China News Service, Fuzhou, July 24 (Reporter Long Min) The Fujian Provincial Meteorological Observatory raised the "Typhoon Warning Level III" to the "Typhoon Warning Level II" at 10:00 on the 24th, and issued a "Heavy Rain Warning Level III". This year's No. 3 typhoon "Gemei" w

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China News Service, Fuzhou, July 24 (Reporter Long Min) The Fujian Provincial Meteorological Observatory raised the "Typhoon Warning Level III" to the "Typhoon Warning Level II" at 10:00 on the 24th, and issued a "Heavy Rain Warning Level III".

This year's No. 3 typhoon "Gemei" was centered about 195 kilometers southeast of Yilan County, Taiwan Province (23.6 degrees north latitude, 123.2 degrees east longitude) at 9:00 on the 24th. The maximum wind force near the center was level 16 (55 meters/second, super typhoon class). According to the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Observatory, "Gemei" will move northwest at a speed of about 15 kilometers per hour, and its intensity will increase. It will make landfall on the central and northern coast of Taiwan Province on the night of the 24th (strong typhoon level, level 14-15). After that, it will pass through Taiwan Province and will make landfall on the coast from Fuding to Jinjiang in Fujian Province from the afternoon to the first midnight of the 25th (typhoon level or severe typhoon level, 12 to 14). After landing, it will continue to go deep inland and move northward.

China News Service, Fuzhou, July 24 (Reporter Long Min) The Fujian Provincial Meteorological Observatory raised the 'Typhoon Warning Level III' to the 'Typhoon Warning Level II' at 10:00 on the 24th, and issued a 'Heavy Rain Warning Level III'. This year's No. 3 typhoon 'Gemei' w - Lujuba

html On July 23, fishing boats took shelter in the Huangqi National Center Fishing Port in Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City. This year's No. 3 typhoon "Gemei" is huge and strong, and will hit Fujian head-on, bringing severe wind and rain impacts. According to the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Observatory, "Gemei" will make landfall on the coast of central and northern Fujian from the afternoon to evening of the 25th. Photographed by China News Service reporter Zhang Bin

Affected by the typhoon, on the 24th, the maximum wind force in the fishing grounds outside Fujian, the Diaoyu Island waters, the fishing grounds in eastern Fujian and the fishing grounds in central Fujian was 10 to 14 levels, with gusts of 15 to 16 levels, and the fishing grounds in southern Fujian had level 8 to 9 gusts of 10 to Level 12; wind gusts of level 9 to level 10 in the central and northern coastal areas are level 11 to level 13. On the 25th, the maximum wind force was magnitude 10 to 12 in the fishing grounds outside Fujian and the Diaoyu Islands, with gusts of magnitude 12 to 15. The maximum wind force was magnitude 10 to 14 in the fishing grounds in eastern Fujian and central Fujian, and the gusts were magnitude 15 to 16 in the fishing grounds in southern Fujian and Taiwan's shoals. Gusts of magnitude 10 to 12; gusts of magnitude 9 to 14 in the central and northern coastal areas, gusts of magnitude 15 to 16, and magnitudes 8 to 9 in the southern coastal areas, gusts of magnitude 10 to 12. The sea area near the center of the typhoon passed level 14 to 16. On the 26th, the largest wind areas in the eastern and central Fujian fishing grounds and central and northern coastal areas had gusts of magnitude 9 to 11 and 12 to 13 levels; the southern Fujian fisheries and southern coastal areas had gusts of magnitude 8 to 9 and 10 to 12 levels.

On the 24th, there were heavy to heavy rains in the coastal areas of central and northern Fujian. On the 25th, there were heavy rains to heavy rains in the coastal areas of Fujian, and some extremely heavy rains in the central and northern coastal areas; heavy rains to heavy rains, with local heavy rains, in the remaining areas. On the 26th, there were heavy rains to heavy rains, with local heavy rains, in the inland areas of Fujian; heavy rains to heavy rains, with local heavy rains, in other areas. The cumulative rainfall from 8:00 on the 24th to 8:00 on the 27th was 150 to 350 mm in the northern coastal areas, with some exceeding 600 mm; in other areas, it was 100 to 180 mm, with some exceeding 250 mm.

The Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau stated that the risk of typhoon and strong wind disasters will be high in the fishing grounds and coastal areas of Fujian Province from the 24th to the 26th, and in some onshore counties and cities from the 25th to the 26th. Vessels sailing or operating in the relevant areas should return to the port in time to take shelter or avoid the affected area. , offshore operating platforms and sea- and island-related tourism need to strengthen safety management, coastal breeding facilities need to be reinforced in advance, and attention must be paid to preventing the harm of strong onshore winds to urban and rural infrastructure and engineering facilities.

At the same time, the risk of typhoon and rain disasters in Fujian Province is high. Attention should be paid to preventing flash floods, small and medium river floods, urban and rural waterlogging, collapses, landslides, debris flows and other secondary disasters that may be caused by heavy typhoon precipitation. Road traffic safety risks are high during heavy precipitation, and it is necessary to Strengthen traffic safety management and guidance, especially the safety management of underground spaces such as tunnels and stations. Keep distance between vehicles and control vehicle speed. (End)

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