Wu Yusen: Marriage is smoking, accompany you, and in charge!

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Wu Yusen: Marriage is smoking, accompany you, and in charge! - Lujuba

text/Huang Yifan

Someone asked Wu Yusen, "Why never lose my temper and always look happy?" He said, "This is due to my wife. She has 3 children alone, which is much harder than me. But since we are After I got married, even if I went home with emotions, she never gave me a face. She always said that I am happy and she wants to be happy, and I am not happy and she wants to be happy. I am embarrassed and unhappy after a while."

Wu Yusen is one of the creators of the golden age of Hong Kong movies and the most recognized and respected Chinese director in Hollywood. From "The True Colors of Heroes" to "Across the World", Wu Yusen portrayed Chow Yun-fat as a well-known "Little Horse". From "Changing Face" to "Mission Impossible 2", Wu Yusen stepped onto the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Whether it is an early Hong Kong movie or a commercial blockbuster that later smashed into Hollywood, Wu Yusen's story is nothing more than iron blood, heroism and morality.

So, what kind of man is Wu Yusen in life? What is his marriage with his wife Niu Chunlong like? At the beginning of 2015, a reporter from Xiao Marriage interviewed Director Wu and his wife...

The precious part of love is not romance, excitement and sexy, but responsibility, waiting and loyalty. This is what my movie wants to express, and it is also my own code of love. "—Wu Yusen

In 1986, Wu Yusen encountered a career bottleneck, and Niu Chunlong immediately returned to Hong Kong with his three children. Wu Yusen allowed his wife to stay in the United States so that the children could receive a better education, and his wife's relatives and friends were also in the United States. But Niu Chunlong said: "At this time, being with you is the top priority. "

In order to take the children to and from school, Niu Chunlong took the child back to Hong Kong to take the driver's license test. At that time, the eldest daughter was 9 years old, the younger daughter was 6 years old, and the son was 4 years old. Niu Chunlong had to go to school 6 times a day. Wake up at 6 am to prepare for the children Early, send the eldest daughter to the school bus. After seeing the daughter on the school bus, return home to pick up the younger daughter and send her to the school. At 10 am, Niu Chunlong sent his son to the kindergarten, and it was almost noon when he got home. Brunch After solving the problem together, Niu Chunlong went to a painting class to learn painting and wrote articles at home when he was not in painting class. He picked up his eldest daughter at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and then went to pick up the younger daughter with the eldest daughter. Every day, spinning like a top, there was no moment of leisure. . Mrs.

's hard work and running, Wu Yusen saw her understanding and support, and he also remembered her. Every day when he came home, his first sentence was: "I'm sorry, I made you suffer. "How can I repay this woman who has been suffering with me? Wu Yusen neither spends a lot of time with his children, nor does he have the money to buy a big house. What he can do is to cook and cook when he gets home, because Niu Chunlong doesn't like going out to eat. It took her too much time to think about making nutritious and delicious food for her husband and children every day. It was the actual action of Mrs. Wu Yusen’s love to cook for her so that she could rest for a while. When

was not filming, Wu Yusen went home early , Asked the three children and his wife what they wanted to eat, and then he asked his wife to drive him to the vegetable market and supermarket, carefully selecting the ingredients. When Wu Yusen cooks, Niu Chunlong does not need to fight, wash, cut, cook and stir-fry vegetables. He came all alone. He said: "My wife always said: I only try to be the best director, and she strives to be the best housewife. But I feel that if the husband does not do housework at all, the wife will be very tired and unhappy. How can she be the best housewife in this way? "

What makes Wu Yusen proud is that although he rarely accompanies his 3 children, the children kiss him. Once, Wu Yusen finally took 3 children to the mall and asked them to choose their favorite gifts, but 3 children He didn't even let his father buy any gifts. Wu Yusen said: "That's because my wife always tells the children,'It's not easy for your father to earn money for us to eat and study. You must not spend your father's money'. "

Niu Chunlong said, Wu Yusen is a film-making director and a 100% good husband. He never takes his work home, he is a full-time "husband cook" at home. So when Wu Yusen is at home, Niu Chunlong’s most comfortable time is Reading and writing articles in the study, going out to meet friends and drinking tea after lunch. When I get home in the evening, Wu Yusen has already prepared dinner and waiting for her.

"I am silent at home, the kitchen is me The study room is the wife’s site. We do not interfere with each other, and we talk about any exchanges at the dinner table. "Wu Yusen said, for him, cooking is both pastime and creation. There is a large bookcase in their kitchen that specializes in Wu Yusen’s recipes. "There are more than 30 kinds of light soy sauce.There are more than a dozen kinds of oyster sauce. Mr. Wu knows what kind of soy sauce should be used on which dishes and what kind of seafood is suitable for oyster sauce. He cooks very carefully, which is what fascinates me. "Niu Chunlong said. If he goes home and still reads scripts and talks about movies, she may not be able to stand it. Fortunately, in Wu Yusen's view, men are husbands and fathers when they come home, and their obligation is to dine and chat with their families.

Niu Chunlong likes to write articles. She has published many books. But she always feels that her articles are not well written, so she waited until the book was published before daring to make Wu Yusen "correct". But in fact, Wu Yusen has secretly read almost every article written by his wife. Until 2014 When the press conference of Niu Chunlong's new book "Jinshengyuan" was held in December 2015, Wu Yusen revealed this secret: "When she sleeps, I secretly turn on the computer and read the articles she wrote. Looking at it word by word, it is indeed very well written, especially the part about me. "Niu Chunlong asked in surprise: "Don't you know how to use a computer?" "Wu Yusen smiled: "But you always forget to turn off the computer. I just sit in front of the computer and watch it." "

has been stretched out when we first got married and now has real estate in Beijing, Hong Kong and Los Angeles. Wu Yusen's family has never hired a nanny or housekeeper. This is a tacit understanding that the couple had reached without negotiation. Wu Yusen smiled and said, "That It is because since I got married with her, I have been prepared to be a cook and long-term worker for her for a lifetime. "

"hero" is dedicated to the movie, and the tenderness is left to my wife

"I know I am not the best in the world, but I still work hard and happily be a housewife. Because I married a nice man. "Niu Chunlong said that she enjoyed the job of a "housewife" very much. When she was young, she took the children and accompany them, and was busy learning what she liked. When the children became adults, she had a lot of time to travel with her sisters. Take pictures and write magazine columns on the road; when Wu Yusen returns home, she can open her mouth cleanly and leisurely. Niu Chunlong feels very happy, but Wu Yusen knows that she will adjust her life and marriage. He said, "It’s not like changing to another woman. Leaving me a long time ago, he must have complained to me all day long. But my wife always said: ‘It’s fate for two people to come together, and we must cherish it! She cherishes so hard and joyfully, of course I have to try to catch up with her! ”

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