Among the list of 100 "Shanghai Craftsmen" for 2023 that was just announced not long ago, there is a very special name. He is Ke Shuichang, the "national self-improvement model" who is well-known among disabled people in Shanghai and even among disabled people across the country.

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In the list of 100 "Shanghai Craftsmen" for 2023 that was just announced not long ago, there is a very special name. He is Ke Shuichang, the "national self-improvement model" who is well-known among disabled people in Shanghai and even among disabled people across the country. He was a high-level paraplegic due to a car accident. He is not tall, his voice is not loud, and he is not good at "packaging". When placed in a sea of ​​people, except for the inseparable wheelchair, there is nothing special at first glance. However, once people know his experience, they always feel pity, then move, and then respect him. This "Shanghai craftsman" who "stands up" from a wheelchair not only wrote his own legend of wading through the mud, but also led 684 disabled apprentices, helped 57 disabled people start their own businesses, and raised the hopes of 741 families. At the same time, he continues to have new ideas and is exploring the path of helping the disabled.

Among the list of 100 'Shanghai Craftsmen' for 2023 that was just announced not long ago, there is a very special name. He is Ke Shuichang, the 'national self-improvement model' who is well-known among disabled people in Shanghai and even among disabled people across the country. - Lujuba

Caption: Ke Shuichang guides disabled people to learn electronic maintenance at the "Sunshine 201" Shanghai Comprehensive Employment Service Platform for Disabled Persons. Photo by Sun Zhongqin (the same below)

Highlight moments emerging from the darkest place

46-year-old Ke Shuichang has many highlight moments: he was received by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People and was awarded the honorary title of "National Self-improvement Model", and won the National Vocational Skills for Disabled Persons The first place in the competition, participated in the World Vocational Skills Competition for Disabled Persons, and won the titles of "National Technical Expert", "National Five Best Families", "National Most Beautiful Family"... However, his story still has to start from that darkest moment. .

At the end of the 20th century, Ke Shuichang, a native of Huangshi, Hubei, learned to repair laptops in the famous "Huaqiangbei" in Shenzhen. In 2003, he came to Shanghai to open a computer repair department, which coincided with the popularity of laptop computers. Two years later, he founded an electronic technology company and quickly became famous in Shanghai. He opened 7 The branches carry out repairs of computers and other industrial and electronic equipment.

there is an unexpected situation. In 2011, a car accident in the rain made Ke Shuichang a high-level paraplegic. He lost all consciousness from the spine to the thoracic section, and he didn't even know whether he was hungry or full when eating. Inevitably, Ke Shuichang found it difficult to accept this huge change for a while, and he did not dare to tell his parents. For a long time, he did not dare to answer the phone calls from his mother. He could only call back after his emotions calmed down and force a smile.

It was his wife Li Jing who rekindled his fighting spirit. At that time, Li Jing took good care of her every day, carrying water, wiping her body, feeding her, and turning her body every two hours to prevent bedsores... In just a few months, she became haggard and weak, and suddenly collapsed while carrying water. On the ground. Seeing his wife being picked up by the 120 ambulance, Ke Shuichang burst into tears and made up his mind: "I want to live like a man"!

After that, he began to learn to turn over, get out of bed, and put on diapers... The moment he independently moved from bed to wheelchair for the first time, he felt a sense of accomplishment that seemed to be better than his previous achievements. Of course, the hardship of starting over is far greater than that of a baby learning to walk. He still remembers that during the rehabilitation training, the pain was so painful that he had to cry when he got out of bed. After that, every time he changed positions for training, it was another torment of blood and tears. , "If we say 'toothache is really terrible', then the nerve pain caused by rehabilitation training is really ten times or a hundred times that of toothache." However, he finally got through it, and this is where the rest of the story comes from.

Among the list of 100 'Shanghai Craftsmen' for 2023 that was just announced not long ago, there is a very special name. He is Ke Shuichang, the 'national self-improvement model' who is well-known among disabled people in Shanghai and even among disabled people across the country. - Lujuba

His highlight moments are not just his own

Now, when mentioning him, the first reaction of disabled people and disabled workers in Shanghai is often "Oh, that's Ke Shuichang who repairs mobile phones." But in fact, Ke Shuichang does more than just repair mobile phones. Just because his rebirth started with repairing mobile phones, this label is almost "welded" to him.

After being injured in 2011, Ke Shuichang's company was paralyzed for a year. When he bucked up and wanted to return to his old job, he found that he couldn't even hold a laptop. When he was upset, it was Li Jing who helped him find a way: "The mobile phone is very small, we can try repairing it!" By chance, they stepped on the trend again and took advantage of the launch of the Apple 4S mobile phone in 2011 to bring With the wave of smartphone popularity, the company came back to life in just half a year, and Ke Shuichang himself went from a hardware engineer who repaired industrial circuit boards and electrical equipment to what people call a "disabled person who repairs mobile phones."

Of course, misunderstandings are misunderstandings. Ke Shuichang himself has never been satisfied with doing mobile phone repairs. "I can't stand up anymore and can't do physical work, but the experience and knowledge are still there. I can lead apprentices and pass on my experience in repairing 'heavy equipment'." While teaching the company's employees, he Thinking of the scenes he saw in the ward, thinking of the families that were also on the verge of being broken up due to accidents, and thinking that it was because of his skills that he could get out of the haze, so in 2013, he and Li Jing founded Jinchang Public Welfare Service Center and posted a post on recruiting apprentices in the forum for people with spinal cord injuries. The first batch of eight disabled people came. One of the practitioners told him that he insisted on coming despite the strong objections of his family. At that time, I had never heard of any disabled people doing charity work, "including food, housing, and apprenticeships." The family all said "this must be a scam". However, this trainee didn't want to leave after he came and worked at Jinchang for 10 years. Last year, he returned to his hometown to start a business. Counting this, this is already the 57th disabled entrepreneur trained by Jinchang. Among the apprentices who have been trained, many have obtained national-level and municipal-level awards. and district-level skills competition for persons with disabilities.

Use skills to light up more people’s lives

“Everyone’s life cannot be a straight line, and my curve is just a little more twisty than others.” Although the incident at that time has never been forgotten, Ke Shuichang today can be more He views gains and losses and life with an open mind. He also uses his insights to influence and change those around him, especially those with disabilities like himself.

's impact is not just that he used his professional skills to repair a smart prosthesis in one day that would have taken a lot of time and money to send overseas to repair, but that he used his skills to light up more people's lives.

Nowadays, it is rare to find the couple in the spacious office of Jinzichang Company in Lujiazui Financial Services Plaza, because they are always busy on the road of charity: they provide smartphone training for the elderly and the disabled, church They taught the elderly to take taxis and taught blind masseurs to post on "Little Red Book" to attract traffic. 1,706 training sessions benefited a total of 58,000 people; they opened the country's first "Sunshine 201" comprehensive employment service platform for disabled people in Shanghai. "Electronic Product Recycling Center" and "A Ray of Sunshine Electronic Science and Technology Innovation Studio" combine vocational training, employment guidance, entrepreneurial incubation for people with disabilities and the "carbon neutrality" goal of electronic product recycling; Ke Shuichang is also the Shanghai Ingenuity Center The leader of the Disabled Vocational and Technical Experts Club, leading 191 outstanding disabled vocational and technical experts, bravely climbed to a new peak in the construction of a highland for disabled vocational and technical talents in Shanghai...

The couple often posted their busy and fulfilling photos in their circle of friends. Life. "As long as there is light in the heart, the road to helping the disabled will go further." This is a message sent by Ke Shuichang, who just got off work from "Sunshine 201" at 7:46 pm on March 8, in Moments. "A ray of sunshine is just the right thing to do." Penetrate the gap in time and cut out the outline of the future..." This is his original intention, and it is also an expectation for tomorrow.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Sun Yun

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