"Game of Thrones" Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen should win the Iron Throne 5 reasons

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'Game of Thrones' Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen should win the Iron Throne 5 reasons - Lujuba

With the arrival of the final season of "Game of Thrones", our expectations have gradually reached a high point, because we can finally know who will end up sitting on the Iron Throne. Although there are many possibilities, the two who have been unanimously recognized are Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. They are the two truly outstanding people on the continent of Westeros. Since I have written articles about Jon Snow and the Iron Throne before, we will only analyze 5 reasons why Daenerys needs to win the Iron Throne.

5. She treats everyone equally

'Game of Thrones' Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen should win the Iron Throne 5 reasons - Lujuba

Although the aristocracy in Westeros mostly despise the poor, the dragon mother Daenerys believes that everyone should be equal. After Daenerys fled from the Dothraki tribe, her first action was to liberate the people of Slave Bay (now called Longwan). The promise of equality also made her followers very loyal.

4. Caring about the freedom of the people

'Game of Thrones' Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen should win the Iron Throne 5 reasons - Lujuba

In the seventh season of "Game of Thrones", each character has a decisive moment. Daenerys bought Missandei and the Innocent, and then released them. It was here that she vowed to end slavery in the Seven Kingdoms. Almost every decision she makes is based on whether it will help people to gain freedom. Westeros needs a king who cares about ordinary people.

3. She is the real dragon of the Targaryen family

'Game of Thrones' Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen should win the Iron Throne 5 reasons - Lujuba

When we first saw Daenerys and his brother Veserys Targaryen in the play, Veserys said he was the real dragon and Targaryen The future of the dynasty, but we know very well that he is not. The longer Daenerys appears in the play, the more obvious her true character. She is the true dragon of the Targaryen Dynasty, and this will undoubtedly win the respect of the soldiers. Although we know that she is not the only Targaryen, but she is the only one who grew up with Targaryen as her surname.

2. She has been working hard to regain the throne

'Game of Thrones' Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen should win the Iron Throne 5 reasons - Lujuba

From the moment Daenerys Targaryen walked out of the fire holding the dragon, she has been looking for a way to return to Westeros and become the queen. She fought all the way to Meereen City, where she fought with slave owners, Dothraki and mercenaries, and finally became what she is now. It can be said that since the death of Zogo Kao, everything she has done is to regain the throne she deserves. Now, she is ready to sit on that iron bump.

1. Don't be soft when you should shoot

'Game of Thrones' Dragon Mother Daenerys Targaryen should win the Iron Throne 5 reasons - Lujuba

Although Jon Snow is also a good man, he is just like his father Ned Stark. Unfortunately, it is this trait that makes him unsuitable for the Iron Throne. We saw that when Jon was the commander-in-chief of the Night Watch, he obviously would not play Westeros' political game. Although Daenerys Targaryen has a strong sense of morality, if she is forced to be helpless, she can easily make some difficult decisions (burning father and son Tali). But she can still be called a good person. When you are the queen, not everything is black and white.

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