[Source: China News Network] China News Service, Wuhan, September 19 (Reporter Wu Yili) The launching ceremony of the "Reflecting the Yangtze River" Film Week and the premiere of the 3D documentary film "New Three Gorges" were held in Wuhan on the 19th. Representatives from the c

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[Source: China News Network]

China News Service, Wuhan, September 19th (Reporter Wu Yili) The launching ceremony of the "Imaging the Yangtze River" Film Week and the premiere of the 3D documentary film "New Three Gorges" were held in Wuhan on the 19th, in a cinema More than 1,000 people, including online representatives and representatives of university teachers and students, participated.

[Source: China News Network] China News Service, Wuhan, September 19 (Reporter Wu Yili) The launching ceremony of the 'Reflecting the Yangtze River' Film Week and the premiere of the 3D documentary film 'New Three Gorges' were held in Wuhan on the 19th. Representatives from the c - Lujuba

On September 19, the 3D documentary film "New Three Gorges" premiered in Wuhan. Photo by China News Service reporter Wu Yili

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the start of construction of the Three Gorges Project. "New Three Gorges" was jointly produced by the Ministry of Water Resources (formerly the Three Gorges Office of the State Council), the People's Government of Hubei Province, the People's Government of Chongqing Municipality, China Three Gorges Corporation, and the Central New Film Group. It was directed by director Yang Shuhua and the creative team for 30 years of tracking and 10 years of meticulous filming. Polished.

The film expresses praise for the Three Gorges Project and the Three Gorges people through the stories of characters such as the captain, the Chinese sturgeon conservationist, and the Three Gorges immigrants; through three-dimensional imaging technology, it depicts dams, water, mountains, people, scenery, cities, dreams, etc. Panoramically reflecting the development and changes of the Three Gorges Reservoir area and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Yang Shuhua said that he has lived on the banks of the Yangtze River since he was a child and has a deep affection for the Yangtze River. After the construction of the Three Gorges Project started, the human ecology, society, and cities in the reservoir area have changed. He wanted to record this dynamic change with images, tell the warm story of the Yangtze River, and at the same time promote the development of cultural tourism along the Yangtze River.

It is reported that the "Reflecting the Yangtze River" Film Week is sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and hosted by Hubei Yangtze Film Group. From September 15th to the end of October, Hubei will organize nearly 400 screening points across the province to screen about 100 outstanding domestic films and more than 2,000 charity screenings.

[Source: China News Network]

China News Service, Wuhan, September 19th (Reporter Wu Yili) The launching ceremony of the "Imaging the Yangtze River" Film Week and the premiere of the 3D documentary film "New Three Gorges" were held in Wuhan on the 19th, in a cinema More than 1,000 people, including online representatives and representatives of university teachers and students, participated.

[Source: China News Network] China News Service, Wuhan, September 19 (Reporter Wu Yili) The launching ceremony of the 'Reflecting the Yangtze River' Film Week and the premiere of the 3D documentary film 'New Three Gorges' were held in Wuhan on the 19th. Representatives from the c - Lujuba

On September 19, the 3D documentary film "New Three Gorges" premiered in Wuhan. Photo by China News Service reporter Wu Yili

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the start of construction of the Three Gorges Project. "New Three Gorges" was jointly produced by the Ministry of Water Resources (formerly the Three Gorges Office of the State Council), the People's Government of Hubei Province, the People's Government of Chongqing Municipality, China Three Gorges Corporation, and the Central New Film Group. It was directed by director Yang Shuhua and the creative team for 30 years of tracking and 10 years of meticulous filming. Polished.

The film expresses praise for the Three Gorges Project and the Three Gorges people through the stories of characters such as the captain, the Chinese sturgeon conservationist, and the Three Gorges immigrants; through three-dimensional imaging technology, it depicts dams, water, mountains, people, scenery, cities, dreams, etc. Panoramically reflecting the development and changes of the Three Gorges Reservoir area and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Yang Shuhua said that he has lived on the banks of the Yangtze River since he was a child and has a deep affection for the Yangtze River. After the construction of the Three Gorges Project started, the human ecology, society, and cities in the reservoir area have changed. He wanted to record this dynamic change with images, tell the warm story of the Yangtze River, and at the same time promote the development of cultural tourism along the Yangtze River.

It is reported that the "Reflecting the Yangtze River" Film Week is sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and hosted by Hubei Yangtze Film Group. From September 15th to the end of October, Hubei will organize nearly 400 screening points across the province to screen about 100 outstanding domestic films and more than 2,000 charity screenings.(End)

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