Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla

entertainment 7676℃
Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming" is like a clear spring, gurgling during the prime time of cctv-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused layers of excitement on the Internet. The topic is rippled and the popularity remains high.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

The play is like a delicate key, slowly opening the door to the unknown tenacity and greatness behind the brilliant life of Principal Zhang Guimei, the winner of the "July 1st Medal". It is not only a narration of the story, but also a deep cultivation of emotions. With delicate lens language, every day and night, every persistence and sacrifice of Principal Zhang Guimei at Yunnan Huaping Girls' Senior High School is painted into a heart-shaking picture. The long scroll of the times.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

"When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" is not only synonymous with a TV series, it is a high-pitched and loud hymn dedicated to the power of women who are unyielding in adversity and hold up the sky for female education.

The play uses a unique female perspective as a mirror to deeply analyze the depth of the mountains where educational resources are scarce, and women’s endless desire and unremitting pursuit of knowledge. The tension between the two is vividly displayed, like vivid oil paintings. It's touching.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Principal Zhang Guimei, played by Song Jia, is not only a reappearance of the character, but also a touch of the soul. Her words and deeds are full of deep love for education and selfless dedication to students.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Among the many roles, the actor playing Gu Yu looks familiar, but to be honest, I really didn’t remember the actor’s name. So I checked the cast list, and I didn't expect it to be Lancia .

So, what kind of acting experience does Lancia have, and how was her performance in the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming"? Let us find out together:

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba. Lan Xiya played Gu Yu in "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming". Not only is she well suited to the role, but her acting skills have also received high praise.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Among the students recruited by Principal Zhang, he was the first to enter the audience's eyes. , is the female student named Guyu . She seems to be the first hope of the drizzle in spring, but she is tightly entangled by the haze of reality. The father is not only an alcoholic, but also has deep-rooted notions of favoring boys over girls. He wants to use the young Guyu as a bargaining chip in exchange for betrothal gifts to pave the way for his younger brother's future.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Therefore, the appearance of Zhang Guimei is like a beam of light penetrating the clouds, illuminating Guyu's world firmly and warmly. She ignored secular prejudices, fought against all opinions, and vowed to save this flower that was about to wither. The temptation of 30,000 yuan in betrothal gifts became powerless under the persistence of Principal Zhang. Gu Yu was finally able to break free from the shackles of fate and move towards the palace of knowledge.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Although Lan Xiya, who plays Gu Yu, is 26 years old, she perfectly interprets the youth and tenacity of the character with her outstanding performance.

In order to get closer to the character, Lancia did not hesitate to sacrifice her own beauty. She used deep makeup to create a sense of the vicissitudes of Guyu. Every inch of her skin tells the story of her unyielding and struggle against life.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

When talking about the interaction with Principal Zhang Guimei (played by Song Jia) in the play, Lan Xiya's eyes sparkled with moving light.

She recalled the moment when the college entrance examination was over. When she walked out of the examination room, she saw the tired and thin figure of Principal Zhang Guimei, and the emotions surging in her heart were like a river bursting its embankment. At that moment, they seemed to have become part of each other's stories, experiencing the sadness and touching together.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Through delicate characterization, Lancia not only accurately grasped the inner world of the character, but also demonstrated profound acting skills in the conversion of language and dialect, allowing every audience to feel the feeling of coming from the depths of the mountains. Innocence and tenacity, so winning recognition becomes a matter of course.

. Lan Xiya graduated from Wuhan University. Her partner Wang Yibo appeared in " Storm Chaser " but was not popular.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Although Lan Xiya is a new actor, she has appeared in many film and television dramas.

In "The Storm Chaser" starring Wang Yibo and Wang Yang, although Niu Chunmiao played by Lan Xiya appeared late, every time she appeared, she seemed to be a bright spot of that era, not only with her unique personality and style, adding a bit of freshness and vitality to the dull social atmosphere, and playing an indispensable catalyst role in the ups and downs of the plot.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

The appearance of Niu Chunmiao not only adds a complex layer to Wei Ruolai's emotional world, but also weaves scenes of warm and hilarious scenes for the audience with his witty humor, daring to love and daring to hate, and makes the whole drama In addition to the tension and excitement, there is also a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

In my impression, Lancia also played He Xuan in the comedy masterpiece "The Annual Party Can't Stop" starring Dapeng. In the limited shots, she showed off with short hair, and the light of wisdom and perseverance shone behind her glasses, holding tightly in her hands. The apple she is holding is not only a true portrayal of her ordinary life, but also symbolizes the small blessings in simple life.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Lan Xiya graduated from Wuhan University of the Arts. In addition to "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" and "The Storm Chaser", she has also appeared in film and television dramas such as "The Three-Body Problem" and " Changyue Jingming ". I don't know if you have Have you seen it?

. Lan Xiya participated in the recording of "Tomorrow's Son" and was praised by the judges Song Dandan but failed to become popular.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Lan Xiya was once a singer and participated in After the recording of "Tomorrow's Son", the song she sang in the program "Later" is indeed impressive.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

I remember that on the stage of the third season of "Tomorrow's Son", Lancia's performance was very eye-catching. Judge Song Dandan expressed praise for her outstanding performance without hesitation: "Lancia, when you open your mouth to sing, it seems that There is a kind of magic bursting out from your body, and your singing seems to have a kind of magic. It not only enhances your temperament, but also improves your appearance.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Although Song Dandan has been recognized, it is regrettable. Unfortunately, although Lancia showed great strength in the competition, in the end she only ranked among the top ten in the country. This result really made the viewers and fans who like Lancia feel regretful.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Through the detailed introduction above, We seem to be walking through the colorful pictures carefully woven by the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming". As the interpreter of the characters in the play, Lancia has captured every subtle emotional change just right with her superb acting skills. , as if she is the character in the play herself, experiencing those moments of laughter and tears with the audience.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Her performance is not only a perfect representation of the character, but also an affectionate ode to the glory of human nature. While watching the drama, people not only feel the charm of the story, but also realize the power of faith, love and hope. It was like having a deep spiritual dialogue, which made people moved and strengthened their steps forward and moved forward bravely.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming" is like a clear spring, gurgling during the prime time of cctv-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused layers of excitement on the Internet. The topic is rippled and the popularity remains high.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

The play is like a delicate key, slowly opening the door to the unknown tenacity and greatness behind the brilliant life of Principal Zhang Guimei, the winner of the "July 1st Medal". It is not only a narration of the story, but also a deep cultivation of emotions. With delicate lens language, every day and night, every persistence and sacrifice of Principal Zhang Guimei at Yunnan Huaping Girls' Senior High School is painted into a heart-shaking picture. The long scroll of the times.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

"When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" is not only synonymous with a TV series, it is a high-pitched and loud hymn dedicated to the power of women who are unyielding in adversity and hold up the sky for female education.

The play uses a unique female perspective as a mirror to deeply analyze the depth of the mountains where educational resources are scarce, and women’s endless desire and unremitting pursuit of knowledge. The tension between the two is vividly displayed, like vivid oil paintings. It's touching.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Principal Zhang Guimei, played by Song Jia, is not only a reappearance of the character, but also a touch of the soul. Her words and deeds are full of deep love for education and selfless dedication to students.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Among the many roles, the actor playing Gu Yu looks familiar, but to be honest, I really didn’t remember the actor’s name. So I checked the cast list, and I didn't expect it to be Lancia .

So, what kind of acting experience does Lancia have, and how was her performance in the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming"? Let us find out together:

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba. Lan Xiya played Gu Yu in "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming". Not only is she well suited to the role, but her acting skills have also received high praise.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Among the students recruited by Principal Zhang, he was the first to enter the audience's eyes. , is the female student named Guyu . She seems to be the first hope of the drizzle in spring, but she is tightly entangled by the haze of reality. The father is not only an alcoholic, but also has deep-rooted notions of favoring boys over girls. He wants to use the young Guyu as a bargaining chip in exchange for betrothal gifts to pave the way for his younger brother's future.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Therefore, the appearance of Zhang Guimei is like a beam of light penetrating the clouds, illuminating Guyu's world firmly and warmly. She ignored secular prejudices, fought against all opinions, and vowed to save this flower that was about to wither. The temptation of 30,000 yuan in betrothal gifts became powerless under the persistence of Principal Zhang. Gu Yu was finally able to break free from the shackles of fate and move towards the palace of knowledge.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Although Lan Xiya, who plays Gu Yu, is 26 years old, she perfectly interprets the youth and tenacity of the character with her outstanding performance.

In order to get closer to the character, Lancia did not hesitate to sacrifice her own beauty. She used deep makeup to create a sense of the vicissitudes of Guyu. Every inch of her skin tells the story of her unyielding and struggle against life.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

When talking about the interaction with Principal Zhang Guimei (played by Song Jia) in the play, Lan Xiya's eyes sparkled with moving light.

She recalled the moment when the college entrance examination was over. When she walked out of the examination room, she saw the tired and thin figure of Principal Zhang Guimei, and the emotions surging in her heart were like a river bursting its embankment. At that moment, they seemed to have become part of each other's stories, experiencing the sadness and touching together.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Through delicate characterization, Lancia not only accurately grasped the inner world of the character, but also demonstrated profound acting skills in the conversion of language and dialect, allowing every audience to feel the feeling of coming from the depths of the mountains. Innocence and tenacity, so winning recognition becomes a matter of course.

. Lan Xiya graduated from Wuhan University. Her partner Wang Yibo appeared in " Storm Chaser " but was not popular.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Although Lan Xiya is a new actor, she has appeared in many film and television dramas.

In "The Storm Chaser" starring Wang Yibo and Wang Yang, although Niu Chunmiao played by Lan Xiya appeared late, every time she appeared, she seemed to be a bright spot of that era, not only with her unique personality and style, adding a bit of freshness and vitality to the dull social atmosphere, and playing an indispensable catalyst role in the ups and downs of the plot.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

The appearance of Niu Chunmiao not only adds a complex layer to Wei Ruolai's emotional world, but also weaves scenes of warm and hilarious scenes for the audience with his witty humor, daring to love and daring to hate, and makes the whole drama In addition to the tension and excitement, there is also a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

In my impression, Lancia also played He Xuan in the comedy masterpiece "The Annual Party Can't Stop" starring Dapeng. In the limited shots, she showed off with short hair, and the light of wisdom and perseverance shone behind her glasses, holding tightly in her hands. The apple she is holding is not only a true portrayal of her ordinary life, but also symbolizes the small blessings in simple life.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Lan Xiya graduated from Wuhan University of the Arts. In addition to "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" and "The Storm Chaser", she has also appeared in film and television dramas such as "The Three-Body Problem" and " Changyue Jingming ". I don't know if you have Have you seen it?

. Lan Xiya participated in the recording of "Tomorrow's Son" and was praised by the judges Song Dandan but failed to become popular.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Lan Xiya was once a singer and participated in After the recording of "Tomorrow's Son", the song she sang in the program "Later" is indeed impressive.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

I remember that on the stage of the third season of "Tomorrow's Son", Lancia's performance was very eye-catching. Judge Song Dandan expressed praise for her outstanding performance without hesitation: "Lancia, when you open your mouth to sing, it seems that There is a kind of magic bursting out from your body, and your singing seems to have a kind of magic. It not only enhances your temperament, but also improves your appearance.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Although Song Dandan has been recognized, it is regrettable. Unfortunately, although Lancia showed great strength in the competition, in the end she only ranked among the top ten in the country. This result really made the viewers and fans who like Lancia feel regretful.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Through the detailed introduction above, We seem to be walking through the colorful pictures carefully woven by the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming". As the interpreter of the characters in the play, Lancia has captured every subtle emotional change just right with her superb acting skills. , as if she is the character in the play herself, experiencing those moments of laughter and tears with the audience.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

Her performance is not only a perfect representation of the character, but also an affectionate ode to the glory of human nature. While watching the drama, people not only feel the charm of the story, but also realize the power of faith, love and hope. It was like having a deep spiritual dialogue, which made people moved and strengthened their steps forward and moved forward bravely.

Under the ingenuity of director Fei Zhenxiang, the TV series 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' was like a clear spring flowing in the prime time of CCTV-1. It not only gained impressive ratings, but also aroused many topics on the Internet. Ripples, the heat remains high. The pla - Lujuba

So, have you watched the TV series "When the Mountain Flowers Are Blooming" starring Song Jia and Nie Yuan? Do you approve of Lancia's acting skills?

You are welcome to leave a comment. Let’s talk about your impressions of this drama and your favorite actors, and follow Brother Wei’s decryption at the same time!

Tags: entertainment