The second season of "City of Museums" - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization is now on the air. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the ancient Chinese civilization.

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Chinese architectural culture has a long history, and ancient buildings that have survived for thousands of years contain unique rhythmic Chinese aesthetics. The second season of "City of Museums" - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization, exclusively titled and broadcast by Guojiao 1573, which has been brewing for 450 years, will meet you tonight. This episode of the program is led by Shan Jixiang, the instructor of the exploration team, who leads the exploration team, director Shang Jing, Wang Yuheng, Li Jie, and Zheng Lu, to embark on a wonderful journey of "tracing back to the origins" of China's thousand-year-old ancient architectural culture. The aesthetic ideas of "harmony between man and nature" and "righteousness and order" in ancient Chinese architecture have long been integrated into the development of Chinese culture and still have a profound influence today.

The second season of 'City of Museums' - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization is now on the air. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the ancient Chinese civilization. - Lujuba

Meet the mystery of the Temple of Heaven's traceable foundation. Track Dule Temple and witness the beauty of wooden architecture

At the beginning of this program, the miniature model in the source box points to the Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven, built in the 18th year of Yongle reign in the Ming Dynasty, was a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties "sacrifice to heaven" and "pray for grain". Among them, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is one of the iconic ancient buildings in Beijing that is well-known both at home and abroad. According to the "Wooden Sutra" of the Song Dynasty, traditional wooden buildings are divided into three parts: roof, body, and platform. The 6-meter-high platform of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is comparable in shape to the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. The 360-meter-long Danbi Bridge connects the Altar of Prayer for Grain and the Altar of the Circle. The Altar is used to worship heaven during the winter solstice. It is a platform without a top. The flat base is part of the earth, symbolizing the integration of heaven, earth and man. . In addition to being a beautiful place, what practical functions does the platform base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests have? The exploration group experienced bracket assembly under the guidance of experts. Which group was better? Stay tuned for tonight's show.

The second season of 'City of Museums' - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization is now on the air. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the ancient Chinese civilization. - Lujuba

Regarding construction methods, there was a monograph "Building French Style" in the Song Dynasty, which was hailed as the "Book of Heaven" by the famous architect Liang Sicheng. Following the footsteps of Liang Sicheng's research, the exploration group came to Tianjin Dule Temple, the earliest existing wooden structure pavilion in China. As soon as they entered the gate of Dule Temple, two lifelike Vajra warriors attracted everyone's attention. In "Water Margin", there is a record about Vajra Warriors in the section where Lu Zhishen made a big fuss in Mount Wutai. What is the connection between the Vajra Warriors at the gate of Dule Temple and the records in the book? What is the purpose of its unique shape? In the Guanyin Pavilion of Dule Temple, the 16-meter-tall eleven-faced Guanyin statue is one of the largest existing clay Buddha statues in China. The Guanyin Pavilion has huge brackets and far-reaching eaves, and its architectural style is very similar to that of the Tang Dynasty. What secrets are contained in its architectural proportions?

The second season of 'City of Museums' - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization is now on the air. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the ancient Chinese civilization. - Lujuba

Experience the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage skills in Liuliqu Village. Encounter the most beautiful central axis at the Capital Museum.

The owl kiss on the roof of the gate of Dule Temple is the oldest owl tail still in its original position among ancient Chinese buildings. Chiki, also known as Chiki and Chiwei, is the ninth son of the dragon in ancient Chinese myths and legends. Chiki likes to eat fire. The ancients installed Chiki on the roof ridge, which can not only protect the stability of the building, but also have the meaning of fire prevention. Liuliqu Cultural and Creative Park in West Beijing is the famous hometown of colored glaze. As an official kiln in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, it produced most of the colored glaze used in famous modern buildings in Beijing. The kiss on the top of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City was recreated one-to-one here. Liuliqu stopped production for a time in 2013. Later, with the efforts of all parties, the kiln fire was rekindled. How can Liuliqu solve environmental problems and usher in a new life? The firing of colored glaze has three parts and more than 20 processes. The exploration group was divided into groups to experience the making of colored glaze. Who can get the approval of the on-site experts?

The second season of 'City of Museums' - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization is now on the air. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the ancient Chinese civilization. - Lujuba

In this episode, the last stop of the exploration group is at the Capital Museum. The "Picture of the Golden Gate Waiting for Disappearance" drawn by ancient officials when they were waiting to go to court is similar to the current tourist attractions check-in photos. The series of pictures depicts the central axis style at that time and also witnesses the changes in the shape of the Temple of Heaven. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the court painter Xu Yang painted "Poetry of Spring for Teachers and Students in the Capital". The painting starts from the south entrance of Qianmen Street in the south and ends at Jingshan in the north. It integrates the majestic imperial city and the fireworks of the city. It is the central axis of Beijing in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The master of pictures. The 7.8-kilometer central axis of Beijing is lined with the most majestic and magnificent buildings in Beijing. Surrounded by tens of millions of courtyard houses, they together form a magnificent and orderly living environment in Beijing.Wang Yuheng draws pictures on the spot to show the shape of ancient roofs. What surprises will there be? What Taoist culture is involved in the origin of Beijing courtyard houses? Director Shang Jing gave a live interpretation of the courtyard layout of "Wulin Gaiden". What ingenuity is contained in it? Tonight's program will answer them all for you.

Different from the West that pursues the tallness of the building body, the architectural peak of ancient Chinese architecture is not at the height but at the foundation. In traditional wooden structures, the "bucket arch" components are clearly standardized and patterned. However, the ancient Chinese used wisdom and creativity to create different application methods for the patterned components. Ancient Chinese architecture is not viewed as a single building, but as an overall architectural group, which profoundly embodies the Chinese aesthetics of "harmony between man and nature", "righteousness and orderliness" and "relaxation and relaxation".

The second season of 'City of Museums' - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization is now on the air. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the ancient Chinese civilization. - Lujuba

What secrets are contained in the materials of the Temple of Heaven’s base? What are the similarities and differences between the seven types of roofs in ancient Chinese buildings? Today at 20:20, watch the second season of Beijing TV's "City of Museums" - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization. In the famous ancient buildings in Beijing and Tianjin, explore the origins of Chinese ancient buildings and feel the long history of Chinese aesthetics!

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