Would you like to be 8 years old again? "Fairy Tale" ends with 100 Moons with warmth

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The outdoor game healing reality show "Fairy Tale" produced by Tencent Video and Blue Sky Media, and jointly broadcast by Tencent Video and Youku Video, aired its tenth episode this week, ending with the warmth of 100 Moons. In the program, the new villagers have the last chance to reduce their age to 8 years old. All members work together to realize the ancient legend of Xingshou Village and light up 100 "moons". Since the show was aired, word-of-mouth has continued to grow. The related topic #fairytale ends with 100 moons # has been ranked in the top 3 of Weibo's hot search list. The related topic #would you like to go back to 8 years old # has triggered heated discussions. Netizens are recalling the process of childhood. Neutralize the dialogue with your past self, let go of anxiety, get rid of internal friction, and reach reconciliation with your childhood. The audience followed the show online with sincerity and saw that the new villagers who had returned to the age of 8 continued to write their own stories of Xingshou Village through fairy tale radio. They were also willing to always believe in fairy tales and embrace their happy and innocent selves.

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

Land Rover finally got the favored fairy tale. All members were praised by children

At night in the food center, the villagers were having a heated discussion about whether to stay or stay in the new villagers who had not reduced their age to 8 years old. However, the painting style was very interesting: Ma Li Many children recognized that she looked like her mother, and Wu Xin was praised as an "interesting soul." However, it was Chen Shaoxi's turn to be ruthlessly teased as a "spiritual young man." Netizens hilariously commented, "The children of Xingshou Village know how to judge sharply." The next day, all the new villagers came to the village center with nervousness to hear the results. After learning that there was still a chance to stay, I was also surprised by an ancient legend in Xingshou Village: Someone once saw 100 moons in the sky at the same time! With curiosity comes pressure - realizing this legend is the only chance for everyone to stay on the island! According to the clues, everyone found balloons and lights in Zhunyangyang Supermarket, and prepared to return to the "Eight Years Old Companion" to make 100 "moons" together. During the trip, William Chan and Lu Rover even came to the beauty center to give snacks to Xiao Hulu. The considerate Xiao Hulu returned the only heart-shaped chocolate, which made Lu Rover so happy that he couldn't stop showing off. Netizens expressed that "Hu Ji finally got his preference." .

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

The new villagers gathered at the "Eight Years Old Companion" to start construction, but Xu Weizhou started the work first. I saw him holding a helium tank for ballooning, and after inhaling the helium, he instantly transformed into a Minion voice and sang a cover of "Blast of Courage", which made everyone start imitating it. No, William Chan's voice turned into his favorite Donald Duck. Zhang Xiaowan's super sweet voice was joked that it was not a clip sound, but a kazi sound. After the simple fun, everyone divided the work and collaborated, and intensely devoted themselves to the production of 100 rounds of "moon". Some interesting scenes also occurred during the process: several balloons flew to the ceiling, and the calm Chen Shaoxi cleverly used double-sided tape to stick them on the balloons and removed them. Ma Li praised her fiercely, "Who will be popular if you don't do it?", which set off a stir. There was a wave of praise. In order for everyone to stay on the island together, the new villagers advance and retreat together, racing against time in a tense atmosphere, and working together to achieve the same goal.

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

There is a kind of romance called William Chan's fairy tale where all members are reduced to 8 years old

Seeing that the 100th round of "moon" was about to be completed, Du Haitao, who loves calligraphy, wrote the word "fairy tale" on a blank scroll beside him, but was mistakenly read by Land Rover. It became a "heavy job" and made a big joke. As the sky cleared outside, everyone finally finished making the balloons before dark and spray-painted them to decorate them. At this time, the warm-hearted William Chan took the initiative to distribute the "moon" to four new villagers who were not yet 8 years old for transportation. This full sense of ceremony made netizens repeatedly lament, "There is a kind of romance called William Chan." During the transportation process, Wu Xin, Lu Hu, and Du Haitao couldn't help singing the theme song of "The Shining New Anchor", and for a moment they dreamed back to the scene of canvassing votes in 2005. Xu Weizhou transformed into the "Moon Security Guard" to escort him all the way, while Chen Shaoxi went to gather all the villagers to prepare to witness the reappearance of the legend of Xingshou Village!

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

Amid the shouts of expectations from the children, the new villagers gradually released the completed "moon" into the sky at Rabbit Square. At that moment, 100 "moons" were really lit up in the night sky! Seeing the legend come true, the small villagers silently made their wishes and shouted loudly for the new villagers to stay.The familiar melody of "Outbreak of Courage" sounded again, and Teng Teng handed the last 25 small red flowers to the new villagers, so everyone officially obtained the permanent right of residence in Xingshou Village. Netizens lamented, "I really want to go back to the age of 8, all this Wonderful". Finally, the "8-year-old" new villagers recalled the scenes of their journey to Xingshou Village in the "Eight-year-old Companion": Ma Li lamented that she was free and happy here, and had recovered her lost childhood; William Chan has always maintained his innocence , they will always have their own Xingshou Village in their hearts; Lu Lu saw himself as a teenager and embraced his childhood self; Chen Shaoxi looked for answers in the fairy tale world and talked with his past self... The new villagers returned to their 8 years old together through hard work and regained their The innocent and happy self has reached reconciliation with the childhood self.

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

The new villagers who successfully returned to the age of 8 are imagining the future life in Xingshou Village on the fairy tale radio station, continuing the beauty of the fairy tale world bit by bit: the 8-year-old "Super Mary" became a postman and likes to reconcile. Friends greet each other warmly and carefully plan birthdays for others; the 8-year-old "Spider Beauty" leads the fashion trend here and makes clothing design bigger and stronger; the 8-year-old "Princess Maodou" joins the patrol team and changes her style. The temporary residence permit does not follow the rules of Phuket Island, but invites them to the learning center to gain happiness... Embrace childhood at the age of 8, which is full of beauty and yearning, and make a sincere vision for the future. For more exciting content, please stay tuned to the variety show "Fairy Tale" jointly broadcast by Tencent Video and Youku Video, and together we can regain innocence and purity in the world of fairy tales.

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

Would you like to be 8 years old again? 'Fairy Tale' ends with 100 Moons with warmth - Lujuba

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