes, he was brave Joining the Great Wall Guards, he didn't care about fame and fortune choosing to be loyal to the Dragon Mother, just to protect his people.

But now he knows from Sam that he is the real Targaryen and the orthodox heir most qualified to sit on the Iron Throne. The queen he loves is his own aunt. This series of truths caught him off guard and caught him off guard.

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Right now, it is the Northern Territory questioning the status of the queen. Not far away is the upcoming army of strange ghosts. In addition, there are ghostly Cersei and Euron who are looking at the Northern Territory. Any one of these crises is enough to make Jon and Dragon Mother feel devastated. Their love and the future of the Northern Territory will have to go through layers of tests.

So when we saw this romantic dragon riding show that envied everyone, we couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

Today, we also saw a particularly interesting piece of aunt and god-synchronized scissor to share with you:

'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba


'Quanyou 8' premiere: still a teenager after half a lifetime away - Lujuba

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