Cover News Reporter Su Yu On July 2, the press conference for the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards series was held in Beijing. The cover news reporter learned from the press conference that this year's Hundred Flowers Awards series of events will be held in Chengdu, Sichu

entertainment 2025℃

cover news reporter Su Yu

html On July 2, the press conference for the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards series was held in Beijing. The cover news reporter learned from the press conference that the series of activities of this Hundred Flowers Award will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province from August 2 to 4, including the opening ceremony, nominee commendation ceremony, award ceremony, forum, film festival, film artist walk Six main contents including grassroots level.

Cover News Reporter Su Yu On July 2, the press conference for the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards series was held in Beijing. The cover news reporter learned from the press conference that this year's Hundred Flowers Awards series of events will be held in Chengdu, Sichu - Lujuba

Press conference for the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards series of events. Photography by cover news reporter Su Yu

The opening ceremony has the theme of "Flowers bloom in the official city, and hundreds of flowers bloom in Chengdu". It will display filmmakers' narrations, cultural programs and opening film screenings through sub-venues to create a wonderful dialogue between filmmakers and the audience. , showing the flourishing and vibrant prosperity of the film industry since the new era. The

awards ceremony features on-site voting by audience judges and guest awards as its main content, focusing on showcasing the latest creative achievements of Chinese films. At the same time, it closely follows the theme of the movie and incorporates Bashu style and science fiction elements to bring an audio-visual feast to the audience.

The Organizing Committee of this Hundred Flowers Award specially planned a special symposium on "Film: The Times and the People", focusing on the theoretical logic and practical implications of the contemporary nature and people's nature of Chinese films, and focusing on the goals, paths and methods of high-quality development of Chinese films in the new era. Start a discussion. The forum section has two main forums: the opening forum and the industry forum, and supporting activities such as the release of the "Chinese Film Industry Research Report" and "Chinese Film Art Report", and film master classes are held to provide in-depth exchanges and experience sharing for filmmakers and film lovers. , Provide a platform to expand horizons.

This Baihua Film Festival is divided into two main sections: "A Hundred Flowers Blooming" retrospective exhibition of outstanding films, a "Hundred Flowers Blooming" new film exhibition, and a "Chengdu Special Screening" section. During the event, audiences can watch a number of outstanding domestic films, including new films from Hong Kong and Taiwan, in designated theaters. At the same time, film activities such as meeting with main creators, new film roadshows and post-screening sharing will be held; nearly a hundred open-air film screenings will also be organized in Chengdu’s cultural landmarks, ecological parks, urban greenways, community spaces and other scenes to let more The audience can truly feel the atmosphere of flowers and the charm of light and shadow.

This year's Hundred Flowers Awards will hold a nomination and commendation ceremony to commend outstanding creations; plan a series of activities such as close interaction and cordial communication between film artists and grassroots people, and invite film workers to go among Chengdu citizens to watch movies together, interact closely, and promote communication Excellent film culture, showing the new look and new atmosphere of film art workers who shoulder the artistic mission and social responsibility. In addition to the above-mentioned main activities, Chengdu will also organize various mass cultural activities around the Hundred Flowers Awards, inviting more movie audiences to attend the Hundred Flowers Awards and share the beauty of movies. According to the relevant person in charge of the organizer of

, this year's Hundred Flowers Awards series of activities adheres to the concept of high-quality development of film and society and has four major highlights.

Firstly, the nature of the times. This Hundred Flowers Awards event will closely focus on the theme of the times and comprehensively and three-dimensionally review, display and summarize the new achievements in the development of Chinese films since the new era through awards and commendations, screening exchanges, discussions and other forms. The new changes that have taken place have inspired the majority of film workers to devote themselves to the great practice of building modern civilization of the Chinese nation and strive to create outstanding works that are worthy of the times and the people.

The second is people’s nature. This year’s Hundred Flowers Awards will adhere to the people-centered orientation and highlight people’s characteristics in event design and curatorial ideas. The collection of “My Story with the Hundred Flowers Award”, open-air film screenings, artists A series of online and offline film activities such as going to the grassroots will provide a rich cultural experience for the majority of movie audiences, enable more audiences to participate in film activities, and effectively meet the people’s growing needs for a better life.

The third is innovation. This Hundred Flowers Award event will be a gathering and mobilization for the film industry to deepen reform and promote innovative development at a new starting point. A large number of film workers gathered in Chengdu, a fertile ground for innovation, to promote new talents and new works, showcase new trends and new looks in the industry, deeply grasp the new trends in the industry, comprehensively implement new development concepts, and promote high-quality development of the film industry.

The fourth is openness. Chengdu is an open and inclusive city. Film is the artistic symbol of modern civilization. Inviting film workers to follow the Hundred Flowers Award into Chengdu is exactly the hope that ancient Shu culture and light and shadow technology, pyrotechnics and fashion sense will intertwine and collide. , cultivate an upward and optimistic, open and inclusive cultural attitude, and continuously expand the vision and pattern of film development.

Tags: entertainment