Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank: The bank and the police work together to prevent robbery drills to ensure safety

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Shanxi Legal News Changzhi News Public security officers hold steel fork shields and line up neatly; Yuan Rural Commercial Bank Guyuan Sub-branch is about to carry out anti-robbery drills.

Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank: The bank and the police work together to prevent robbery drills to ensure safety - Lujuba

This drill was jointly carried out by the Qinyuan County Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China , Qinyuan County Public Security Bureau, and Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank. Prevent awareness, improve emergencies and emergency management level, and ensure the safety of bank personnel and property.

Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank: The bank and the police work together to prevent robbery drills to ensure safety - Lujuba

​​This drill simulated "thugs" breaking through the epidemic prevention inspection, hijacking office customers with guns and knives, and forcing tellers to hand over cash. The person in charge of the outlet immediately starts the business site emergencies emergency response plan.

Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank: The bank and the police work together to prevent robbery drills to ensure safety - Lujuba

Employees in various positions entered the emergency response position, comprehensive teller quickly put large amounts of cash into the cabinet for safekeeping, and the security officer on duty immediately called the police for help. Persuading the negotiation and stabilizing the mood of the gangsters, the stationed security guards and the lobby manager quickly evacuated the office customers in the hall. In less than two minutes, 110 quickly dispatched the police, rushed to the scene to subdue and take away the criminals. The entire rehearsal process was smooth, orderly, and scientifically handled. All participants performed their duties and participated in the performance wholeheartedly, achieving the expected results. The leader of

Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank: The bank and the police work together to prevent robbery drills to ensure safety - Lujuba

​​County People’s Bank said that this drill is close to reality and close to actual combat.

Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank: The bank and the police work together to prevent robbery drills to ensure safety - Lujuba

Through the drill, the scientificity and efficiency of emergency response were further strengthened, the safety awareness of employees was enhanced, and the prevention skills were enhanced. In the next step, Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank will carry out safety emergency drills on a regular basis, strengthen police-bank cooperation, consolidate the foundation of safety, and create a more harmonious and safe bank. Source of

​​| Edited by Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank

​​| Edited by Yuan Yurong

​​| Yang Jin

Qinyuan Rural Commercial Bank: The bank and the police work together to prevent robbery drills to ensure safety - Lujuba

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