On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo

entertainment 9580℃
htmlOn the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clock in the evening, CCTV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was officially staged.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Kuyun’s ratings data shows that for satellite TV, even if it enters the party time, the ratings do not show a very high digital level. On the contrary, CCTV has maintained its ratings at around 3% even before the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, the starting ratings of the party are basically around 0.3%. This is a starting point data that is incomparable.

Later, the ratings of Shandong Satellite TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala quickly showed a downward trend. There is no way around this. The content of Shandong Satellite TV’s party is still the same as it was twenty years ago. Such a party may be okay if everyone comes to reminisce, but if it is held on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival and everyone competes together, the disadvantages are most obvious.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Hunan Satellite TV and Dragon TV are currently the leaders among satellite TVs. In terms of TV drama ratings, Dragon TV already leads the world, and in terms of variety show ratings, Hunan TV has never lost. In the field of party content, the two satellite TV platforms are quite competitive. But this time, both companies followed the path of differentiated competition and did not compete head-on with CCTV.

Although Hunan Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is still relatively lively, this time it seems that it does not follow the lively and crowded model of a commercial party, but a technological route. The lunar surface-like stage effect of Hunan Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala can really make everyone's eyes shine. If this show were held normally, it would obviously win the approval of too many viewers. However, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, this novelty of technology is encountering a strong opponent-CCTV Autumn Gala.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Dragon TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is on a cultural line and is full of tonality. Especially the museum dance content of "China and Egypt" at the beginning, which is of great cultural review value. This content seems to be a competition between two ancient civilizations, but in fact, it ultimately tells the story of a relationship between cultures that tolerates each other, learns from each other, and promotes each other. This kind of program creativity can even include more cultural ecology. At this point, Dongfangtai has the meaning of a sub-world Dongfangtai.

The content of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is of course very creative. However, for Mid-Autumn Festival audiences, do they look for creativity or the "conventional party"? The ratings data released by Kuyun proves that the ratings of the Autumn Gala have not been broken. Even though Hunan Satellite TV and Dragon TV have come up with very good creative content for the show, they still cannot beat the CCTV Autumn Gala.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Every year, CCTV’s two most popular shows are the Spring Festival Gala and the Autumn Gala. The Spring Festival Gala is more influential, and the program format is more obvious, all of which are established by convention. CCTV's Autumn Gala is more free and easy, allowing the directors to come up with new ideas again and again within the framework of traditional Chinese aesthetics. But overall, the style of the CCTV Autumn Gala has been finalized, especially the song and dance content based on traditional Chinese aesthetics.

The aesthetic formula of CCTV Autumn Gala should be the aesthetic formula of traditional Chinese landscape painting, or to be more specific, the aesthetic formula of Chinese gardens. For example, in this year’s CCTV Autumn Night, there was still a lot of live shooting. These real-life contents are the construction of garden styles that have long been established in China. This sense of familiarity in the aesthetics of the pictures is also what attracts viewers to the CCTV Autumn Gala. The more festivals like the Mid-Autumn Festival, the more Chinese people want to see the aesthetic content of their own cultural ecology.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

In terms of star lineup, it is certainly the most luxurious in the CCTV Autumn Gala. On Satellite TV's Autumn Gala, one star sings one song. On CCTV's Autumn Gala, only two stars, or even more stars, can sing one song together.CCTV Autumn Gala has no shortage of celebrities. CCTV Autumn Gala itself is a huge traffic platform. The peak ratings of its CCTV set have exceeded 6%, and the ratings of other broadcast platforms are not added together. This in itself means that being on the CCTV Autumn Gala can be seen by the vast majority of viewers across the country.

With such a strong ratings formula, the Mid-Autumn Festival Galas of major TV stations will of course have differentiated competitions, rather than having a big stage and a big star lineup. While the CCTV Autumn Gala is worth watching, the Autumn Gala on Hunan TV, Dragon TV and other satellite TV platforms also have their own characteristics, with a hundred flowers blooming.

htmlOn the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clock in the evening, CCTV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was officially staged.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Kuyun’s ratings data shows that for satellite TV, even if it enters the party time, the ratings do not show a very high digital level. On the contrary, CCTV has maintained its ratings at around 3% even before the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, the starting ratings of the party are basically around 0.3%. This is a starting point data that is incomparable.

Later, the ratings of Shandong Satellite TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala quickly showed a downward trend. There is no way around this. The content of Shandong Satellite TV’s party is still the same as it was twenty years ago. Such a party may be okay if everyone comes to reminisce, but if it is held on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival and everyone competes together, the disadvantages are most obvious.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Hunan Satellite TV and Dragon TV are currently the leaders among satellite TVs. In terms of TV drama ratings, Dragon TV already leads the world, and in terms of variety show ratings, Hunan TV has never lost. In the field of party content, the two satellite TV platforms are quite competitive. But this time, both companies followed the path of differentiated competition and did not compete head-on with CCTV.

Although Hunan Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is still relatively lively, this time it seems that it does not follow the lively and crowded model of a commercial party, but a technological route. The lunar surface-like stage effect of Hunan Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala can really make everyone's eyes shine. If this show were held normally, it would obviously win the approval of too many viewers. However, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, this novelty of technology is encountering a strong opponent-CCTV Autumn Gala.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Dragon TV’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is on a cultural line and is full of tonality. Especially the museum dance content of "China and Egypt" at the beginning, which is of great cultural review value. This content seems to be a competition between two ancient civilizations, but in fact, it ultimately tells the story of a relationship between cultures that tolerates each other, learns from each other, and promotes each other. This kind of program creativity can even include more cultural ecology. At this point, Dongfangtai has the meaning of a sub-world Dongfangtai.

The content of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is of course very creative. However, for Mid-Autumn Festival audiences, do they look for creativity or the "conventional party"? The ratings data released by Kuyun proves that the ratings of the Autumn Gala have not been broken. Even though Hunan Satellite TV and Dragon TV have come up with very good creative content for the show, they still cannot beat the CCTV Autumn Gala.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

Every year, CCTV’s two most popular shows are the Spring Festival Gala and the Autumn Gala. The Spring Festival Gala is more influential, and the program format is more obvious, all of which are established by convention. CCTV's Autumn Gala is more free and easy, allowing the directors to come up with new ideas again and again within the framework of traditional Chinese aesthetics. But overall, the style of the CCTV Autumn Gala has been finalized, especially the song and dance content based on traditional Chinese aesthetics.

The aesthetic formula of CCTV Autumn Gala should be the aesthetic formula of traditional Chinese landscape painting, or to be more specific, the aesthetic formula of Chinese gardens. For example, in this year’s CCTV Autumn Night, there was still a lot of live shooting. These real-life contents are the construction of garden styles that have long been established in China. This sense of familiarity in the aesthetics of the pictures is also what attracts viewers to the CCTV Autumn Gala. The more festivals like the Mid-Autumn Festival, the more Chinese people want to see the aesthetic content of their own cultural ecology.

On the evening of September 17, CCTV and many satellite TVs broadcast the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. In terms of satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Dragon TV, and Shandong Satellite TV took the lead in broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala content at 7:30 p.m. Later, at 8 o'clo - Lujuba

In terms of star lineup, it is certainly the most luxurious in the CCTV Autumn Gala. On Satellite TV's Autumn Gala, one star sings one song. On CCTV's Autumn Gala, only two stars, or even more stars, can sing one song together.CCTV Autumn Gala has no shortage of celebrities. CCTV Autumn Gala itself is a huge traffic platform. The peak ratings of its CCTV set have exceeded 6%, and the ratings of other broadcast platforms are not added together. This in itself means that being on the CCTV Autumn Gala can be seen by the vast majority of viewers across the country.

With such a strong ratings formula, the Mid-Autumn Festival Galas of major TV stations will of course have differentiated competitions, rather than having a big stage and a big star lineup. While the CCTV Autumn Gala is worth watching, the Autumn Gala on Hunan TV, Dragon TV and other satellite TV platforms also have their own characteristics, with a hundred flowers blooming.(Text/Ma Qingyun)

Tags: entertainment