There was no room for flowers in the farewell hall, and they were lined up from the door to the corner of the corridor. In the hot summer day, many people from other places rushed to Hall 5 of the Wenzhou Funeral Home to say goodbye to Dr. Li Sheng. They are Li Sheng's relat

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There was no room left for the flowers in the farewell hall, and they were lined up from the door to the corner of the corridor.

On a hot summer day, many people from other places rushed to Hall 5 of Wenzhou Funeral Home to say goodbye to Dr. Li Sheng. They are Li Sheng's relatives, colleagues, and friends, as well as his patients and family members during his lifetime, as well as netizens from all over the country who have never met him.

There was no room for flowers in the farewell hall, and they were lined up from the door to the corner of the corridor.      In the hot summer day, many people from other places rushed to Hall 5 of the Wenzhou Funeral Home to say goodbye to Dr. Li Sheng. They are Li Sheng's relat - Lujuba

Flowers in the funeral home were placed at the corner of the corridor. Unless otherwise noted, the pictures in this article were all taken by The Paper reporter Chen Yuanyuan

html At about 13:18 on July 19, a man was injured in the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University (hereinafter referred to as "Wenyi First Hospital"). Hospital") chopped and injured Li Sheng, the chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, and then jumped off the building. On the same day, the hospital announced that Li Sheng passed away after resuscitation failed.

A security guard at the hospital told The Paper that it has not yet been discovered which door the suspect entered the hospital through with a knife. A reporter from The Paper asked for confirmation from the Nanbaixiang Street Police Station where the hospital where the incident occurred was located, but the other party said it was inconvenient to disclose the man's condition. As of press time, the cause of the medical injury remains a mystery.

After the incident, the National Medical Insurance Administration, the National Health Commission, and the Chinese Medical Doctor Association successively issued documents condemning illegal and criminal acts that violently harmed medical staff. The National Health Commission emphasized that violent injury to medical staff not only seriously infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of medical staff, but also disrupts the order of normal medical services and harms the interests of the general public.

In recent years, domestic medical injuries have occurred frequently. The Paper reviewed the "Work Report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate" released from 2016 to 2024 and found that from 2016 to 2023, our country prosecuted a total of 14,271 people for crimes such as injuring doctors, disturbing doctors, and gathering people in hospitals to cause trouble.

How to allow doctors and patients to treat patients with peace of mind has become an urgent problem.

Fatal Chase

Wang Dan is a colleague of Li Sheng’s mother. As far as she knows, Li Sheng is the youngest of three sons in the family. Most of his family members are medical workers. His mother is the head nurse in the operating room, and his father is the head nurse in the operating room. He is a cardiovascular physician, and his eldest brother is a dermatologist. She came to the funeral home from Yueqing after learning about Li Sheng's death. The obituary posted at the door of the

funeral home stated that Li Sheng was born in Yueqing, Wenzhou on March 16, 1974, at the age of 51. He graduated from university in 1996 and has been working at the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University until now. He is currently the cardiovascular department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. Leader of the internal medicine treatment team and attending physician. The First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University is a local tertiary hospital, and its cardiology department is also quite outstanding.

On the day of the incident, the highest temperature in Wenzhou in the afternoon reached 36 degrees Celsius. Li Sheng attended the clinic in Baixiang Hospital in the morning. Because he was adding patients, he saw him until after one o'clock in the afternoon and did not bother to have lunch. At this time, a man broke into the consulting room and committed murder. A video of the crime scene later posted online by

showed that after Li Sheng was injured, he ran out of the clinic and shouted "Help!" while the murderer, armed with a knife, was still chasing him to chop him. Some family members of patients in the clinic tried to stop him, and there were several patients and their family members watching outside the door.

Originally, the hospital lobby was very quiet during lunch break. At this time, Wang Le, who was sitting in the lobby on the first floor, heard a noise from upstairs. Two minutes later, he saw someone falling from the building. He was completely covered. Within two or three minutes, a large group of doctors came and ran away. The cordon was raised and the crowd gradually dispersed.

According to the Economic Observer, the rescue of Li Sheng began at around 1 p.m. Dozens of doctors and nurses from vascular surgery, liver surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, pancreatic surgery, urology surgery and other departments participated in the rescue, which continued until the evening. It's past nine o'clock. During the rescue, Li Sheng's blood pressure was always very low. First, the upper pressure was 60, then the lower pressure was 40. Later, the lower pressure dropped to 20, and the blood pressure could not be raised.

Yang Lei was very anxious when he heard the news that Li Sheng was rescuing him. He was a surgeon at the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. He said that Li Sheng has type AB blood, and the hospital leaders organized all employees to donate blood and transfused more than 10,000 ml of blood.

In the early morning of the next day, the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University published an article "In deep mourning for Dr. Li Sheng", saying that after joint treatment by multiple experts, Li Sheng was eventually injured due to excessive injuries and rescue efforts were ineffective. He unfortunately passed away at around 21:00 on July 19, 2024. .

Yang Lei said that the murderer stabbed Li Sheng's carotid artery, liver, pancreas, abdominal aorta and other vital parts of the body. The "method was particularly ruthless", causing him to lose a lot of blood.

As for the motive of the murderer, according to the report of "Beiqing Shenyi", "We learned from many people familiar with the matter that the man who committed the crime had no medical records in Wenfu No. 1 Hospital in the past 10 years. He was unmarried and lived alone with very few social interactions. He was not a criminal." Due to the conflict between doctors and patients, the motive for the crime has not been identified yet. "

But Yang Lei said that another theory was also circulated among their colleagues: many years ago, the murderer was a patient of a chief physician in the cardiology department of the hospital, and the doctor gave him the drug at that time. Had cardiac surgery.

This statement has not been officially confirmed. The Paper tried to contact the chief doctor involved in the rumor, but was unable to get through. At present, The Paper has not contacted other insiders to verify the above information.

"Rules are dead, life is the first priority"

Many interviewees close to Li Sheng mentioned to The Paper reporter that it is his normal work routine for Li Sheng to stay hungry and ask for extra consultations until after one o'clock in the afternoon. .

Zhao Qingchuan interned with Li Sheng from 2019 to 2020. Every time he worked as an assistant for Li Sheng, he would deliberately eat enough and be prepared to work overtime.

According to the registration platform of Wenzhou First Hospital, Li Sheng is mainly good at the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, such as chest tightness, palpitation, cyanosis, chest pain, hypertension, hypotension, abnormal pulse, etc. Most of his patients are elderly.

Xia Xianglian and her husband are both 77 years old this year, and they are both patients of Li Sheng. Xia Xianglian has been treating patients with Li Sheng for 20 years and had three heart stents installed. Now she goes to Li Sheng to prescribe medicine every few months. After learning the bad news, their family took a taxi from their hometown in Yueqing to Wenzhou to see Li Sheng for the last time on the morning of July 21.

There was no room for flowers in the farewell hall, and they were lined up from the door to the corner of the corridor.      In the hot summer day, many people from other places rushed to Hall 5 of the Wenzhou Funeral Home to say goodbye to Dr. Li Sheng. They are Li Sheng's relat - Lujuba

Xia Xianglian and her 77-year-old husband rushed from Yueqing to Wenzhou city to say goodbye to Li Sheng

She remembered that one day when she was 58 years old, her chest suddenly hurt so much that she broke out in sweat. I originally went to the nearest hospital first, but it was not cured, so I was transferred to the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. It happened to be in Li Sheng's outpatient clinic, and the condition was stabilized after surgery.

She said that it was difficult to make an appointment with Li Sheng's number, and every time she had to add her number on the spot. That was the "green channel" Li Sheng left for patients, Xia Xianglian's daughter said. She used to accompany her mother for consultation. After 12 noon, all other clinics were basically closed, and only Li Sheng's clinic still had many people.

Yao Yao's grandfather has also been a patient of Li Sheng for more than ten years. Due to heart problems such as myocardial infarction and blockage, he often needs follow-up visits. She said that sometimes grandpa didn't get the number, but when he arrived at the scene, Li Sheng would specially add the number.

Li Sheng once said to her and her grandfather, "Rules are dead, life is the first priority."

Yao Yao recalled that every time Li Sheng saw her grandfather, she would smile and say, "You are here. You look much better. There must be nothing wrong with you." Yao Yao said that grandpa didn't like to laugh, but every time he met Li Sheng, the two always talked and laughed, like old friends.

When Yao Yao's family chats, they sometimes mention Li Sheng. "How many people would always talk about a doctor?" she said.

Xia Xianglian also takes Li Sheng seriously. The second operation required two heart stents. Before the operation, the money they brought could not afford the cost of cardiac angiography and other examinations. Li Sheng said to her, "The money doesn't matter, I'll take care of it." After the examination, Xia Xianglian's son found a way to make up for the cost.

“He saved my life.” Xia Xianglian told The Paper reporter.

Before the famous "attending physician"

, doctor Yang Lei asked around to find a cardiologist for his friends and family, and many medical staff recommended Li Sheng to him. Yang Lei said that Li Sheng's medical skills are recognized by the vast majority of people in the hospital, and Huang Weijian, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, also recognizes him.

Public information shows that Huang Weijian is a well-known pacing electrophysiologist in China and was the first to propose the concept of left bundle branch pacing in the world.

The relationship between Li Sheng and Huang Weijian has been widely circulated. Yang Lei said that an American patient once came to China to seek surgery from Huang Weijian, but Huang Weijian had a heart problem and chose Li Sheng to perform the surgery. A reporter from The Paper tried to contact Huang Weijian but received no reply.

Despite his reputation, Li Sheng was stuck at the title of attending physician and was not promoted.Yang Lei explained to reporters that Li Sheng studied for an on-the-job master's degree. Later, he was busy with clinical work and never improved his academic qualifications, which affected his professional title and promotion. In addition, Yang Lei said that as a research-oriented hospital, the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University attaches great importance to scientific research, but he felt that Li Sheng did not seem to care too much, "Maybe it doesn't matter, as long as the patient's disease is cured anyway."

Zou Feng originally called Li Sheng's clinic number for July 26, but on the day of the incident, he received a notice of suspension of the clinic.

Zou Feng is 45 years old this year, and his father is 70 years old. They live in Qingtian County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, 100 kilometers away from Wenzhou City. Both father and son have hereditary high cholesterol and blockage. Li Sheng has done it for both of them. Operation. Once before an operation, Zou Feng carefully gave Li Sheng a red envelope, but he refused and still treated the patient very well.

Medical student Zhao Qingchuan remembers that there were many patients in Li Sheng's clinic every time. The clinic was noisy and the doors opened back and forth. Sometimes he was worried that it would affect Li Sheng's way of seeing a doctor, so he asked the patients who came after him to wait outside the clinic. But Li Sheng said, it doesn't matter, just stay by their side.

What impressed him deeply was that during the consultation, in order to facilitate the patient's understanding, Li Sheng would describe blood vessels as "aging plastic water pipes."

Liu Peilei lamented to reporters that she had never seen such a patient doctor. Her mother has been seeing patients in Dr. Li Sheng's clinic for eight years and once had heart valve replacement surgery. She will take her mother for a follow-up visit about one month after the operation.

She remembered that the patients in the clinic were mostly elderly people, and Li Sheng always spoke softly and harmoniously when communicating with them, "You are recovering very well" and "This is okay." In her eyes, Li Sheng always eases the patient's worries first, and then slowly tells the patient what to pay attention to. Even if the patient asks questions repeatedly, Li Sheng will take the trouble to explain and never use harsh words.

colleague Yang Lei feels that Li Sheng is also patient in teaching. He once rotated in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine for a month and studied under Li Sheng's ward rounds. Some colleagues are not locals and the patient cannot understand the Wenzhou dialect spoken. Li Sheng will help translate the dialect into Mandarin.

Zhang Bin is a clinical pharmacy student at Wenzhou Medical University and has taken Li Sheng's internal medicine cardiomyopathy course. He recalled that most courses in internal medicine were relatively boring, but Li Sheng had a gentle temperament and humorous speech, which made the whole class amused.

There was no room for flowers in the farewell hall, and they were lined up from the door to the corner of the corridor.      In the hot summer day, many people from other places rushed to Hall 5 of the Wenzhou Funeral Home to say goodbye to Dr. Li Sheng. They are Li Sheng's relat - Lujuba

Li Sheng (the first medical staff member from the left) performs a free clinic on the street. Picture source: WeChat public account

of the Department of Cardiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Wen Medical University. How can doctors and patients feel at ease?

After Li Sheng was killed, the security issue of the hospital became the focus of everyone's attention.

On July 22, a reporter from The Paper reported that there are currently security checks at the main gate and side entrance of Wenzhou First Hospital, and there are also security guards and police patrolling the corridors.

A security staff member of Wenzhou No. 1 Hospital told reporters that after the incident, the hospital increased its security forces. In his opinion, the difficult thing about hospital security work is that there are many small entrances and passages in the hospital, which are difficult to guard against. At present, they have not found out which door the murderer entered the clinic through.

There was no room for flowers in the farewell hall, and they were lined up from the door to the corner of the corridor.      In the hot summer day, many people from other places rushed to Hall 5 of the Wenzhou Funeral Home to say goodbye to Dr. Li Sheng. They are Li Sheng's relat - Lujuba

After the incident, the hospital’s security inspection force was strengthened

Yang Lei also mentioned that there are many hospital doors, so it is difficult to implement mandatory security inspections like airports. According to the official website of Wenzhou First Hospital, the hospital's outpatient and emergency visits in 2023 will reach 5.863 million, 268,000 patients will be discharged, and 141,000 surgeries will be performed. Yang Lei believes that as a tertiary hospital, the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University has an average daily outpatient volume of nearly 20,000 people, making it a veritable super hospital.

Yang Lei is worried that if patients and their families wait too long for security check, other conflicts will arise. Just like one time when he was waiting for a flight at the airport, the flight attendant informed him that due to aircraft failure and maintenance, boarding time would need to be postponed. Some passengers around him would quarrel with the flight attendant. Yang Lei didn't understand the point of making noise. Isn't it for the safety of passengers to repair the aircraft after it breaks down?

The Paper reporter contacted many medical staff from the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, but most of them refused to be interviewed because of the hospital's regulations. Yang Lei said that he was willing to be interviewed because he hoped that the life safety of medical staff could be protected and the dilemma could be resolved.

"I think how our hospital handles this matter will have a great impact on the entire industry. If everyone is in danger, then when you encounter such a thing, how do you know whether the next person will kill you?" Yang Lei said.

asked about the status of his colleagues. Yang Lei told reporters that it is still difficult for everyone to calm down. They dare not think that such a thing will happen to them and fall on a doctor who is diligent in treating patients.

After the incident, a physician at the First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University felt sad for Li Sheng’s experience and wrote on WeChat Moments: He was so helpless in the end and fell into the hands of the patient he regarded as his life. The film crew of the

documentary "Human World" has filmed 116 medical disputes. The film crew once mentioned in media interviews that the cause of the estrangement between doctors and patients is a systemic problem, such as the scarcity of medical resources and the lack of life education... And The improvement of the doctor-patient relationship requires not only the improvement of the system, but also the efforts of every participant.

In addition, the communication between doctors and patients often lacks a buffer zone. The emergence of domestic medical social workers may make up for this gap. Taking the medical social workers in the Social Work Department of the Children's Hospital of Fudan University as an example, The Paper reported in June this year "Pay attention to the power of medical social workers to enable them to exert greater professional value" and mentioned that medical social workers transform doctors' professional terminology , explain the medical process and methods to patients, and use empathy to gain the trust of patients. On the one hand, it allows patients to feel cared for, and on the other hand, it also makes medical staff work more efficiently. However, in terms of public policy, social forces still need to be guided to provide financial support.

html On July 22, the scene of Clinic No. 17 of Wenzhou No. 1 Hospital where the incident occurred has been cleaned up. The door was opened, a doctor was sitting in the clinic, and many patients were standing in the clinic. Li Sheng's nameplate is still hanging on the photo directory of physicians in Ward 223 of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine.

There was no room for flowers in the farewell hall, and they were lined up from the door to the corner of the corridor.      In the hot summer day, many people from other places rushed to Hall 5 of the Wenzhou Funeral Home to say goodbye to Dr. Li Sheng. They are Li Sheng's relat - Lujuba

Clinic 17 where the incident occurred has been treating patients normally

(To protect the privacy of the interviewees, the names of the characters in this article are pseudonyms except for Li Sheng, Xia Xianglian and Huang Weijian)

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