"Check to see if this is your suitcase." "Put your phone away and find a place where it won't fall easily..." "This is your ID card. It's very convenient when you put it in your pocket to take out something." It's easy to bring out, so you can pay attention to it later!" The lost

entertainment 5697℃

"Check to see if this is your suitcase." "Put your phone away and find a place where it won't fall easily..." "This is your ID card. Put it in your pocket when you take out something. It's easy to take it out, so you can pay attention to it later!" The lost object was found and returned to the people intact. On January 3, 2024, a Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the Beijing Capital Airport Police that during the New Year holiday, the Capital Airport received 1,379 lost items, including a total of 145 valuable items, and successfully returned 114 items, with a return rate of 78.6 %.

'Check to see if this is your suitcase.' 'Put your phone away and find a place where it won't fall easily...' 'This is your ID card. It's very convenient when you put it in your pocket to take out something.' It's easy to bring out, so you can pay attention to it later!' The lost - Lujuba

During the New Year's Day holiday, the Capital Airport Police received 1,379 items of lost items

It is understood that in recent years, the Capital Airport Public Security Bureau has worked hard to create a "complete return to the people" mechanism, aiming to solve the problem of lost items for the majority of traveling passengers. After long-term experience summary and specific implementation , the recovery and return rate of passengers’ lost items continues to increase.

According to the police from the Capital Airport Public Security Bureau, during the New Year's Day holiday, the Capital Airport received 1,379 lost items, including 145 valuable items, and successfully returned 114 items, with a return rate of 78.6%. During this period, the Capital Airport Police also received many reports of lost items, and also received messages of thanks from many owners to the police.

'Check to see if this is your suitcase.' 'Put your phone away and find a place where it won't fall easily...' 'This is your ID card. It's very convenient when you put it in your pocket to take out something.' It's easy to bring out, so you can pay attention to it later!' The lost - Lujuba

A passenger caught a flight and left his luggage in a taxi. The traffic police found the lost item and returned it by mail.

On the first day of the New Year's Day holiday, a passenger from Guangdong approached a patrolling policeman from the Traffic Police Detachment of the Capital Airport Public Security Bureau for help. His luggage was lost in a taxi. superior. The police immediately asked the passengers about the location, time and vehicle characteristics of the vehicle. After an online search, they found the vehicle's license plate number. When the police found the contact information of the taxi company's dispatch station where the vehicle was located, the deadline for passenger check-in was approaching. Because the police could not contact the driver for a while, they could only let the passengers go through the check-in procedures first, while they stayed where they were. Try to contact the driver. Finally, after nearly 40 minutes of waiting and more than a dozen phone calls, the driver was finally contacted. With the coordination of the police, the two reached an agreement that the driver would return the lost luggage to the passengers through logistics delivery. When the passengers received their luggage, they excitedly called the 12345 hotline to express their gratitude to the police.

'Check to see if this is your suitcase.' 'Put your phone away and find a place where it won't fall easily...' 'This is your ID card. It's very convenient when you put it in your pocket to take out something.' It's easy to bring out, so you can pay attention to it later!' The lost - Lujuba

Also on the first day of the New Year's Day holiday, an international student who went home for the holiday asked the police for help. The duty-free items he placed on the luggage rack of the cabin were mistakenly taken by other passengers, and a duty-free item with the same style of packaging was left on the scene. . Through the "returning intact items to the people" mechanism, the police contacted multiple parties to recover the passengers who had taken the wrong items, and both parties successfully exchanged the items that had been taken by mistake. “When inbound passengers shop at the same duty-free shop, they use duty-free packaging bags of the same style, color, and size. It is also common for passengers to take other people’s duty-free items by mistake when they get off the plane. We have also encountered many cases where the suitcases are exactly the same. , what about taking the wrong luggage at the baggage claim area. So when we travel, especially when taking transportation, checking in, waiting to get off the plane, claiming luggage, etc., we should pay more attention to carefully check our belongings to avoid losing or taking the wrong luggage. It happened," said Wang Zheng, captain of the third patrol and prevention team of the West Terminal District Police Station of the Capital Airport Branch.

“Thank you very much for getting my headphones back. Your logo of ‘The Complete Return to the People’ is also very cool. My original understanding was that I would not file a case for less than a few thousand yuan. I didn’t expect that calling the police would really help.” I got it back, and I think the whole thing is so cool." Ms. Wang, who had just retrieved her lost property, excitedly sent a message of thanks to the police. Later, she even sent a pennant to the police to express her gratitude.

'Check to see if this is your suitcase.' 'Put your phone away and find a place where it won't fall easily...' 'This is your ID card. It's very convenient when you put it in your pocket to take out something.' It's easy to bring out, so you can pay attention to it later!' The lost - Lujuba

Capital Airport has refined its lost property search mechanism. Many lost property return rates have increased.

Capital Airport Public Security Bureau has strengthened its cooperation with on-site units and formulated four major categories of lost property disposal regulations based on different categories and scenarios, and refined them. The lost item handling process transforms the traditional alarm-seeking model of "people looking for things" into the current combination of "people looking for things" and "things looking for people", which greatly improves the level of lost item management and truly provides passengers with the best service. Provide convenience for traveling.

At present, the mechanism of "returning intact items to the people" has gradually developed into "full-time presence to increase the return rate of lost items, improving the mechanism to increase the rate of handing in lost items, strengthening communication to increase awareness of the flow of items, and Kexin's assistance to increase the recovery rate of reported lost items, from The "six-rate" working method of strictly handling and improving the crackdown rate of illegal acts, announcing awards and simultaneously increasing the rate of positive publicity and education has effectively improved the quality and efficiency of lost item recovery work and greatly solved the problem of lost items encountered by passengers during their travels. .

"We will deepen the creation of more matters that are convenient and beneficial to the people, such as the 'complete return to the people' mechanism, to alleviate people's worries and relieve people's difficulties, focus on the 'key little things' that the majority of tourists are concerned about, and continue to make progress in solving the urgent difficulties and worries of the people." force," said Zhang Qiang, director of the West Terminal District Police Station of the Capital Airport Branch. Compared with 2019, the return rate of lost documents increased from 37.3% to 70.1%; the return rate of valuable items increased from 72.1% to 84.3%.

correspondent Zhang Zhiwen, Peng Jian, Jin Yong

writer/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Wang Haoxiong

editor/Zhu Wei

Tags: entertainment