Four months later, my weight dropped from 160 pounds to 140 pounds. A review showed that my LDL dropped from 5.0 to 1.5. Although it was very difficult, I persisted and succeeded! Today I would like to share with you a personal experience of mine. I am a physician and I am 42 yea

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Four months later, my weight dropped from 160 pounds to 140 pounds. A review showed that my LDL dropped from 5.0 to 1.5. Although it was very difficult, I persisted and succeeded! Today I would like to share with you a personal experience of mine. I am a physician and I am 42 yea - Lujuba

Four months later, my weight dropped from 160 pounds to 140 pounds. A review showed that my low-density lipoprotein dropped from 5.0 to 1.5. Although it was very difficult, I persisted and succeeded!

Today I will share with you a personal experience.

I am a physician and I am 42 years old.

Usually when seeing a patient, he will instruct the patient to do this or that. It is easy to say the words, but it is very difficult to stick to it for a long time and put it into action.

Four months ago, I discovered an increase in low-density lipoprotein during a physical examination. I felt ashamed to say it. I made a lipid-lowering plan for people with high blood lipids every day. As a result, my own blood lipids also increased.

Low-density lipoprotein is bad cholesterol because low-density lipoprotein transports cholesterol from the liver to tissues throughout the body. If the content of low-density lipoprotein is high, it will cause more cholesterol to be deposited on the artery wall. Over time, it will Atherosclerosis can develop.

Since low-density lipoprotein is the main culprit in the formation of atherosclerosis, there is no doubt that we must find ways to reduce it. How to downgrade


Since my blood sugar and blood pressure were normal, and no abnormalities were found in the blood vessel screening in my neck and lower limbs, I decided not to use lipid-lowering drugs first and try changing my unhealthy lifestyle habits to see the effect.

Four months later, my weight dropped from 160 pounds to 140 pounds. A review showed that my LDL dropped from 5.0 to 1.5. Although it was very difficult, I persisted and succeeded! Today I would like to share with you a personal experience of mine. I am a physician and I am 42 yea - Lujuba

1. Shut up

I am 175cm tall and weigh 160kg. I am obviously overweight.

This reminds me of two years ago. At that time, my weight was only 130 pounds, which was very standard. At that time, it was normal to check for low-density lipoprotein. It was only two years. Because I did not manage my weight well, my low-density lipoprotein was Density lipoprotein suddenly increased so much.

In the past two years, due to my busy work, I often go hungry and eat a full meal. I like to order takeout, eat late night snacks, eat a lot of fried food, big fish and meat, and fast food.

weight naturally rises in a straight line.

realizes that this cannot continue. The first step is to keep your mouth shut. The first is to refuse takeout. If you can eat it at home, eat it at home. After all, you can control the oil and salt at home by yourself, and you will choose better vegetable oil. In addition, reduce Fatty meals must be based on vegetables, whole grains and fruits, and avoid all high-calorie and high-fat foods.

2, open legs

As a doctor, I often have to work late and night shifts. After work, I just sleep all day. I haven’t exercised much since two years ago.

It is precisely the lack of exercise that has contributed to my weight gain.

I know very well that a doctor with a big belly makes patients uncomfortable. Think about it, if you can't manage your own figure well, how can you have the nerve to instruct patients to manage it?

As for stretching my legs, my chosen sports are running and swimming. I also go to the gym to practice with equipment and do some anaerobic exercises, which is pretty good.

3. Stay away from smoking and alcohol

I want to apologize to my patients. I asked them to quit smoking and drinking all day long, but I ended up smoking and drinking again.

I am not a big smoker. I only smoke one pack a day. I don’t smoke when I go to work. I start puffing away when I get home. My wife often quarrels with me about smoking.

As for wine, I don’t drink much, only two or three times a week. Sometimes I want to drink some after the night shift, and sometimes I drink some when friends get together.

Now it is found that my LDL level is high, and I have stopped smoking and drinking.

4, not staying up late

It is really difficult for doctors not to stay up late, because they have to work night shifts, work night shifts, and when they are busy, they may not sleep all night, but they can't sleep in a week. I have to work a night shift.

At other times, I can avoid staying up late. In the past, I always liked to play with my mobile phone, and it would be late at night when I checked my mobile phone. Think about it, this has lasted for two years, and my body has been exhausted. I persisted with the above four points of

for four full months. I feel that it is really too difficult. The difficulty is not to change bad habits, but to maintain them after changing them. If you can't persist, your previous efforts will be lost. It's all in vain.

Four months later, my weight dropped from 160 pounds to 140 pounds. A review showed that my LDL dropped from 5.0 to 1.5. Although it was very difficult, I persisted and succeeded! Today I would like to share with you a personal experience of mine. I am a physician and I am 42 yea - Lujuba
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