"He Came from the Fire" is a hot hit: Iteration of content marketing gameplay to reshape growth efficiency

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As the National Day approaches, everyone is immersed in a strong festive atmosphere. When this emotional trend hit the content market, a number of hits with hot-blooded themes naturally emerged. The most representative one is "He Came from the Fire".

"You can fight at any time, and you will be victorious in the battle!" As a team of firefighters shouted loud slogans, the passionate firefighting and heart-warming drama "He Came from the Fire" was exclusively launched on iQiyi. Currently, the show’s popularity on iQiyi has exceeded 8,500, ranking first on the hot list, with many drama-related topics on the hot list. Good content is good business. The commercial value of "He Came from the Fire" is favored by advertisers, attracting advertisers including Saturday Fortune, Tongrentang, Yinlu, C'estbon, Sanjiu, Vipshop, Wanglaoji, Pulse, and Hexing Baihuayou. , Nanfu battery and many other brands have been launched.

'He Came from the Fire' is a hot hit: Iteration of content marketing gameplay to reshape growth efficiency - Lujuba

So, in "He Came from the Fire", how does iQiyi help brands obtain more stable and long-term marketing benefits? How to explore the optimal solution for long video content marketing? In the future, how will the long video content marketing industry iterate and achieve efficiency improvements?

According to M360, the cooperation model between brands and long video content IP has reached a new stage that requires re-understanding and innovative strategic frameworks. The marketing value of long video dramas is not only traffic and popularity, but also the deep involvement of values ​​​​infection and user emotions, allowing users to have a trusting relationship with the brand and achieve high-quality cultivation; the marketing method is not only integrated into the drama, but also fully integrated into the drama. Explore the potential of ecological integrated marketing, explore more link forms, and expand greater possibilities for growth.

Return to the essence of content marketing: not only traffic exposure, but also touching people's hearts with content emotions

As a passionate fire-fighting drama that pays tribute to "the most beautiful retrograde man in peace times", "He Came from the Fire" focuses on the real life of firefighters In their daily work and life, while demonstrating the loyalty, passion and protective spirit of firefighters, they also face the "contradictions and conflicts" behind their greatness.

This is also the content strategy that iQiyi has always adhered to. Wang Xiaohui, Chief Content Officer of iQiyi and President of Professional Content Business Group (PCG), pointed out at the 2023 iQiyi Enjoyment Conference, “Today, works that can resonate with the audience must be stories that truly fall on ordinary people. . iQiyi insists on using the most popular way to tell the fate of small people under a big topic that contemporary people are concerned about, and creates works that dare to touch the contradictions of reality and stand with every ordinary person forever."

From an industry perspective, " "He Came from the Fire" has set a new benchmark for fire-fighting dramas, which can not only closely follow the pulse of the great era, but also resonate with the audience. Once the play was launched, it was praised by state media such as People's Daily. Local firefighting official accounts from more than 200 provinces and cities across the country gathered to call the show. It topped the real-time popularity list of Maoyan online dramas within three days of its launch.

'He Came from the Fire' is a hot hit: Iteration of content marketing gameplay to reshape growth efficiency - Lujuba

From a marketing perspective, popular long-form video dramas rely on high-quality content to gather high-value people on a large scale to follow the drama together, creating a huge traffic effect. With the popularity of "He Came From the Fire" soaring, brands using the series for marketing have also achieved extensive brand reach among high-quality people.

Digging deeper, the advantageous value of long video content marketing lies in "content emotion", which is not just superficial exposure, but deeply involved in user emotions. As Wu Gang, senior vice president of iQiyi, said, "Good content marketing is not just a separate meme or a brand's self-presentation to users. Good marketing will definitely capture the core emotion of the content itself."

Long Video IP Infecting people's hearts with ingenious content creation is the best carrier to empower brand temperament and convey brand value. On the National Day, when the whole nation is excited, "He Came from the Fire" brings this moving firefighting story intertwined with blood and fire, creating a youthful, passionate, heroic and fearless image of firefighters, which is in line with the current spirit of the times and public sentiment. Fit.

In the drama, the oral broadcast creativity of Wong Lo Kat and Yin Lu brands is fully original, and the brand and content are integrated. Starting from the core values ​​of the drama, "If you are afraid of getting angry, drink the blood of Wong Lao Kat and go forward to keep the good fortune of thousands of families", "Food grains are nutritious "Congee Road
will work with you to pay tribute to the heroes of the backfire", using the IP spirit to inject more value and connotation into the brand, thereby gaining stronger support and trust from users.

'He Came from the Fire' is a hot hit: Iteration of content marketing gameplay to reshape growth efficiency - Lujuba

'He Came from the Fire' is a hot hit: Iteration of content marketing gameplay to reshape growth efficiency - Lujuba

Expand the content marketing space: It is not just content implantation, but also leveraging the ecological layout to maximize the increment

Not only the influence of a single point and a single dimension, the potential energy penetration of long video high-quality content IP can span cycles and fields domain, constantly expanding towards the whole chain and the whole domain, which also creates a more imaginative marketing space for brands. When the long video content marketing iteration is carried out, brands can obtain higher commercial returns by making good use of the ecological marketing strategy with IP as the core.

At the 2023 iQiyi Enjoyment Conference, Wu Gang also shared: “Good content marketing should put the product back into multiple scenes in the story, let the people in the content interact with the product, and then let this interactive relationship spread to Each field of marketing will ultimately achieve the effect of information being content and advertising being native, helping brands achieve high-quality planting."

Specifically, through the four-direction ecology of full cycle, full assets, full media and full field With its integration capabilities, iQiyi continues to extend the commercial value of content, helping advertisers and users to establish multi-touch points, multi-scenarios, and multi-dimensional marketing solutions, opening up greater commercial space for brands, and forming an industry chain-style internal and external growth. Effective growth.

Full cycle: Systematic long-term investment to revitalize and enhance brand image

From the perspective of the marketing cycle, the longer a brand’s investment in IP lasts, the higher the potential energy it will accumulate. Brands can not only create integrated communication around the three cycles of "before, during and after" the drama series is broadcast, and deeply bundle IP for penetration marketing, but can also systematically and continuously layout the content marketing of dramas throughout the year, strengthening the long-term companionship. Brand awareness and creating a distinct brand image.

China Resources Sanjiu brand maintains continuous communication with users through content marketing of drama series throughout the year. In "He Came from the Fire", Sanjiu Weitai warmly reminded everyone, "If you have a tight mission, use Sanjiu Weitai brand to nourish your stomach and soothe your stomach pain after eating
", caring and protecting the health of firefighters. It can also be seen from the feedback from netizens that the Sanjiu brand has relied on the long-term value generated by continuous communication with the audience through iQiyi's high-quality dramas, improved brand friendliness, and established a new brand character who best understands plot interaction.

'He Came from the Fire' is a hot hit: Iteration of content marketing gameplay to reshape growth efficiency - Lujuba

Full assets: Make full use of IP assets to play with the product’s fancy planting

From the perspective of fancy planting and promoting business, brands can maximize the use of stars, KOLs, creators and other assets in the drama IP to create a more formal For the original grass planting activity, the product features are highly integrated with IP elements and characters in the drama to create a smoother and more coherent interactive experience for users, and to cultivate grass in a subtle way.

In "He Came from the Fire", Nan Chu (played by Zhang Jingyi) is a dancer who has a firm pursuit of career and love. The character is loved by many young users. When Zhang Jingyi, who plays the role of Nanchu, appears in the middle of the commercial, and outputs the message "Go to Vipshop and search for 'Huoguang', buy my same style and get 30% off" between outfit changes, IP value, character charm and stardom The multiple superpositions of marketing effects release huge potential for bringing goods.

'He Came from the Fire' is a hot hit: Iteration of content marketing gameplay to reshape growth efficiency - Lujuba

All media: Create a multi-screen resonance effect and continue to expand high-quality people

Nowadays, everyone is immersed in a world where different screens are intertwined, and they use adapted screens to watch content in specific spatial scenes. For advertisers, especially fast-moving consumer goods brands that focus on large exposure, only by implementing a full-media layout can they maximize their reach to target users, and make full use of the unique advantages of different screens to conduct refined communication with specific high-quality users.

is equipped with popular content IP and is the most efficient way for brands to achieve full-screen marketing. iQiyi has covered almost all media forms from personal to family scenarios, including PC, mobile, large-screen OTT, VR, etc. "He Came from the Fire" has also achieved the leading popularity in all screen ports.Brands can bind drama series for all-media delivery, and influence users' minds and decisions at multiple levels through innovative gameplay such as large and small screen linkage and multi-screen frequency control.

All-field: Transforming the global influence of IP into the brand’s full-chain growth

The popularity of hit drama series represented by "He Came from the Fire" is not only limited to long-form video platforms, but also attracts users across platforms , cross-field interaction. With the help of the breakthrough communication power of drama IP, brands can jointly develop richer and more in-depth marketing activities in the entire field to better realize diversified marketing appeals.

iQiyi has built a complete marketing link, such as online in-depth cooperation with social platforms such as Douyin and Weibo, offline development of fan meetings, OST concerts, IP on campus, etc., and has integrated full-field marketing Capabilities are fully open to brands. Through multi-dimensional forms such as the integration of long and short videos, collaborative social marketing, and integrated online and offline communication, brands can achieve their growth goals more efficiently.

Conclusion: iQiyi and the brand deeply co-create to explore the optimal solution for long video content marketing

Long video content IP has unlimited potential to be explored, and the core lies in opening up imagination and creativity. From the 2023 iQiyi Enjoyment Conference, we can see that while iQiyi adheres to the advantages of long video content, it uses a more proactive and flexible way to co-create content marketing with brands, open up ecological resources, and open up new ideas for improving content marketing efficiency. , driving the iterative upgrade of marketing efficiency and effectiveness.

Wu Gang also told all partners at the Enjoyment Meeting: The core mission of iQiyi’s marketing team is to do everything possible to help brands achieve the optimal solution for “long video content marketing”.

iQiyi will work with brands to explore high-quality growth by leveraging IP potential and innovative gameplay. For different types of brands with different marketing objectives, whether it is brand planting or business growth, whether it is consolidating brand foundation or expanding new users and breaking out of the circle, iQiyi can provide refined marketing solutions to help brands expand their business New possibilities for growth.

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