The highly anticipated biopic "The Collaboration", which tells the story of the friendship between famous artists Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Recently, Paul Bettany, who plays Warhol in the film, admitted that he was "very nervous" about whether he could play Warhol wel

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The highly anticipated biopic 'The Collaboration', which tells the story of the friendship between famous artists Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Recently, Paul Bettany, who plays Warhol in the film, admitted that he was 'very nervous' about whether he could play Warhol wel - Lujuba

Paul Bettany

1905 Movie Network News The highly anticipated biopic "The Collaboration", which tells the story of the friendship between famous artists Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Recently, Paul Bettany, who plays Warhol in the film, admitted that he was very nervous about whether he could play Warhol well and initially refused.

He said: Playing Andy Warhol was really difficult. Hopefully you won't see it when you watch the movie. Yes, it's difficult! If you watch any of Warhol's footage or interviews, you'll see that he was always very careful about his public image, and when they initially asked me if I would play him, I said no because I thought maybe Andy Warhol There's a reason why I always make cameos in movies. Then they told me it was about Andy Warhol and Basquiat, and I knew their collaboration well. I had long read many books on the subject, and was fascinated by the jealousy or fear that might have existed in Warhol's mind during this wonderful period of Warhol's life and the partnership with this handsome young man who quickly rose to take the art world by storm. . So I finally accepted it and started working on it.

Jean-Michel Basquiat was an American graffiti artist after World War II and one of the representatives of Art Nouveau. He had a commendable cooperative relationship with the famous Pop artist Andy Warhol, because a joint exhibition received huge After the criticism, the young Basquiat became depressed. Warhol's death in 1987 also dealt a big blow to him. In 1988, Basquiat died suddenly of a drug overdose at the age of 28. The film will focus on the deep friendship between these two well-known artists in the 1980s and explore how they made their different artistic beliefs the driving force for their common collaboration.

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