As a tribute to the 20th anniversary of the "Ten Million Project", the special episode of the cross-era drama "The Road" is released

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Recently, it was co-written by the well-known writer Lian Sheng and the famous agriculture expert Gu Yikang. Specially invited screenwriter Cheng Weidong served as the artistic director, Feng Xi served as the chief producer/director, Li Jinnan served as the literary editor/director, and actors Lin Jiangguo, Fu Dalong, Xi Wang, The cross-generational Zhejiang rural-themed TV series "The Great Road" starring Wen Yu, Zhang Su, Zhang Run, Xi Xue, Sun Wei, Wang Yijie, Han Qiuchi, Lou Yujian and others was successfully completed. The play depicts the entrepreneurial history of Zhejiang farmers in several families in eastern Zhejiang who worked hard, bravely reformed, and developed innovatively under the leadership of the party to build a green and beautiful new countryside and a new life of common prosperity. This is an epic drama depicting the development of rural China. It can also be said to be a rural version of "The World".

As a tribute to the 20th anniversary of the 'Ten Million Project', the special episode of the cross-era drama 'The Road' is released - Lujuba

Based on realistic expressions, it fills the gap in dramas on major themes of rural reform in the southern setting.

Over the past 20 years since its implementation, the magnificent "Ten Million Project" has truly changed the face of rural Zhejiang and written a new chapter in the revitalization of Chinese-style modernized rural areas. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", the TV series "The Great Road", which panoramically shows this great process, was born. What literary and artistic creators need to face is not only how to tell the moving story of the early walker's strong ambition based on the current situation, but also how to play the role of a megaphone and amplifier to resonate with today's young audience. The TV series "The Road" continues this beautiful relay of twenty years, inspiring the people's yearning for a better life, using a more humanistic perspective, polishing the golden business card of the "Ten Million Project" that was poured out with sweat, and using it with heart. Emotion and effort carve out a new chapter of a better life.

The creation of the TV series "Daodedi" took more than ten years and made three major revisions. It included the land reform and cooperatization that took place in Zhejiang; the household contract system; farmers entering the market; and the subsequent reform of township enterprises and the development of the private economy. Stories such as Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation Project are connected together into stories of family, love, friendship and feelings of family and country intertwined by three generations of farmers in several households, and scenes of life, production, and ecology in rural areas in the south of the Yangtze River are interspersed in the narrative. Speaking of the biggest difficulty encountered in the creative process, Gu Yikang, an expert on agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and screenwriter said: "I know the history of more than 70 years clearly, but our difficulty is the 70-year development process, which contains many major events. For example, Land reform, people's communes, reform and opening up, the development of rural enterprises, the implementation of tens of millions of projects, the Eighth-Eighth Strategy, etc. But how to connect these big scenes of 70 years with the stories of three generations, I think it is very important for This is a big challenge for us. Once this story is told, it will be a particularly meaningful thing." As the first panoramic drama to present the agricultural development in the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the first to show the new look of rural areas in the new era, A magnificent picture, the first epic drama that truly reproduces the struggle and entrepreneurship of farmers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It comprehensively and deeply reflects the 70-year development process of rural areas in Jiangnan, and has the significance to fill the gap in the creation of major rural revolutionary dramas with a southern background.

Adhering to the "Four Thousand Spirit" to create a beautiful new chapter in the revitalization of rural areas in Jiangnan

The first special episode of the TV series "The Road" records the mental journey and practical footprints of the creative team's solid creation through hardships. From the start of filming in Guyu in April to the completion of filming in August, it took 111 days of shooting, in the 40-degree southern heat and heavy rain, in 4 locations, with as many as 1,500 scenes. All the main creators devoted themselves to the creation with the greatest enthusiasm to support everyone all the way. What is coming is the "Four Thousand Spirit" of Zhejiang people who have traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, spoken thousands of words, tried every possible means, and endured untold hardships. Although the "Four Thousand" spirit is only four short sentences, it not only vividly reflects the process of Zhejiang people's entrepreneurship and innovation in extremely difficult conditions, but also a collective portrayal of all members of the crew overcoming obstacles. In the end, the crew completed this cross-era relay response with their excellence and perseverance.

Although the story of the TV series "The Road" spans more than 70 years, all the main creators have the passion to create high-quality products in a tight time. Everyone devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the work, just to create an original work that showed the unique Jiangnan rural style.During the filming process of several days and nights, the crew continued to study the guiding ideology of "Ten Million Projects", adhered to the tenacity of "holding firm on the green hills and never relax", and maintained the "repeated tempering" and "hardening and beating" of high temperatures and heavy rains. With the spirit of "realism" and the style of "doing", we will carve out thousands of happy roads leading to a modern happy village with more vigorous vitality.

The TV series "The Road" is co-written by Lian Sheng and Gu Yikang, with Cheng Weidong as the art director, Feng Xi as the chief producer/director, Li Jinnan as the literary editor/director, art director Hou Congping, styling designer Jiang Yan, photography director Yan Wei, lighting designer Hu Weiqing, costume designer Shang Liya, recording directors Chen Zhiguo and Zuo Wei, editing director Zhao Yawei, literary editor Li Jinnan, composer Hu Xiaoou and others co-created the film. Starring actors Lin Jiangguo, Fu Dalong, Xi Wang, Wen Yu, Zhang Su, Zhang Run, Xi Xue, Sun Wei, Wang Yijie, Han Qiuchi, Lou Yujian, Ai Dong, Pan Yuchen, Li Ting, Fan Xiaoyang, Tang Yinuo, Xing Yanzi, Zheng Ge, Li Yunhe, Xu Qijie, Wang Zhuyue, Tang Xin, Fan Meng, Feng Minglian, Liu Yaochang, Tong Zhenjun, Shi Yu, Fang Xiaoli, Yu Xiaohui, Tong Fan, Zhao Yue, Zhang Jingdong, Ge Jiajia, Zhang Gong, Zhou Bin, Zhu Haijun, Zhou Jiwei, Yao Qiangcheng, He Miao and others star. Produced by Changshan County Rural Investment Group Co., Ltd., Longyou County Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., Dongyang Cultural Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Jinruizhihe Media Co., Ltd. From Grain Rain to the Beginning of Autumn, multiple departments worked together to draw a beautiful picture of "village beauty, harmony, and common prosperity." We look forward to seeing this true and down-to-earth epic drama on the screen in the future, showing 70 years of entrepreneurship in Jiangnan rural areas. The TV series "The Road" is in post-production.

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