"Sea Pianist": After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship

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Recently, the 4K repaired version of "Sea Pianist" is currently in theaters. Today I will talk about this old film with the attributes of a literary film, while taking into account the popularity of commercial films and the depth of social films.

"The Pianist on the Sea" directed by Giuseppe Tonadore is one of its trilogy of time and space. The story tells the story of an abandoned baby who grew up on a cruise ship and became a pianist, and finally died with the ship.

Tonadore’s films always have a different kind of beauty, a strong sense of substitution, a quiet and peaceful story, without deliberately creating dramatic conflicts, as if listening to him talk about it when drinking with an old friend.

, whether it is this, "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", or "Paradise Cinema", it is true.

is very strange. Although this film is a legend about 1900 from Max, no matter how many times I watch it, I don’t have the same bragging feeling of "my friend...".

On the contrary, when watching this film, it is more of a kind of regret, the kind of regret that the lacrimal glands collapse at any time.

regrets that he did not live with the one he loves, and regrets that his talent has not been displayed on a larger stage.

Of course, and he did not get off the ship in the end, but sank with his "cradle".

is like the three realms of life mentioned by Wang Guowei. With the passage of time, my understanding of this movie has also gradually changed. Below, I will talk about my perception of "The Pianist at Sea" "Understanding.

One. A legendary life: budding, fighting the piano, disembarking, sinking

In the silent night, there was a wonderful piano sound. Everyone followed the sound and saw Xiao 1900 playing the piano.

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

This is the first climax of the film. It showed amazing talent for the first time in 1900. I want to mention here that the soundtrack of the film is made by the famous Italian soundtrack master Ennio Morricone and previously directed by Quentin The original dubbing in "The Hateful Eight" is also Morricone's masterpiece. The second climax of

was when he was fighting with Morton in 1900.

Morton's appearance comes with BGM, and the atmosphere has become depressing and heavy. When

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

was playing the piano at Morton, there were people next to him with a camera taking pictures, and the guests were silent.

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

This is a treatment that 1900 did not have. He listened quietly to the side, and even left moving tears to the depths of his love. He could see that he really loved music instead of treating piano fighting as a game like Morton. In the first game of

, 1900 pressed his elbow on the keyboard and made a contemplative expression, playing a familiar melody: Christmas Eve. In the second game of

, 1900 played Morton's just-played tune again, without any thought of fighting.

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

So in the third game, Morton showed his housekeeping skills.

1900 was also annoyed, and he asked Max for a cigarette. At the end of the performance of

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

, 1900 put the cigarette on the string, and the hot string lit the cigarette instantly.

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

The guests also recovered, and then burst into applause. They knew that 1900 had won the battle. The third climax of

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

was 1900 and was ready to disembark.

has been on the ship all his life. 1900 is about to disembark. My friend Max is very happy. When 1900 was standing on the gangway, the guests on the ship and the audience were worried, but 1900 looked at the tall buildings on the ground for a long time, and he threw his hat out. Finally turned around.

z57Director z'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

used a perspective from far and near in this section. As the camera zooms in and the sound of steam roars, the pressure brought by the building is particularly strong. The flying hat passes through the tall buildings and finally falls on the water. It seems that it is also laying the groundwork for 1900's destiny. The last climax of

is the shipwreck.

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

If you observe carefully, you can find that these four climaxes are actually divided into two parts. The first two paragraphs use a cheerful and relaxed soundtrack to highlight the outstanding piano skills of 1900, and the latter two paragraphs use a heavy and sad soundtrack to depict the legend. Fall. The director

used the way of rising and falling to make 1900's outstanding talents and the shipwreck behind had a strong dramatic conflict, making the audience feel sorry for his death involuntarily.

Two. Why not disembark? Is it cowardly? Or brave?

1900 why not disembark?

This is a question that many people after watching the film will have.

has his beloved girl under the boat, and there is a stage where he can show off his talents. In the end, getting off the boat is the only chance to live.

but he still chose to die with the ship.

Regarding the reasons for not disembarking, the director has actually explained in the film. From my personal point of view,

is divided into two lines to interpret. The open line

is the end, the dialogue between 1900 and Max.

On a piano with limited 88 keys, 1900 can create infinite music, but the world outside the ship is like a piano with infinite keys. No one can play music except God.

'Sea Pianist': After 10 years, I finally know the reason why he didn't get off the ship - Lujuba

The dark line is Max and Morton.

Max’s choice can be seen as the first possibility after 1900 disembarked from a certain perspective: selling his beloved trumpet for a living. Morton is the second type: treat favorite music as a game, as a symbol of power and status.

1900 did not want to lose the purity of music, nor did he want to lose his elegance. He saw his future after disembarking from Max and Morton, so he chose to keep his original intention and sink with the ship.

Three. Behind the Sea Pianist: European Migration, Class and Music

"Sea Pianist" has the meaning of the times.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the United States developed rapidly and soon surpassed other European powers. After that, many unhappy Europeans traveled to the United States to pursue success and dreams, and regarded a ticket to the United States as a paradise. Admission ticket.

The Statue of Liberty that appeared many times in "The Pianist on the Sea" and the accented "Amei, look at you" all invisibly magnified the symbol of "American Dream".

But the rapid development has also brought unprecedented self-confidence to the American people. This self-confidence magnifies class differences without limit. Most Europeans who follow the American dream have been treated unfairly, and their lives are not even as good as before. The difference between

is obvious on cruise ships: in the cabins of low to high class, the nobles and civilians of the country sit, but on the deck are foreigners who come to the United States with a dream of getting rich.

is also reflected in music. Jazz started at the bottom and was called the exclusive music of black people. In that piano fight, the black Morton’s jazz was lost to the white classical music of 1900.

Is this irony? Or did it deliberately? We do not know


But you see, even in 1900, even if he was white and a genius, he still couldn't resist the difference in class, he couldn't play his own music as he pleased in the luxurious cabin, even under the steam and industrialization boom. , It’s hard to maintain eleganceUp.

In fact, even if there is no Statue of Liberty, no tall buildings, the story of this film is still clear. Adding these in

is equivalent to adding a social film lining. Although

is hidden, it has depth, giving us more room for reflection.

Just as the rapid development of industry has brought strength to the United States and laid hidden dangers, why is technology not so? The development of

smart phones allows us to meet the needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation without leaving home, but without the warmth of drinking and talking with old friends, most people have become bowers, and even the circle of friends has become the only window for parents to understand our current situation.

These are the thoughts brought to us by the film.

Perhaps this is exactly why we need good movies. Even if it is not Good End, even if it is sad and depressed...

, it can still teach us something we can't learn in textbooks and give us the power to continue to be elegant.

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