As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold w

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As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold weather. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are prone to occur, causing many people to suffer from chills in this cold weather. Among cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, more dangerous myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction may occur. People over 40 years old are a high-risk group, and the probability of getting the disease is gradually increasing every year.

As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold w - Lujuba

The sudden drop in temperature in winter will cause the body to be stimulated by the cold air, especially the blood vessels. When the blood vessels are affected by the cold air, the blood vessels will shrink at an accelerated rate, the blood pressure will increase, and the heart rate will increase. Especially in the early morning when you first wake up, sympathetic Nerve excitability is enhanced, hormone concentrations in the blood are increased, and physiological activity metabolism is enhanced. Changes in blood vessels can promote the formation of atherosclerosis, which can lead to the rapid generation of thrombus, leading to acute myocardial infarction.

As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold w - Lujuba

In the past few years, people suffering from heart infarction and cerebral infarction have generally been people over 40 years old. They are high-risk diseases for middle-aged and elderly people. However, with the changes in people's diet structure and the great enrichment of material life, many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have occurred. The population has gradually become younger, especially for diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. The reason is mainly due to two reasons. The first is deficiency of Qi and blood, and the second is irritability or excessive moisture, which causes dampness and heat in the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach, leading to hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, arterial plaque, local plate aggregation or shedding, causing infarction, not only in middle-aged and elderly people. , young people should also pay attention to it in autumn and winter.

As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold w - Lujuba

Myocardial infarction can cause patients to experience intense anxiety or fear of death. Survivors of myocardial infarction often speak of experiencing a sense of "impending doom" at the time. Because brain tissue is extremely sensitive to ischemia and hypoxia, when a patient has a myocardial infarction, insufficient blood supply to the brain will cause headaches. Sudden loss of speech: slurred speech, stiff tongue, and unclear articulation. Radiating pain in the back, squeezing pain in the chest area, and unexplained upper abdominal pain.

As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold w - Lujuba

Chest pain is the typical symptom and the most common symptom of myocardial infarction. But not all patients with myocardial infarction experience chest pain, and chest pain may not be due to heart disease. Heart-related chest pain is usually concentrated behind the sternum, or to the left of the middle. Some people compare the feeling of chest pain to "an elephant sitting on the chest", suggesting that this kind of chest pain is often accompanied by a feeling of squeezing, heavy pressure or fullness. However, the pain in female patients with myocardial infarction may not be obvious, but may be accompanied by a burning sensation.

As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold w - Lujuba

Toothache related to myocardial infarction is medically called "cardiogenic toothache". If you don’t know which tooth is causing the pain, and it’s not red or swollen, and is accompanied by chest tightness, suffocation, precordial discomfort, palpitation, sweating, etc., you should think about acute myocardial infarction and have your blood pressure checked in time. Measurements, electrocardiograms, etc. to avoid accidents. If you get enough sleep every day and do little strenuous activities at work, but still feel exhausted, you should be alert to the attack of myocardial infarction. Women, especially, may experience fatigue when myocardial infarction occurs or in the days or weeks before it occurs. , this fatigue may be a sign of heart failure.

As the temperature gradually drops, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory, many areas are facing the danger of cold waves. Especially for people over 40 years old, as the body begins to decline and the metabolic level decreases, it is impossible to resist the cold w - Lujuba

Everyone should have this experience. When a person suddenly goes from a very warm indoor environment to an extremely cold environment, people will shudder subconsciously. This chill is caused by the contraction of our blood vessels in cold environments, which increases people's blood pressure and insufficient blood supply, which can easily lead to serious consequences of myocardial infarction. First, you can get up a little later and sleep in. In addition, be sure to pay attention to temperature changes and keep warm. Again, stay emotionally stable. And it is best to keep exercising every day, persevere, and not engage in too strenuous exercise.

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