Science fiction expert Wu Yan’s favorite place to go when he was in elementary school was the planetarium. As a child, he believed that the planetarium was the most magical place in the world. Wu Yan recalled that he lived in Dengshikou at that time. If he wanted to go to the pla

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Science fiction expert Wu Yan’s favorite place to go when he was in elementary school was the planetarium. As a child, he believed that the planetarium was the most magical place in the world. Wu Yan recalled that he lived in Dengshikou at that time. If he wanted to go to the planetarium, he would have to take the No. 111 bus many stops to the zoo. The first time he went to the planetarium, Wu Yan saw an exhibition. He liked it so much that he immediately took bus 111 home and got a notebook. He then sat back at the planetarium and took notes while watching the exhibition. At the same time, the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Geology were both places where Wu Yan’s science fiction dream was cultivated in his childhood. He also likes to watch various science and technology exhibitions. “In terms of scientific resources, Beijing is far superior to other cities.”

Science fiction expert Wu Yan’s favorite place to go when he was in elementary school was the planetarium. As a child, he believed that the planetarium was the most magical place in the world. Wu Yan recalled that he lived in Dengshikou at that time. If he wanted to go to the pla - Lujuba

《三级》 The scenes were shot on location in Beijing, creating a sci-fi and spectacular scene.

Beijing has the software and hardware for science fiction

1 Scientific research unit

In "The Three-Body Problem", there are many elements of Beijing on display. Bai Yicong said that there are some real scientific research units in the original work of "The Three-Body Problem" and they can be filmed in Beijing. For example, the scenes shot at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider, the National Astronomical Observatory Miyun Station and other places surprised the audience, with a sense of reality and presence. The broadcast of "Three-Body" also made Beijing's Science and Technology Museum and Observatory popular. Talking about the impact of science fiction themes on real-life "science popularization", Yang Lei said frankly that the crew used real-life shooting to make the audience feel that it was a real story. There is a sense of substitution and immersion, and there will be a certain real-life effect after the play is broadcast. After watching the show, everyone will know these locations and are willing to check in and take photos. This is also what the creators like to see. "Science fiction themes have a positive impact on real-life 'science popularization', stimulating the audience's interest and curiosity in scientific knowledge. We are very happy to be able to drive more people to pay attention to and love science."

2 Science Fiction Writers Studio

In addition The real-life shooting location is the Beijing Yuanyu Science Fiction Future Technology Research Institute, which is also established in Beijing. Well-known science fiction writers Wang Jinkang and Liu Cixin serve as honorary president and dean respectively. Well-known science fiction writers Han Song, He Xi, Jiang Bo, Chen Chen, Chen Qiufan, etc. are all here. A studio is set up. The institute aims to improve the practical level of science fiction creation. From content production to industrial production, the full-cycle industry chain of the science fiction industry is initially formed here.

3 Multiple special effects companies

In the development history of science fiction film and television, technology is a key factor. It expands the boundaries of science fiction film and television production, allowing creators to travel in a broader science fiction universe and build a magnificent and fantastic art world. The visual effects of "The Three-Body Problem" are a very important part of its film and television presentation. All science fiction and special effects are not science fiction for the sake of science fiction, but bury the shadow of science fiction deeply in reality. The first thing is to make the audience believe what is in the play. The world of expression will gradually move towards the feeling of science fiction. Therefore, for a science fiction work, the special effects company has a very heavy workload and long working hours. At present, most of the domestic first-line special effects companies are located in Beijing. Bai Yicong said that these special effects companies are all close to his company. Everyone is familiar with each other after working together for many years. During work, they have meetings in Beijing several times a week. It is just like going to work. "It is very convenient." "

When filming "The Three-Body Problem", the crew selected three special effects companies in Beijing to jointly complete these special effects. The core leader was Yang Lei's partner, director Lu Beike. Each company was responsible for the categories it was good at, and then Lu Beike unified it. Regulation and control to ensure the quality and progress of the entire special effects production. Yang Lei said that this unified control process is very important for the project. With this process in place, the special effects production of "The Three-Body Problem" became more orderly and efficient. Special effects include many types, such as the three-body story in the form of cartoons. This type of special effects needs to focus on the performance of animated characters and the rendering of the environment. In addition, scenes such as Guzheng action and ship cutting pay more attention to restoring authenticity, and need to incorporate a lot of scientific knowledge, such as the location of the earth, galaxies in the universe, etc. Each type of special effects has its own unique requirements and challenges. Scenes such as the cauldron at Red Bank Base need to be made as if they are real.

Science fiction expert Wu Yan’s favorite place to go when he was in elementary school was the planetarium. As a child, he believed that the planetarium was the most magical place in the world. Wu Yan recalled that he lived in Dengshikou at that time. If he wanted to go to the pla - Lujuba

"The Three-Body Problem" is inseparable from special effects production.

"Three Body" "Landmark"

1 Beijing Electron Positron Collider at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

In the play, the protagonist Wang Miao, who studies nanomaterials, took a photo of the physicist Yang Dong. At that time The location for the "Liangxiang Accelerator" next to Yang Dong is the Beijing Electron Positron Collider at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In October 1988, the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (bepc) was completed, kicking off high-energy physics experimental research in China based on the Electron Positron Collider. It is located on the east side of Babao Mountain in the western suburbs of Beijing, covering an area of ​​50,000 square meters. It consists of five parts: linear accelerator, transportation line, storage ring, Beijing spectrometer and synchrotron radiation device. The Beijing Electron Positron Collider is shaped like a badminton racket. The long "racquet handle" is a 200-meter-long linear accelerator, which is used to provide the storage ring with positron and negative electron beams with energy of 1.0-2.5gev. In the TV series, Yang Dong was photographed with a linear accelerator behind him.

2 Radio astronomy observation base in the suburbs of Beijing

Liu Cixin's "Three-Body" novel wrote: "Wang Miao drove along Jingmi Road to Miyun County, then turned to Heilongtan, and walked on a winding mountain road before arriving at the National Astronomy Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The radio astronomy observation base of the observation center. He saw twenty-eight nine-meter-diameter parabolic antennas lined up in the dusk, like a row of spectacular steel plants. Two tall 50-meter-diameter antennas built in 2006 The radio telescope antenna stands at the end of this row of nine-meter antennas..." In the fifth episode of the TV series, there is also a scene where Wang Miao went to the radio astronomy observation base in the suburbs of Beijing and watched the entire universe "shimmer" for him.

The official Weibo of the "Three-Body" TV series stated that the series had been filmed at the Miyun Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatory. The National Astronomical Observatory Miyun Observatory is located on the north bank of Miyun Reservoir and is surrounded by mountains. However, it is worth noting that at the beginning of the fifth episode of the TV series, the place where Wang Miao got out of the car to talk to Dr. Sha after arriving at the radio astronomy observation base was not the National Astronomical Observatory’s Miyun Observatory.

3 Beijing Planetarium

Also appearing in the fifth episode of the TV series "Three-Body Problem" is the Beijing Planetarium that is familiar to the public. In the plot, Wang Miao came here to borrow 3k glasses. In the novel, Sha Ruishan, who works at the radio astronomy observation base, said, "3K glasses are a popular science gadget we made for the Capital Planetarium. The current technology can already use Penzias and Wilson more than 40 years ago. The twenty-foot horn antenna used to discover 3k background radiation is made into the size of glasses, and a conversion system is set up in the glasses to compress the wavelength of the received background radiation by seven orders of magnitude and convert the 7 cm wave into red light . In this way, the audience can see the 3K background radiation of the universe with their own eyes at night. Now, they can also see the universe flicker. "

The Beijing Planetarium is located on Xizhimenwai Street in Xicheng District and was officially opened to the public in 1957. , was the first large-scale planetarium in my country and the first large-scale planetarium in mainland Asia at that time. Although there are no 3k glasses mentioned in novels and TV series, the Beijing Planetarium still has many attractions, and its internal equipment is at the world's leading level.

Beijing News reporter Liu Wei

editor Tong Na

proofreader Fu Chunmin

Tags: entertainment