Author | Mao Xiaosi Editor | Che Maomao A short victory in public opinion. The drama of Oriental Selection has been on the hot search for a week and is coming to an end. When the time came this Saturday, Sun Dongxu was dismissed as CEO during the day. At 19:10 that night, Dong Yu

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Author | Mao Xiaosi

Editor | Che Maomao

A short victory in public opinion

The drama of Oriental Selection has been on the hot search for a week and is nearing its end.

The time came this Saturday. During the day, Sun Dongxu was dismissed as CEO. At 19:10 that night, Dong Yuhui came to Yu Minhong’s live broadcast room for a joint live broadcast.

I watched the whole live broadcast. Dong Yuhui looked tired and said that he was at a loss these days and felt that no matter how he responded, it would be wrong.

Yu Minhong said that he is a very tolerant person. At the same time, "Yu Hui never tells me how much he wants. Giving Yu Hui enough platform and space is the greatest care and fulfillment."

The comment area below almost exploded: No Huabing, how can Dong Yuhui’s salary be improved?

Teacher Yu also directly asked the live broadcast to cut to a panoramic shot, throwing more details in front of the audience.

For example, when he spoke impeccably but did not talk about practical issues, Dong Yuhui looked exhausted and drank water from a thermos cup next to him, which looked very much like me listening to the leader's speech.

Author | Mao Xiaosi Editor | Che Maomao A short victory in public opinion. The drama of Oriental Selection has been on the hot search for a week and is coming to an end. When the time came this Saturday, Sun Dongxu was dismissed as CEO during the day. At 19:10 that night, Dong Yu - Lujuba

Why bother, after all, they are not professional actors. How can scholars withstand the scrutiny of a magnifying glass.

What is the Internet angry about?

From a certain perspective, Gree Wang Ziru and Oriental Selection Dong Yuhui are the two benchmark workers in the Internet world at the end of 2023.

Wang Ziru is a counterexample. He is the Chinese scholar who is afraid that one day he will become the person who is spurned and envied. Therefore, the voice in the public opinion field is group ridicule mixed with self-deprecation, and ridicule mixed with sadness.

Dong Yuhui is also a counterexample. He is the scholar who is afraid of his own talent. Even if he gets lucky and gets the male lead script, and his achievements are greater than the lead, he will still end up with the result that the bird is gone and the bow is hidden, and he will always be a mere pawn.

We are all Wang Ziru, from being energetic to smoothing the edges, from fighting with Lao Luo to complimenting the boss with perfect words.

We are all Dong Yuhui. Maybe we are not lacking in ability and luck, but we are still trapped in the vicious cycle of interpersonal relationships and interests.

It is really not easy to have a good career path. In The Legend of Zhen Huan, only one person got the script for the heroine. The news queen was dazzled in the early stage, but in the later stage, they all came to the rescue.

In reality, if you are Wang Ziru, you may be looked down upon by everyone except the boss; if you are Dong Yuhui, you may be jealous and feared by everyone, including the boss.

However, Wang Ziru always has it, but Dong Yuhui doesn't always have it.

During today's live broadcast, Dong Yuhui said humbly: I never know why so many people like me and what they like about me.

Because "I don't know why I like it", this is the purple star that falls from the sky in the live broadcast industry and cannot be copied. He comes from a standard poor family. During the live broadcast, he said that his parents were still farming in his hometown in Shaanxi, and the land made him feel at ease and close to him. Finally, Takako was born in a poor family, but Takako was suppressed.

What Oriental Selection needs to know is what it is fighting against, not against the mere mother-in-law fan group, and the raging public opinion on the Internet: Dong Yuhui is the last resort projection of all migrant workers. Even if he is so awesome as a migrant worker, he will still be beaten. The boss throws it away after using it.

Dongfang Selection’s operation is not denying Dong Yuhui, but denying the heroic dream of working people. Who can not be angry? Dong Yuhui will be slandered by his boss, while Wang Ziru will be held in the palm of his hand. This world is unfair.

Those who pursue profits will gain profits, and those who seek benevolence will gain benevolence. In fact, it is already a good result.

As of 12:00 on the 17th, the number of Dong Yuhui’s fans has reached 20.687 million, an increase of more than 3.52 million in one day. Oriental Selection fans fell below 30 million on December 16 and continued to decline. After Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui combined live broadcasts, the number rose slowly, currently reaching 28.626 million.

Let Dong Yuhui have more fans than the company where he works, let Dong Yuhui go to, let Dong Yuhui learn from Li Jiaqi, let Luo Yonghao invest in Dong Yuhui - every worker in the Internet world wants to stand up for Dong Yuhui and become the king on his own.Is it true that a scholar has been studying for a lifetime just to find a master and help him achieve great things?

Even if the lord is Yu Minhong, an ideal base for scholars - the former New Oriental, now the Oriental Selection; even if anchors, like celebrities, are already the company's most important core assets and productivity, Dong Yuhui will still make the same mistakes again?

However, Dong Yuhui said: I never thought about leaving Dongfang Selection. Being respected and listened to is more important than how much reward you get. A scholar will die for his confidant.

He recognized Liu Bei, and he also recognized Zhuge Liang.

Thousands of beaten workers who have eaten cakes until they vomited, and beaten workers who have been beaten by reality, pressed and rubbed on the ground, heard such a sentence that may only be spoken seriously by a primary school student, and it was said sincerely.

Hey, Dong Yuhui is so lucky, he is still so naive.

At that time, all the onlookers and those who were making noises might have sighed in their hearts, whether it was pity or envy.

What is the destination of scholars?

There is a video interpretation of a 2010 old TV series that has become very popular on various platforms recently. It is "Years" starring Hu Jun and Yu Hewei, and the original work is "Cang Lang Zhi" written by Yan Zhen, known as China's first officialdom novel. water".

The male protagonist Liang Zhiyuan has gone through a long process of enlightenment from a proud graduate student to a power lover who betrayed his conscience.

This process is the frustration of working at the Qingshui Yamen Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the reluctance of three generations living in one bedroom, the complaints of my daughter-in-law day after day, and the resentment after nodding and bowing in front of my former colleagues.

Director Wen, the immediate boss, said to the male protagonist: If you want to be aloof, be aloof to the end, and you can still get out of the world. If you want to join the world, then put down your airs and join the world. Whether it is pure or turbid, if you lose the advantages of a good person and learn the shortcomings of a bad person, it won't make sense.

One sentence gave the swaying male protagonist a push, and he started to enter the world and never looked back.

Author | Mao Xiaosi Editor | Che Maomao A short victory in public opinion. The drama of Oriental Selection has been on the hot search for a week and is coming to an end. When the time came this Saturday, Sun Dongxu was dismissed as CEO during the day. At 19:10 that night, Dong Yu - Lujuba

He put aside the ideals of the sages of the past generations that were burned in front of his father's grave, and just wanted to "live like a human being." Before that, he once felt that the groveling of his colleagues was worse than a dog.

Therefore, the TV series dared to be filmed ten years ago allowed a person who would be defined as "not bright" by the contemporary Internet to embark on a career path of cheating.

As the control group of the male protagonist, Yu Qingshui is also a scholar. After being marginalized by his work unit for more than ten years, he chose to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests. He became a rural doctor who stayed out of the world and benefited the people, earning his posthumous reputation. There are many young people on the

B site, and everyone in the barrage was moved by Yu Qingshui, but in fact they just wanted to be Liang Zhiyuan, and even felt that Liang Zhiyuan's enlightenment was too late.

Therefore, Liang Ziyuan always exists, but Yu Qingshui does not always exist. Liang Ziyuan became Wang Ziru, an ordinary person under the repeated threats of life. If Liang Ziyuan had Dong Yuhui's experience, he might not become Wang Ziru.

are all self-proclaimed scholars, so what is the purpose of studying?

The first option is to throw away what you have learned, learn the theoretical system that you once scorned, and then plunge into this world, whether it is doing nothing or making contributions.

The second option is to maintain the absolute self, which may be deified and slowly marginalized by the power system.

Choice three is between the two, vacillating, and ultimately the ending is determined by which one of the above two is more preferred.

Dong Yuhui asked in yesterday's live broadcast: There are too many stories of young men who slay dragons and eventually become evil dragons. If history is just a repetition of evil, then what is the point of reading?

So, we all shouted to Dong Yuhui that you should be the first type of person and fight for it, but we forgot that we fell in love with him because he was more like the second type of person.

We all want to replace Dong Yuhui as the partner and CEO of Oriental Selection, but we have forgotten that Li Jiaqi, who is "too expensive", used to be a laborer.


After the live broadcast, the next live broadcast was the original guest of the day, Hua Shan, the founder of Huayuhua.Huashan has single-handedly created the "super symbol" theory, and many brands are Huayuhua's customers, such as Mixue Bingcheng, Xibei Noodle Village, Laoxiang Chicken, etc.

Huashan’s live broadcast was originally at 19:00, but was postponed for almost two hours for Dong Yuhui.

But Boss Hua had a smile on his face and flew all the way from Shanghai to participate in the show. He didn't care at all that Teacher Yu called him his younger brother's name, Hua Nan, nor did he mind that Teacher Yu was absent-minded and his eyes were wandering.

Author | Mao Xiaosi Editor | Che Maomao A short victory in public opinion. The drama of Oriental Selection has been on the hot search for a week and is coming to an end. When the time came this Saturday, Sun Dongxu was dismissed as CEO during the day. At 19:10 that night, Dong Yu - Lujuba

Because Teacher Yu said: Usually this interview and dialogue program only receives a few hundred people, but today it directly exceeded 10 million.

Perhaps to compensate for the shortened interview time of Boss Hua during the live broadcast, Yu Minhong promised at the end to let Dong Yuhui interview Hua Shan next time and conduct a special book interview on Reader Culture.

Boss Hua smiled broadly and said quickly: "Old Yu, our live broadcast is almost over. I won't delay you to go have a drink with Yu Hui."

Now Dong Yuhui is synonymous with traffic, and now Teacher Yu can still control Dong Yuhui.

Author | Mao Xiaosi Editor | Che Maomao A short victory in public opinion. The drama of Oriental Selection has been on the hot search for a week and is coming to an end. When the time came this Saturday, Sun Dongxu was dismissed as CEO during the day. At 19:10 that night, Dong Yu - Lujuba

After the live broadcast on December 16, Yu Minhong, Dong Yuhui and New Oriental CEO Zhou Chenggang drank.

This is the real world in which Dong Yuhui lives.

In this world, he is thinking: Life spans only seventy or eighty years. When he pats his flabby thighs when he is old, how can he explain to his descendants that he has chosen not to violate his original intention.

In this world, more people are thinking: How can super anchors and listed companies be so deeply bound to each other to avoid business risks by "de-Donghua".

In this world, Dong Yuhui repeatedly explained: I am a laid-back person who likes to be arty. I am an avoidant personality and I am not good at doing many things.

In this world, people around him are thinking: he is idle and escaping, has no ambition but has huge traffic, he is really a natural chess piece.

Protecting Dong Yuhui has become popular, as if protecting another self in the Internet world. However, whenever he becomes a little snobbish, these voices that protect him will disappear. Not striving for fame and fortune has become his core barrier.

So Dong Yuhui said something else in yesterday’s live broadcast: I am a bit naughty, but scholars are a bit naughty.

Yes, it is this naughtiness that has supported Chinese scholars for thousands of years.

* The sentence of the protagonist of this article is quoted from the author’s shorthand excerpt after watching the live broadcast

Tags: shows