[Professional doctors talk to you about your health every day] Things don’t happen to you, and you always feel that they are far away from you, but is it really like this? "We were drinking together a few days ago, and suddenly they were gone. It was so irritating to see his wife

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[ Professional doctors talk to you about health every day ]

[Professional doctors talk to you about your health every day] Things don’t happen to you, and you always feel that they are far away from you, but is it really like this? 'We were drinking together a few days ago, and suddenly they were gone. It was so irritating to see his wife - Lujuba

Things have not happened to me, and I always feel that they are far away from me, but is it really like this?

"We were drinking together a few days ago, but suddenly we were gone. Seeing his wife and children crying like that was so irritating."

Mr. Zhang, 48, found his blood pressure to be 145/92mmHg during a physical examination. The doctor said he should pay attention to lowering his blood pressure. , especially to lose weight, otherwise you will get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases over time. Mr. Zhang always disagrees with this. He always thinks that it is normal for middle-aged people to have high blood pressure, and it is not uncomfortable. It is not as serious as the doctor said. It wasn't until half a year ago that his buddy was sent to the emergency room due to high blood pressure and sudden cerebral hemorrhage. He eventually died and left his wife and children behind, which deeply stimulated him.

Hypertension is the most dangerous factor leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and the culprit of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, with a very high incidence rate among the population. But what is worrying is that many people are not aware of this. What is even more regrettable is that even if they know that their blood pressure is high, they do not pay enough attention to it and are not concerned about the harm that high blood pressure may bring. Take a look at this group Number:

  • The results of the National Hypertension Sample Survey show that the prevalence of hypertension in adults over 18 years old in my country is 25.2%, but the awareness rate of hypertension is only 46.5%, the treatment rate is 41.1%, and the control rate is only 13.8%
  • Among people with contractions greater than 120mmHg, especially those over 40 years old, for every 10mmHg increase, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases by 31%, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases by 68%

This is by no means alarmist, our country does this every year The death toll exceeded 1 million, and countless people suffered from hemiplegia and other disabilities. Among the various factors that cause hypertension, studies have confirmed that they are closely related to smoking, overweight, lack of exercise, unreasonable diet, excessive drinking, etc., and overweight and obesity are the top risk factors.

[Professional doctors talk to you about your health every day] Things don’t happen to you, and you always feel that they are far away from you, but is it really like this? 'We were drinking together a few days ago, and suddenly they were gone. It was so irritating to see his wife - Lujuba

Overweight and obesity are actually manifestations of systemic metabolic abnormalities, which are the basis for abnormal blood sugar, blood lipids, and blood pressure, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Maintaining a normal weight by losing weight will improve metabolic abnormalities, and many Mild hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia can be treated very well by losing weight. Let’s look at this set of numbers:

  • For every 10 kilograms of weight loss: systolic blood pressure will drop by 10-20mmHg, and cholesterol will drop by 10%. -20%; blood sugar will drop by 1-2mmol; the risk of cerebrovascular disease will be reduced by 35% within 10 years.

Mr. Zhang is such a beneficiary. Stimulated by the sudden death of his friend, he took the initiative to seek help from a doctor. After half a year, After adjustment, my blood pressure was controlled at 120/80mmHg, and my blood sugar and blood lipids were also within the normal range.

"Don't take your own body seriously. After a good friend passes away, we buddies often help his wife and children, but no matter how much we help, it's just a help. If this happens to me, we really don't care. Dare to imagine."

This is Mr. Zhang's experience, and he also transformed the initial stimulation into the motivation to change himself. This is what Mr. Zhang did in the past six months:

[Professional doctors talk to you about your health every day] Things don’t happen to you, and you always feel that they are far away from you, but is it really like this? 'We were drinking together a few days ago, and suddenly they were gone. It was so irritating to see his wife - Lujuba
  • Completely gave up the addiction to smoking for nearly 20 years
  • Diet Light and less greasy, not too much staple food, especially after changing the original heavy taste, eat less salt
  • drink less, even if you have a party, control the amount of alcohol you drink, no more than 50ml of white wine, only 100ml of red wine, and no more than 300ml of beer
  • per day Walk briskly for half an hour and make yourself sweat every time.

After half a year of hard work, Mr. Zhang lost nearly 12 kilograms in weight and seemed to be a different person in front of his relatives and friends.

"As long as you are willing to do it, there is nothing you can't do. Under my influence, several friends have begun to pay attention. I hope my experience can help more people."

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