Lai Qingde visited Honduras and had an "awkward chat" with the US Vice President for 30 seconds. What was he trying to do?丨One week in Taiwan

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Lai Qingde

When Lai Qingde was the mayor of Tainan , he had conflicts with Li Quanjiao, the Kuomintang speaker of the Tainan Assembly. As a result, the entire city of Tainan was in a certain state of paralysis, which was also the reason why the outbreak of dengue fever in Tainan was not controlled in time. It was not until the end that the emergency of the epidemic in Tainan forced Lai Qingde to return to the parliament.

Lai Qingde visited Honduras and had an 'awkward chat' with the US Vice President for 30 seconds. What was he trying to do?丨One week in Taiwan - Lujuba

Lai Qingde is a doctor. His personality is rigid and old-fashioned at best, and narcissistic and self-willed at worst. Lai Qingde refused to go to the city council in a fit of anger, which aroused the attention of public opinion. Many heavyweights mediated in it, hoping to break the deadlock between the rulers and public opinion organizations in Tainan, but Lai Qingde refused to listen until the problem became almost unmanageable.

Lai Qingde was invited by Tsai Ing-wen to be the head of the administration, not so much to pave the way for his future political development, but to say that Tsai Ing-wen hoped to use Lai Qingde's high popularity at that time to save his poor governance situation. Who knew that Lai Qingde went to the legislature to openly declare that he is a pragmatic "Taiwan independence" worker, which caused an uproar in the society and made the DPP's governance worse. As the ruler of the island, Lai Qingde's words and deeds openly violate or even contradict the Basic Law of Taiwan, which is also very low-level and absurd. However, the DPP basically regards Taiwan's Basic Law as nothing except using laws to attack political opponents. Not long after, when Lin Jingyi, then director of the "International" Affairs Department of the DPP, was interviewed by German media, she openly stated that "advocating reunification in Taiwan is treason." Lin's remarks were exaggerated, and the DPP had no choice but to hide them. A few years later, the Democratic Progressive Party once again used Lin Ching-yi to defeat Yan Kuan-heng of Taichung . To some extent, it can also be seen that the changes in public opinion in Taiwan over the years have indeed reached a very serious moment.

In 2018, the Democratic Progressive Party was defeated. Lai Qingde went to Tainan to stand for Guo Guowen’s by-election. I am eager to run against Tsai Ing-wen as the future leader of the Taiwan region. For Tsai Ing-wen, although the ruling results are bad, it is really absurd to debate the gains and losses of the ruling policies with Lai Qingde, who participated in the ruling together. Not well. So at that time, the DPP even specially organized a group of bigwigs to persuade Lai Qingde to quit, but Lai Tongtong ignored it.

Later developments proved that Lai Qingde was just a man with high eyesight and low abilities. It is not so much that he underestimated Tsai Ing-wen who was in a low period, but that he seriously overestimated all aspects of his political ability , regardless of his ideas, his ability to resist pressure or Has his connections. At first, Lai Qingde privately asked some pro-Lai DPP representatives to discuss the election. It turned out that the matter was not confidential, not only was the weekly news broke the list of civil representatives who attended the meeting, but also criticized Lai Qingde for illegally occupying the public office for meetings. As a result, most of the political figures in the Democratic Progressive Party avoided relying on Qingde, except for a very few Mindai who continued to support Qingde. This incident also revealed that from the very beginning, Tsai Ing-wen used some criminal investigation measures to closely monitor Lai Qingde. The subsequent election was a long delay for Lai Qingde. The date of the primary election was extended indefinitely, and the cyber army launched by the Democratic Progressive Party launched an all-round attack on Lai Qingde. As a result, an arrogant person like Lai Qingde had to publicly call for Tsai Ing-wen to restrain her cyber army. Later, Lai Qingde actually conceded defeat, but needed a decent chance to step down. But Tsai Ing-wen did not give him this opportunity. The election didn't start until Lai Qingde had no fighting spirit. In the end, Lai Qingde's situation that should have won was reversed qualitatively. Tsai Ing-wen won completely, and Tsai Ing-wen began to use dirty means to fight the election, and then reversed all the way to win myth.

Lai Qingde was completely defeated by that defeat. Later, in order to appease the dark green voters, Tsai Ing-wen planned to use Lai Qingde as his deputy to match the election. With Lai Qingde's past character, he should be determined not to follow. how do you knowLai Qingde complied very quickly.

Recently, a pro-green media person wrote an analysis. Among the three administrative heads used by Tsai Ing-wen, Lai Qingde was the worst. The first Lin Quan was a scholar after all, and he was not good at communicating with voters. Secondly, Lin Quan's background in a military dependent village was ridiculed as an "old blue man", which made him not trusted in the green camp. However, Lin Quan's policies still have a certain degree of idealism. In particular, Lin Quan has made some major policy changes. Although they have caused social turmoil, they can be regarded as removing hidden dangers in the future, so he has to do so. The current Su Zhenchang can be regarded as a "cool official", but Su's advantage is that he does it himself and is very efficient. Su didn't mind the issue of administrative neutrality. He used public resources to help his political party attack opponents. Basically do not make any major policy planning, but also avoid a lot of controversy. Only Lai Qingde, who thinks too much of himself, does his own thing, and his policies during his term of office are extremely controversial, which has actually caused a lot of public grievances. The point is that Lai Qingde has no ability to deal with the crisis and can only sit back and watch. This shows that when he really encountered a problem, Lai Qingde had no choice but to do nothing.

Lai Qingde is now showing signs of rising again, and since such an article has come out, it shows that some people in the green camp are still very dissatisfied and unforgiving towards Lai Qingde.

Lai Qingde visited Honduras and had an 'awkward chat' with the US Vice President for 30 seconds. What was he trying to do?丨One week in Taiwan - Lujuba

It is widely rumored that although Tsai Ing-wen uses Lai Qingde as his deputy, she does not like him very much, so she has been suppressing him and not allowing him to come forward. But people are not as good as heaven, and the low-key has protected Lai Qingde from the recent political controversy. On the contrary, Zheng Wencan, Tsai Ing-wen's trusted "successor", has caused a sharp drop in opinion polls due to the epidemic, and is gradually drifting away from the "big position" in 2024. And Lai Qingde regained his popularity because of his active participation in the "four referendums". Not only did Xianyu stand up, but he has become the only person in the Democratic Progressive Party who has a chance to win the 2024 election. Therefore, Lai Qingde also fought for this visit for himself. Chance of Honduras .

Lai Qingde seized the opportunity to chat with US Vice President Harris at the inauguration ceremony of Honduras President , some of which were thought-provoking. Originally, Harris and Lai Qingde were sitting side by side, but they kept talking with the seat beside them, ignoring Lai Qingde, until Lai Qingde took the initiative to chat, and after a few chats, she then changed seats and kept a few seats away from Lai Qingde.

What is really worth thinking about in this matter is the performance of the United States. The United States announced in advance that it would not have talks with Lai Qingde. As for what the two talked about, some media said that they just greeted each other and Lai introduced himself. After all, it only lasted 30 seconds. Some media also said that Harris actually talked with Lai Qingde about the refugee issue, which has nothing to do with Taiwan. In short, this way of hitting the edge of the ball seems to be very unrealistic. And it highlights that the United States' attitude towards Taiwan is actually very contemptuous and frivolous. Lai Qingde acted like a child who desperately needs a head pat from an adult. After being patted, the green media on the island were overjoyed, forgetting that they ate "Laizhu" and bought a lot of "Kaizi" military purchases. As for Harris, the vice president who also has a very bad reputation in the United States, he performed a smooth touch.

Why did Tsai Ing-wen play the " Chiang Ching-kuo " card?

Tsai Ing-wen participated in the opening of the "Jingguo Seven Seas Cultural Zone" and affirmed Jiang Jingguo in his speech. Many media interpreted this as a move to snatch the blue battalion's "Jiang Jingguo" god's card, but in the end it was blue and green. Tsai Ing-wen distorted the spirit of Chiang Ching-kuo in her speech, which also aroused the mainland's resentment. Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said in response to reporters' questions: Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo insisted on one China, opposed "Taiwan independence" and advocated national reunification. Taiwanese are also dignified Chinese", making active efforts to ease cross-strait relations. Some politicians of the Democratic Progressive Party are deepening their collusion with external anti-China forces to carry out "independence" provocations and inciting hostility among people on both sides of the strait.Mr. Guo distorted historical facts, engaged in political manipulation, and instigated the so-called "resistance to China to protect Taiwan", the essence of which is to mislead the people of Taiwan and seek the party's own interests. I hope that all walks of life on the island will keep their eyes open, distinguish right from wrong, and see through the sinister intentions of the DPP.

Lai Qingde visited Honduras and had an 'awkward chat' with the US Vice President for 30 seconds. What was he trying to do?丨One week in Taiwan - Lujuba

The Blue Camp criticized Tsai Ing-wen for taking Chiang Ching-kuo out of context, while the Green Camp fired far more violently than the Blue Camp. Tsai Ing-wen's former "literary courage" Yao Renduo also came out to criticize Tsai Ing-wen, saying that this move has plunged Taiwanese society into a moral and value disorder. , It’s the confusion of people.”

The most interesting thing is that because of Lin Bingshu’s case, Duan Yikang, who had been “hidden” for many days, also jumped out to criticize Tsai Ing-wen for being inexplicable and speechless. Duan said, if this is the case, why did we need to promote transitional justice in the first place?

However, the transformational justice promoted by the DPP eventually turned into those shameless things done by Duan Yikang and the new trend of his faction, which are the real face-slapping things.

Lu Xiulian believes that Tsai Ing-wen herself grew up on the milk of the Kuomintang. Lu broke the news that Tsai Ing-wen only joined the DPP after Chen Shui-bian nominated her as the non-divided representative for four years after the DPP was in power for the first time. Before, Tsai Ing-wen disdained to join. Secondly, when Tsai Ing-wen went to study in the United States, the scholarship he got was recommended by Soong Meiling . With the financial resources of the Cai family, Tsai Ing-wen didn’t need any scholarship for studying abroad. The reason why he won this scholarship was nothing more than showing off their family’s connection with the Jiang family .

The DPP's thug unit "Promote Transfer" does not open any pot, and sends a letter requesting that the "Jingguo Qihai Cultural District" where Tsai Ing-wen participated in the opening be renamed because it is "a symbol of authority and ".

For Tsai Ing-wen, it is already the latter part of her term, so she wants to pursue a "historical position". Like Ma Ying-jeou in the past, she wants to be the "leader of the whole people" on the island. The spiritual connection within the Blue Camp. But the problem is that this kind of cognitive split is something that the DPP has been vigorously promoting no matter whether it was in opposition in the past or it is now in power. The tear has already been caused, but Tsai Ing-wen is delusional that she can still eat at both ends.

Duan Yikang even compared Chiang Ching-kuo to Hitler in his article. Although some green camp intellectuals can't stand it, thinking that Duan Bifang is nondescript, but from this, it can be seen that Duan Yikang and others' true mentality is that the more extreme the blackening of their opponents, the more beneficial it is to rationalize their low-handed methods. The new trend of fighting philosophy is rampant in Taiwanese society, and it also encourages competitors from different camps to become more extreme, otherwise they will lose their voices. These politicians can profit from the tearing up of society and the intensification of confrontation.

Lai Qingde visited Honduras and had an 'awkward chat' with the US Vice President for 30 seconds. What was he trying to do?丨One week in Taiwan - Lujuba

The most realistic consideration is that in the Taipei mayoral election starting this year, due to the election of Jiang Wanan, a descendant of the Chiang family, the controversial topic of the Jiang family will inevitably become one of the themes of the election campaign. The controversies now aroused are just the foretaste of the upcoming elections. The appearance of Duan Yikang is one of the signals. After all, before the stench occurs, people will see the maggots first.

Author丨Xu Yi, Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news special editor

Tags: entertainment