The criminal investigation drama "Snow Maze" produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl

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The criminal investigation drama " Snow Maze " produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in Harbin in 1997.

In that era when the anti-drug team was formed temporarily and could only set up an office in the cafeteria, the police used all kinds of painstaking means to crack down on drug dealers.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

The story of "Snow Maze" still has many advantages. In the portrayal of the entire plot, no one was ignored. Usually in this kind of male drama, most female characters will be sidelined.

In "Snow Maze", Zhang Xueyao, the only woman in the anti-drug team, wanted to be a police officer because she was rescued by the male protagonist, the captain Zheng Bei.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

In this police force, she is also a very good fighter. The weakest image is instead assumed by Teacher Gu Yiran played by Wang Ziqi.

Her gracefulness is so normal. An equally normal woman is Zheng Bei's sister Zheng Nan. Although she is a supporting character, she is the most normal supporting character.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

They were all amazed by Gu Yiran, because the teacher Gu Yiran is really excellent. But this astonishment is just astonishment. Soon, they returned to their normal positions.

Zheng Nan, who is powerless, will react promptly when encountering a drug-taking scene and leave with his friends. This time it was really dangerous and she couldn't leave. She tried her best to act like she had eaten and looked for an opportunity to leave.

In "Snow Maze", we can see the normalization of female characters. In terms of plot, it was also very accurate at the beginning. The rhythm and atmosphere are very strong, and there are not many peeing spots.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

But towards the end, the plot becomes more and more unreasonable. Especially the finale, it really feels like you can't understand it. All the details are not taken back and the ending is rushed. The first thing

couldn't understand was that the early boss, Jiang Yingzi, was originally the boss's wife. Later, the boss died and she integrated resources to start illegal business.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Then, she suddenly felt moved again and found a husband to get married. With a child, the family of three usually lives a very low-key life. Suddenly, the female employees at Jiang Yingzi's husband's factory discovered Jiang Yingzi's secret and clamored to report it.

A man who is usually very honest actually dares to kill for love. It seems that the boss is hiding it well, but in fact Chun Ai has known about it for a long time. Such a mysterious and contrasting character was thought to be the final boss, but both of them turned out to be false.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Especially Jiang Yingzi, who makes the most appearances and does the least things. She promised to protect Jin Fei, but she failed and always came a step too late.

The funniest thing is that the biggest villain, Xiao Ma, is actually the younger brother she takes with her every day. This character has completely collapsed since Jiang Xiaohai was Xiao Ma.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

is accompanied by the collapse of the character of Brother Ma. Jiang Xiaohai knew how to be a snow angel and created the account , Little Ma, , and gave this account to his most trusted person, Liang Jiaju. The two worked together to act out a big picture of the real and fake Little Ma.

In one sentence, why did Jiang Xiaohai make these pictures? He said he wanted to make money. The place where he lived had nothing, so Zheng Bei used his salary to add furniture.

Want to have rights? No one looks down on him, and anyone can beat him up a few times. In his early fights, he didn’t even know what the outcome was like, let alone how miserable he was.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

And even if he had the recipe for snow angels, how did he get into the business? There are so many big and small faucets, how could Jiang Xiaohai make it so big with just one recipe, and still be able to hide it from all the faucets?

The final plot of "Snow Maze" is obviously untenable. If he wanted to destroy the world, he shouldn't have suddenly relented when he tried to kill a group of policemen in Zhengbei in the early stage.

Moreover, the language given to Jiang Xiaohai in the final scene is also amazing. Zheng Bei shot him, and he slowly fell down, as if he had died heroically.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

If you just like this style and portray it this way, then forget it.The key is that all the scenes and new plots are left to the villain. On the contrary,

is decent, without much characterization. The only story line that is relatively compact is when Teacher Gu Yiran finds his father and finds the ending. There is no detailed description or explanation in this section, and it ends in a hurry.

Teacher Gu’s character was almost destroyed because of this line. When Teacher Gu confronted the drug dealer, he just watched the drug dealer walk away. Then once I got excited, all that was left was my obsession.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

This plot is the most incomprehensible. Teacher Gu has already been stupid because of his father's affairs before. In this plot, he confessed to his father's death.

Logically speaking, this paragraph should be over. Teacher Gu might have been unable to defeat the opponent because of his weak constitution, and then hurriedly fired, or he might have been in a trance and thought of the police's responsibility and chased after him.

There are many ways to promote this plot, but I chose the worst one. He asked Teacher Gu to let him go while he was awake, and then Zheng Bei rushed over and started to quarrel. During the quarrel, he started to stab Teacher Gu's father and regretted letting Teacher Gu come to Haran.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

The justice team on Zheng Bei’s side is portrayed too little. In the last step, there will be repeated chaos, which destroys Teacher Gu's character.

On the villain side, Jin Fei and his father have a deep father-daughter relationship, which was explained in detail. At first I refused to plead guilty and tell the truth, but when I heard that my daughter was suffering outside, I confessed honestly.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

There are also Jiang Yingzi and her family. There are sweet scenes, from meeting and falling in love to getting married. There should not be too many tender scenes. Even the most stupid Lin family father and son are well portrayed.

Jiang Xiaohai has many and important roles, and he can be found everywhere. He can pretend to be good in front of his godfather and pretend to be embarrassed in front of his sister Jiang Yingzi, and then he can also find time to feel sorry for Jin Fei and develop his relationship.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Such a comparison makes the police look like tools. Especially Teacher Gu's father, who runs the show from beginning to end, makes Gu Yiran even more unreliable.

There is nothing wrong with the actors. The key is that the plot is unreasonable, which makes the final plot seem very speechless. If the ending could be portrayed more perfectly, then this drama would be perfect.

will not be like it is now. After the finale, there were a lot of bad reviews on the Internet.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Unfortunately, the plot of "Snow Maze" completely collapsed after Xiao Ma came out. If it weren't for Fake Ponyboy, Jiang Xiaohai would just be a faggot, just like when he was a kid, sweet-tongued, cruel, and very smart.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Then all the plots will appear normal, because he just wants to survive, so he lies and hides everything. But he also has humanity, so he lets Zheng Bei go and protects Jin Fei at the same time.

The criminal investigation drama " Snow Maze " produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in Harbin in 1997.

In that era when the anti-drug team was formed temporarily and could only set up an office in the cafeteria, the police used all kinds of painstaking means to crack down on drug dealers.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

The story of "Snow Maze" still has many advantages. In the portrayal of the entire plot, no one was ignored. Usually in this kind of male drama, most female characters will be sidelined.

In "Snow Maze", Zhang Xueyao, the only woman in the anti-drug team, wanted to be a police officer because she was rescued by the male protagonist, the captain Zheng Bei.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

In this police force, she is also a very good fighter. The weakest image is instead assumed by Teacher Gu Yiran played by Wang Ziqi.

Her gracefulness is so normal. An equally normal woman is Zheng Bei's sister Zheng Nan. Although she is a supporting character, she is the most normal supporting character.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

They were all amazed by Gu Yiran, because the teacher Gu Yiran is really excellent. But this astonishment is just astonishment. Soon, they returned to their normal positions.

Zheng Nan, who is powerless, will react promptly when encountering a drug-taking scene and leave with his friends. This time it was really dangerous and she couldn't leave. She tried her best to act like she had eaten and looked for an opportunity to leave.

In "Snow Maze", we can see the normalization of female characters. In terms of plot, it was also very accurate at the beginning. The rhythm and atmosphere are very strong, and there are not many peeing spots.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

But towards the end, the plot becomes more and more unreasonable. Especially the finale, it really feels like you can't understand it. All the details are not taken back and the ending is rushed. The first thing

couldn't understand was that the early boss, Jiang Yingzi, was originally the boss's wife. Later, the boss died and she integrated resources to start illegal business.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Then, she suddenly felt moved again and found a husband to get married. With a child, the family of three usually lives a very low-key life. Suddenly, the female employees at Jiang Yingzi's husband's factory discovered Jiang Yingzi's secret and clamored to report it.

A man who is usually very honest actually dares to kill for love. It seems that the boss is hiding it well, but in fact Chun Ai has known about it for a long time. Such a mysterious and contrasting character was thought to be the final boss, but both of them turned out to be false.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Especially Jiang Yingzi, who makes the most appearances and does the least things. She promised to protect Jin Fei, but she failed and always came a step too late.

The funniest thing is that the biggest villain, Xiao Ma, is actually the younger brother she takes with her every day. This character has completely collapsed since Jiang Xiaohai was Xiao Ma.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

is accompanied by the collapse of the character of Brother Ma. Jiang Xiaohai knew how to be a snow angel and created the account , Little Ma, , and gave this account to his most trusted person, Liang Jiaju. The two worked together to act out a big picture of the real and fake Little Ma.

In one sentence, why did Jiang Xiaohai make these pictures? He said he wanted to make money. The place where he lived had nothing, so Zheng Bei used his salary to add furniture.

Want to have rights? No one looks down on him, and anyone can beat him up a few times. In his early fights, he didn’t even know what the outcome was like, let alone how miserable he was.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

And even if he had the recipe for snow angels, how did he get into the business? There are so many big and small faucets, how could Jiang Xiaohai make it so big with just one recipe, and still be able to hide it from all the faucets?

The final plot of "Snow Maze" is obviously untenable. If he wanted to destroy the world, he shouldn't have suddenly relented when he tried to kill a group of policemen in Zhengbei in the early stage.

Moreover, the language given to Jiang Xiaohai in the final scene is also amazing. Zheng Bei shot him, and he slowly fell down, as if he had died heroically.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

If you just like this style and portray it this way, then forget it.The key is that all the scenes and new plots are left to the villain. On the contrary,

is decent, without much characterization. The only story line that is relatively compact is when Teacher Gu Yiran finds his father and finds the ending. There is no detailed description or explanation in this section, and it ends in a hurry.

Teacher Gu’s character was almost destroyed because of this line. When Teacher Gu confronted the drug dealer, he just watched the drug dealer walk away. Then once I got excited, all that was left was my obsession.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

This plot is the most incomprehensible. Teacher Gu has already been stupid because of his father's affairs before. In this plot, he confessed to his father's death.

Logically speaking, this paragraph should be over. Teacher Gu might have been unable to defeat the opponent because of his weak constitution, and then hurriedly fired, or he might have been in a trance and thought of the police's responsibility and chased after him.

There are many ways to promote this plot, but I chose the worst one. He asked Teacher Gu to let him go while he was awake, and then Zheng Bei rushed over and started to quarrel. During the quarrel, he started to stab Teacher Gu's father and regretted letting Teacher Gu come to Haran.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

The justice team on Zheng Bei’s side is portrayed too little. In the last step, there will be repeated chaos, which destroys Teacher Gu's character.

On the villain side, Jin Fei and his father have a deep father-daughter relationship, which was explained in detail. At first I refused to plead guilty and tell the truth, but when I heard that my daughter was suffering outside, I confessed honestly.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

There are also Jiang Yingzi and her family. There are sweet scenes, from meeting and falling in love to getting married. There should not be too many tender scenes. Even the most stupid Lin family father and son are well portrayed.

Jiang Xiaohai has many and important roles, and he can be found everywhere. He can pretend to be good in front of his godfather and pretend to be embarrassed in front of his sister Jiang Yingzi, and then he can also find time to feel sorry for Jin Fei and develop his relationship.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Such a comparison makes the police look like tools. Especially Teacher Gu's father, who runs the show from beginning to end, makes Gu Yiran even more unreliable.

There is nothing wrong with the actors. The key is that the plot is unreasonable, which makes the final plot seem very speechless. If the ending could be portrayed more perfectly, then this drama would be perfect.

will not be like it is now. After the finale, there were a lot of bad reviews on the Internet.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Unfortunately, the plot of "Snow Maze" completely collapsed after Xiao Ma came out. If it weren't for Fake Ponyboy, Jiang Xiaohai would just be a faggot, just like when he was a kid, sweet-tongued, cruel, and very smart.

The criminal investigation drama 'Snow Maze' produced by director Zhang Yimou has finally reached its finale. This drama tells the story of an anti-narcotics police officer, and is set in 1997 Harlan. In that era when anti-drug teams were formed on a temporary basis and could onl - Lujuba

Then all the plots will appear normal, because he just wants to survive, so he lies and hides everything. But he also has humanity, so he lets Zheng Bei go and protects Jin Fei at the same time.

What do you think of the finale of "Snow Maze"? Welcome to leave a message for rational discussion!

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Tags: entertainment