The 27th theatrical version of "Detective Conan" "Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram" has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in Japan on April 12, 2024. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is the "Japanese sword",

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"Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star" has released a new trailer Duration: 01:00 Source: Movie Network

"Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star" has released a new trailer Close Starting

Duration: 01:00 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News "Detective Conan" the 27th theatrical version "Detective Conan: The One Million Dollar Pentagram" has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in 2024 It will be released in Japan on April 12, 2018. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is a Japanese sword, and Conan and Hattori Heiji will have a fierce duel with Kaitou Kidd.

The 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in Japan on April 12, 2024. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is the 'Japanese sword',  - Lujuba

Judging from the latest trailer for this lifting of the ban, the story involves two eras. During the end of the Tokugawa period, Hijikata Toshizo (CV: Tsuda Kenjiro), the deputy commander of the Shinsengumi, who was holding a Seisengumi sword, was suddenly attacked. Hijikata resolutely faced the enemy. After a close-up of the blood-soaked Seishori sword, the scene turned to modern times. In Hakodate, Hokkaido, Kaitou Kidd, who was supposed to only target gems, this time targets a Japanese sword. Conan, who wants to find out Kidd's true intentions, will join forces with Hattori Heiji to stop Kidd's actions.

The 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in Japan on April 12, 2024. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is the 'Japanese sword',  - Lujuba

The 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in Japan on April 12, 2024. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is the 'Japanese sword',  - Lujuba

Kidd, who was staring at the knife and muttering to himself in the rain, seemed to still not understand the value of the knife. Heiji, who chased out, had a fierce duel with Kidd, and cut off Kidd's glasses to see his true appearance. Heiji seemed shocked.

The 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in Japan on April 12, 2024. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is the 'Japanese sword',  - Lujuba

In addition, Ooka Momiji, who claims to be Heiji's fiancée and Kazuha's love rival, Okita Souji, who is a kendo rival with Heiji, and a mysterious figure wearing a fox mask also appear. It can be predicted that in the new theatrical version, love and the entire incident will be full of ups and downs.

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