"Operation Moscow": a new level of mainstream value expression in commercial films

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In the process of explaining the core values ​​of socialism, commercial films have played an important role. Many well-received commercial films have begun to return to the simplest and most traditional national strength and core in terms of subject selection and value communication, and have become the backbone of the dissemination of mainstream values.

The movie "93 International Train Robbery: Operation Moscow" is adapted from the real case of China's first cross-border pursuit, bringing the most appalling Sino-Russian train robbery of the 1990s to the screen. As the final chapter of the "National Action Trilogy", it is in the same vein as "Operation Mekong" and "Operation Red Sea", reshaping and spreading the core values ​​of socialism with successful commercial films. The film has a sharp angle and unique creative style. It tells the audience a true and legendary story about the Chinese police chasing transnational criminal gangs and protecting justice and the safety of people's lives and property at all costs. It has a strong artistic appeal.

A new level of industrialized visual expression

Under the guidance of mainstream values, film creation has accelerated the prosperity of China's commercial film market. At the same time, through the content output of these commercial films, the core values ​​of socialism are also being reshaped. "Operation Moscow", which takes the expression of mainstream values ​​as its starting point, does not rely on grand narratives and historical events, but highly restores China's first real cross-border pursuit case, focusing on the pursuit process of Chinese police and transnational robbers fighting wits and courage. , using true brushwork, true temperament, and true content to resonate with the national spirit and the spirit of the times, allowing the audience to feel the charm of artistic creation, and experience the sense of mission and spirit of the Chinese police in the fast-paced and compact visual impact of the story, and It brings excitement and a sense of security to all Chinese people. The

'Operation Moscow': a new level of mainstream value expression in commercial films - Lujuba

production team has rich experience in commercial film work, and carefully crafted "Operation Moscow" using sophisticated production techniques and innovative content expression. They are almost demanding in artistic excellence, and coupled with their unique narrative techniques, they perfectly unify the audience's focus and the character's perspective. The plot of the film revolves around the fearlessness of the Chinese police and the arrogance of criminals. As the plot progresses, you will become more and more aware of the shocking and hearty experience of immersive movie viewing. The audience is sometimes worried about the life safety of our police officers, sometimes is entangled with Vasily, who is both good and evil, and sometimes is gnashing his teeth at Miao Qingshan's madness... The voice of justice, the hardships of transnational pursuits, and human nature are conveyed through the film. The sinking and awakening of conscience can be truly felt in every corner. This is the charm of the movie, and this is the charm of "Operation Moscow".

As the first domestic film based on the real case of China's first cross-border pursuit, "Operation Moscow" has reached a new level in terms of the completion of the industrialization of commercial films. In order to show the social style and atmosphere of the times, the film restored 1:1 many iconic buildings in Russia in the 1990s. A total of 5 studios were used, with a total scenic area of ​​about 17,000 square meters, including the K3 train, underground casino, rocket base, Moscow Scenes such as the Grand Theater are authentically reproduced with reference to historical materials. Even many iconic scenes no longer exist in Moscow. Through the film’s industrial-grade real-life construction and special effects, the highly restored exquisiteness of the scenes plays a crucial role in conveying the emotions of the characters and expressing the story. The audience can better Deeply understand the situations of the good and the bad in the movie, as well as the contrast between different worlds. The plot and scenes of the movie are cleverly echoed, and the screen achieves a perfect fusion of shocking visuals and vigorous historical background. The creative team of

combines multiple types of codes such as crime, action, desire, and emotion, and carefully produces dynamic scenes that show dangerous situations such as chasing criminals from thousands of miles away, arresting fights, and protecting criminals. Through its amazing scene restoration, two story lines of positive and negative characters, light and dark, and a blend of literary and martial arts, the audience can experience Moscow in the 1990s and experience an era full of challenges and unknowns. While deeply showing the audience the process of crime occurrence, development, and demise, it also reveals the inevitable law of justice defeating evil.It is precisely because of this that the perfect integration of real cases and film industrial adaptations is used to broaden the boundaries, supplemented by the film's impressive production sincerity and restoration capabilities. "Operation Moscow" not only reflects the increasing development and progress of China's film industrialization, but also attempts to This book finds a winning way for commercial films to spread Chinese stories and convey patriotism, and also provides reference and useful attempts for mainstream commercial films that are becoming increasingly stereotyped.

A new breakthrough in the creation of crime-themed characters

Characters are the fundamental driving force for plot development. "Moscow Operation" restores the turmoil of that era at the very beginning, and unfolds the distinct character relationships and brutal cases one by one at a fast pace - under complex objective conditions, the police who cannot be strong encounter the arrogant and domineering gangsters. , the "cat-and-mouse game" in which the two sides test each other and constantly show their cards constitutes the biggest highlight of the film.

innovates the positive character image of "Gao Daquan" in previous crime themes. "Moscow Operation" combines the characters' mundane personalities and lofty ideals, creating a civilian hero and value identity symbol that meets the current aesthetic taste. Public security officer Cui Zhenhai not only enforces the law impartially, is loyal and reliable as a people's policeman, but also sticks to his original intention in a chaotic world. Faced with Vasily, he is clear about love and hate, ordinary people like you and me, vividly showing the audience the courage to take responsibility and flesh and blood. China power.

'Operation Moscow': a new level of mainstream value expression in commercial films - Lujuba

In terms of the treatment of the villain, the creator boldly wrote about Miao Qingshan, who was destroyed by desire, and his high-sounding psychopathy and arrogance. His motives were a mixture of multiple factors such as emotional drive, desire drive, family style, etc., breaking through the tradition and enriching the story. The psychological dynamics of the characters. And Vasily, who struggles with black and white, walks on the edge of good and evil, and is the most complex and highlighted character in the film.

He is struggling in his heart to choose light or darkness. It is also the light and darkness in human nature that everyone faces. It is the ultimate collision that occurs every day in everyone's inner battlefield. When you face every choice When the time comes, do you choose to follow your desires or your kindness? "Operation Moscow" uses this kind of inner torture and true restoration that is different from the past, bringing viewers profound thoughts on human nature, society and psychology.

In addition, the film has continuously strengthened the focus of genre films. All plot settings closely revolve around the cross-border pursuit of police officers, and the rhythm is tense and orderly without delay. The arrest operation started with the K3 train case and followed the clues to uncover the sewer robbery case. After the criminals escaped, the public security officers made full use of their desire for money to prevent an even bigger escape... One wave after another started again. Challenges and difficulties progress layer by layer, constantly attracting the attention of the audience, making them anxious and heart-wrenching. It has got rid of the shortcomings of some typed film and television works that "the main plot is not enough, and the branch emotional lines are added in", and the professionalism of typed film and television works has been practiced.

Writing new responsibilities for social responsibility in the new era

"There are a hundred or a thousand methods of literary and artistic creation, but the most fundamental, most critical and most reliable method is to take root in the people and take root in life." The creative team of "Operation Moscow" is keen It captures the life and life safety issues that the people are most concerned about, and is a microcosm of the country's "people-oriented" spirit sinking to the grassroots. The creative team of

praised the justice responsibility of civilian heroes by portraying the perseverance and justice of the people's police team; in the story of China's first cross-border pursuit, the difficulties caused by lack of experience and realistic constraints did not extinguish China The police's every bit of determination demonstrates the Chinese police's spirit of not fearing sacrifice in protecting the people. Thirty years have passed. As our country's comprehensive strength and international status continue to improve, the new environment and new atmosphere felt by the people are the result of the day and night efforts of the public security officers. The country is peaceful and the people are safe only because there are people carrying the burden forward. As the final chapter of the "National Action Trilogy", "Operation Moscow" promotes the creative core of "people's police for the people" and uses the continuous technological innovation, content layout blessing and deepening of character creation of commercial films. Reshape the core socialist values ​​from multiple perspectives. It also reflects the responsibility of literary and art workers to listen to the echoes of the times, write the stories of the times, praise the people with positive literature and art, and lead social trends with noble literature and art.

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