[Source: Guangming.com] You can often see on the Internet various incidents of "naughty children" getting stuck, such as "stuck in washing machines, stuck in pipes, stuck in sofas"... Children's curiosity is most vividly displayed when they are stuck. What you can’t imagine is th

entertainment 6143℃

[Source: Guangming.com]

You can often see

"naughty children" getting stuck in various incidents on the Internet

"Washing machine stuck, pipe stuck, sofa stuck"


Children's Curiosity

is most vividly displayed when it is stuck

[Source: Guangming.com] You can often see on the Internet various incidents of 'naughty children' getting stuck, such as 'stuck in washing machines, stuck in pipes, stuck in sofas'... Children's curiosity is most vividly displayed when they are stuck. What you can’t imagine is th - Lujuba

There are only

that you can’t think of. There is no

that they can’t “get stuck”. Recently

a mother came to

with her child

Nanjing Public Security Bureau

Liuhe Public Security Hengliang Police Station of the Branch

Unexpectedly, I just arrived at the door of the police station

I heard his voice before I saw him

"Woo ah ah~ wu ah ah~"

A boy fell to the ground and howled

The police immediately stepped forward. View

The police learned from the boy's mother that

the boy Dongdong accidentally got his head stuck in a plastic bucket while playing at home

The family tried many times but failed to rescue

because the police station is near the home.

Immediately rushed to the police station for help

After careful "investigation"

the police found that the

covering Dongdong's head was a double-layer plastic bucket

and at this time, his neck had been tightly stuck

The gap was only 2 centimeters

and could only be demolished

Then everyone found books

and put them in the gap between Dongdong’s face and the plastic bucket

and put a towel on his neck

to prevent secondary injuries

to ensure safety. After

the policemen used scissors

and began to carefully carry out "rescue"

"Don't be afraid, we are saving you!"

"Be good~"

At the same time, they continued to comfort Dongdong's emotions

"Save Out, rescued!"

After careful cutting

, the police finally succeeded in peeling off the two plastic buckets

from Dongdong's head.

Everyone took out lollipops to comfort him

"Thank you~Thank you. you! "

After a while, Dongdong was "resurrected with full blood"

. He took his own snacks

and cutely fed the police in reverse

and expressed his gratitude.

Seeing this scene

many netizens were dumbfounded

. Leave a message

Jiangsu police remind you

Always provide safety education to your children

Let your children remember

Do not put your head, hands, and feet into gaps or holes

Just in case!

Reprinted from Nanjing! Police

Source: Jiangsu Police

Tags: entertainment