[Source: China Ningbo Net] China Ningbo Net reporter Liao Huilan correspondent Zhu Wei Ningbo people should have their own science fiction movie week! Reporters learned from relevant departments that under the promotion of the Science Fiction Film Working Committee of the China

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[Source: China Ningbo Net]

China Ningbo Net reporter Liao Huilan correspondent Zhu Wei

Ningbo people should have their own science fiction movie week!

Reporters learned from relevant departments that under the promotion of the Science Fiction Film Working Committee of the China Film Association, the first China (Xiangshan) 30 Degrees North Science Fiction Film Week (hereinafter referred to as "Science Fiction Film Week") will be held from September 20 to 9, 2024. It will be held in Xiangshan on September 22nd.

Today, Science Fiction Movie Week officially released the theme poster. The poster uses the perspective of a young man standing between the mountains and the sea to travel into the storms and whirlpools of the future, implying the youthful storm and infinite imagination of young science fiction and filmmakers in the land of Xiangshan.

[Source: China Ningbo Net] China Ningbo Net reporter Liao Huilan correspondent Zhu Wei Ningbo people should have their own science fiction movie week!  Reporters learned from relevant departments that under the promotion of the Science Fiction Film Working Committee of the China  - Lujuba


This Science Fiction Film Week is hosted by the China Film Association and Zhejiang Provincial Film Bureau, and co-organized by the Science Fiction Film Working Committee of the China Film Association, the Propaganda Department of the Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Ningbo Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau. It brings together domestic and foreign science fiction film fields. The elite force aims to promote Chinese science fiction films to the world stage through a series of exciting activities.

Science Fiction Movie Creation Camp

The first film training camp integrating AI in China

According to reports, the theme of this Science Fiction Film Week is "AI Symbiosis Era, Embracing Youth and the Sea", and the event will focus on the integration of science fiction movies and film and television technology development, and deeply explore the application trends of science fiction creation and film technology innovation.

During the event, a series of activities such as science fiction film screenings, science fiction film creation camps, and science fiction theme salons will be held to provide a high-end platform for science fiction film lovers, creators, and industry experts to communicate and interact.

As the core section of the film week, the "Science Fiction Film Creation Camp" took the lead in launching recruitment in July this year, attracting the attention and participation of many young science fiction directors.

At that time, five outstanding young science fiction directors will be selected from across the country to receive cross-border training in science fiction, film, AI technology, etc. in Xiangshan, Ningbo, and receive filming funds and production support. In the end, 5 science fiction short films and science fiction projects were created, which were unveiled at the ultimate venture capital roadshow of the film week.

This creation camp aims to discover and cultivate innovative young directors. By integrating cutting-edge technologies such as AIGC and high-quality IP of Chinese science fiction literature, it is the first time in China to try the AI+IP science fiction film training and incubation model.

"Based on the advantages of Xiangshan's film and television industry, we will also invite senior experts in science fiction film creation and production, science fiction literature and technology as mentors to train young directors starting from venture capital. This will become the first in the world A film training camp that introduces AI technology." The relevant person in charge of the event organizer said that the final winning works will be given priority to the science fiction film unit of Golden Rooster Ventures.

What to watch during movie week?

Science Fiction Film Screenings and Master Classes

Science Fiction Film Week, what can fans watch?

"We will introduce a batch of the latest and high-quality science fiction films from around the world to bring a visual and ideological feast to the audience." The relevant person in charge of the event organizer introduced.

The reporter learned that during the film week, science fiction film screenings will also be held, focusing on innovative science fiction films from the world's latest mainstream film festivals, science fiction and fantasy film festivals and mainstream media markets.

At the same time, a science fiction film master class will also be held, where international science fiction film masters will be invited to share their valuable experience in science fiction film creation, imagination stimulation and industrial production. The

themed salon will discuss topics such as talent selection, project incubation and international exchanges for science fiction films, providing opportunities for young directors to learn and communicate. In addition, the annual meeting of the Science Fiction Film Working Committee, the 30° North Latitude Science Fiction Honors Ceremony and other activities will also be held.

[Source: China Ningbo Net]

China Ningbo Net reporter Liao Huilan correspondent Zhu Wei

Ningbo people should have their own science fiction movie week!

Reporters learned from relevant departments that under the promotion of the Science Fiction Film Working Committee of the China Film Association, the first China (Xiangshan) 30 Degrees North Science Fiction Film Week (hereinafter referred to as "Science Fiction Film Week") will be held from September 20 to 9, 2024. It will be held in Xiangshan on September 22nd.

Today, Science Fiction Movie Week officially released the theme poster. The poster uses the perspective of a young man standing between the mountains and the sea to travel into the storms and whirlpools of the future, implying the youthful storm and infinite imagination of young science fiction and filmmakers in the land of Xiangshan.

[Source: China Ningbo Net] China Ningbo Net reporter Liao Huilan correspondent Zhu Wei Ningbo people should have their own science fiction movie week!  Reporters learned from relevant departments that under the promotion of the Science Fiction Film Working Committee of the China  - Lujuba


This Science Fiction Film Week is hosted by the China Film Association and Zhejiang Provincial Film Bureau, and co-organized by the Science Fiction Film Working Committee of the China Film Association, the Propaganda Department of the Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Ningbo Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau. It brings together domestic and foreign science fiction film fields. The elite force aims to promote Chinese science fiction films to the world stage through a series of exciting activities.

Science Fiction Movie Creation Camp

The first film training camp integrating AI in China

According to reports, the theme of this Science Fiction Film Week is "AI Symbiosis Era, Embracing Youth and the Sea", and the event will focus on the integration of science fiction movies and film and television technology development, and deeply explore the application trends of science fiction creation and film technology innovation.

During the event, a series of activities such as science fiction film screenings, science fiction film creation camps, and science fiction theme salons will be held to provide a high-end platform for science fiction film lovers, creators, and industry experts to communicate and interact.

As the core section of the film week, the "Science Fiction Film Creation Camp" took the lead in launching recruitment in July this year, attracting the attention and participation of many young science fiction directors.

At that time, five outstanding young science fiction directors will be selected from across the country to receive cross-border training in science fiction, film, AI technology, etc. in Xiangshan, Ningbo, and receive filming funds and production support. In the end, 5 science fiction short films and science fiction projects were created, which were unveiled at the ultimate venture capital roadshow of the film week.

This creation camp aims to discover and cultivate innovative young directors. By integrating cutting-edge technologies such as AIGC and high-quality IP of Chinese science fiction literature, it is the first time in China to try the AI+IP science fiction film training and incubation model.

"Based on the advantages of Xiangshan's film and television industry, we will also invite senior experts in science fiction film creation and production, science fiction literature and technology as mentors to train young directors starting from venture capital. This will become the first in the world A film training camp that introduces AI technology." The relevant person in charge of the event organizer said that the final winning works will be given priority to the science fiction film unit of Golden Rooster Ventures.

What to watch during movie week?

Science Fiction Film Screenings and Master Classes

Science Fiction Film Week, what can fans watch?

"We will introduce a batch of the latest and high-quality science fiction films from around the world to bring a visual and ideological feast to the audience." The relevant person in charge of the event organizer introduced.

The reporter learned that during the film week, science fiction film screenings will also be held, focusing on innovative science fiction films from the world's latest mainstream film festivals, science fiction and fantasy film festivals and mainstream media markets.

At the same time, a science fiction film master class will also be held, where international science fiction film masters will be invited to share their valuable experience in science fiction film creation, imagination stimulation and industrial production. The

themed salon will discuss topics such as talent selection, project incubation and international exchanges for science fiction films, providing opportunities for young directors to learn and communicate. In addition, the annual meeting of the Science Fiction Film Working Committee, the 30° North Latitude Science Fiction Honors Ceremony and other activities will also be held.

Tags: entertainment