On December 20, according to the Shouguang Public Security Bureau, a 14-year-old Shouguang girl, Xiaoyun (pseudonym), was recently given an administrative penalty by the Shouguang Public Security Bureau for participating in the "mobile phone port" fraud. Xiaoyun is a junior high

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December 20, according to the Shouguang Public Security Bureau, a 14-year-old Shouguang girl, Xiaoyun (pseudonym), was recently given administrative penalties by the Shouguang Public Security Bureau for participating in the "mobile phone port" fraud.

Xiaoyun is a junior high school student with excellent grades and strong independence. After studying, she likes to work part-time jobs to earn some pocket money and buy things she likes. One weekend morning, Xiaoyun received a part-time job message in the QQ group: With two mobile phones, she could easily earn 400 yuan/hour just by making calls. This made Xiaoyun excited. She immediately added the other person as a friend and asked how to make money.

On December 20, according to the Shouguang Public Security Bureau, a 14-year-old Shouguang girl, Xiaoyun (pseudonym), was recently given an administrative penalty by the Shouguang Public Security Bureau for participating in the 'mobile phone port' fraud. Xiaoyun is a junior high  - Lujuba

According to the request of the other party, Xiaoyun brought two mobile phones, one was used for QQ voice calls, Xiaoyun talked with the fraudster; the other was used to make calls, Xiaoyun called the victim.

uses mobile phones, phone cards, and QQ to build a "mobile phone port" to realize direct communication between the fraudster and the victim by dialing the victim's phone number and turning on the hands-free. After Xiaoyun helped the other party make more than 40 calls, the other party terminated the "part-time job" " and told Xiaoyun to settle the bill at night. At night, when Xiaoyun contacted the other party through QQ, she found that she had been blocked. I didn't get a cent of the promised 400 yuan for my part-time job, but what I was waiting for was an administrative penalty from the public security agency.

Article 25, paragraph 1, of the Anti-Telecommunications Network Fraud Law of the People's Republic of China: No unit or individual may provide the following support or assistance for others to commit telecommunications network fraud activities:

(1) Selling or providing personal information;

( 2) Helping others launder money through virtual currency transactions;

(3) Other behaviors that provide support or assistance for telecommunications network fraud activities.

What exactly is the "mobile phone port" scam?

First, use two mobile phones to connect through audio cables, data cables or turn on the speakers at the same time to achieve voice relay, so that the outgoing call appears as a local number.

One of the mobile phones connects to overseas fraudsters through network software, and the other local mobile phone makes calls to domestic victims and sends text messages, realizing the separation of human and machine, helping overseas fraudsters to disguise the true location of the call, making it more concealable and deceptive.

On December 20, according to the Shouguang Public Security Bureau, a 14-year-old Shouguang girl, Xiaoyun (pseudonym), was recently given an administrative penalty by the Shouguang Public Security Bureau for participating in the 'mobile phone port' fraud. Xiaoyun is a junior high  - Lujuba

The second is to set up communication equipment to convert overseas phone numbers into domestic communication numbers, so that the number received by the victim is displayed as a local number.

The police remind

that those who make fraudulent calls in batches, send fraudulent text messages in bulk, or add WeChat or QQ friends, regardless of whether they are paid or not, are suspected of providing assistance to illegal and criminal activities such as telecommunications network fraud, and will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

When you are in school, learning is your main job, and you must not touch the red line of the law for "petty profits".

[Source: Shouguang Public Security]

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