Minimum wage adjustments in many places, it is illegal for the monthly salary to be less than this amount, and it will officially start on January 1, 2023

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Among the ordinary positions in the company,

is probably most worried about HR. Not only do they have to keep an eye on the company's development and keep the company in order, but they also care about the situation among employees. What worries HR very much should be the payment of employees' wages. Of course, this is also the most concerned thing for employees.

Especially in the current special period, some employees may have a fever, so when paying wages, sick leave or personal leave and minimum living expenses are often involved, and these are closely related to the minimum wage standards stipulated by each region.

Recently, Hebei Province issued a notice on the minimum wage standard, which clearly shows that the minimum wage standard will be adjusted from January 1, 2023.

Minimum wage adjustments in many places, it is illegal for the monthly salary to be less than this amount, and it will officially start on January 1, 2023 - Lujuba

The regulations clearly stated that the minimum wage standard will be implemented on January 1, 2023, and the minimum wage standard will be divided into three grades, namely: 1800 yuan, 2000 yuan and 2200 yuan ; There are also three grades of minimum wage, namely: 18 yuan, 20 yuan and 22 yuan.

Minimum wage adjustments in many places, it is illegal for the monthly salary to be less than this amount, and it will officially start on January 1, 2023 - Lujuba

Hebei Province is the first province to announce the minimum wage standard for 2023. But one thing we need to know is that the minimum wage is not adjusted every year. It is understood that the minimum wage standard is generally adjusted at least once every two years, so some provinces in our country will still use the 2022 minimum wage standard in the next year. The specific standards of

are as follows:

Minimum wage adjustments in many places, it is illegal for the monthly salary to be less than this amount, and it will officially start on January 1, 2023 - Lujuba

NO.1 Is the minimum wage the basic wage?

The answer is: No!

minimum wagerefers to the minimum remuneration paid by the company where an employee fulfills her normal obligations within the stipulated time. Minimum wages generally include: actual wages of employees, bonuses and subsidies. The minimum wage is an invisible regulation.

Basic salary refers to: It is formulated by the enterprise itself to ensure the basic life of employees, also called basic salary.

Minimum wage adjustments in many places, it is illegal for the monthly salary to be less than this amount, and it will officially start on January 1, 2023 - Lujuba

NO.2 The impact of rising minimum wages

Minimum wages are rising, which will inevitably affect some things, mainly in the following aspects:

1. Enterprises and employees

  1. The base of overtime pay and social security: Because the minimum wage of employees has risen, then Overtime wages for employees, as well as social security contributions paid by companies for employees, will increase accordingly.
  2. Salary: For some ordinary employees, the salary they can get is the local minimum wage, and after the minimum wage rises, the wages of these ordinary employees will also increase accordingly.

Minimum wage adjustments in many places, it is illegal for the monthly salary to be less than this amount, and it will officially start on January 1, 2023 - Lujuba

2. The wages of employees during the probationary period

According to the relevant regulations in the " Labor Contract Law " promulgated by our country, the wages of employees during their probationary period cannot be lower than the minimum wage of the same position in their company or the signed contract 80% of the salary, and cannot be lower than the minimum wage requirement in the area. For example, in Shanghai, the minimum wage of employees cannot be lower than 2590.

3. Wages for work stoppage

According to the relevant regulations issued by the state, if the company stop work or stop production and it is within a salary payment cycle not caused by the employee himself, then the company shall pay the employee according to the provisions of the labor contract salary. If the period of

Minimum wage adjustments in many places, it is illegal for the monthly salary to be less than this amount, and it will officially start on January 1, 2023 - Lujuba

exceeds one salary payment period, if the employee provides normal labor, then the salary paid by the company to the employee shall not be lower than the local minimum wage ; if the employee does not provide normal labor, the employee shall be paid living expenses , Living expenses cannot be lower than 80% of the minimum wage.

4. On-job wages of labor dispatchers

According to the relevant regulations, the labor dispatching unit must sign a labor contract with the dispatched person for at least two years, and the wages paid to them must be paid on a monthly basis. The

regulation also mentions that if the dispatched workers of are not working,Then the labor dispatch unit shall pay them monthly wages according to the minimum wage standard stipulated by the location.

Of course, in addition to the above four, there are others, such as: collective labor contract wages, employee wage deduction, medical period wages, part-time labor wages and economic compensation , etc. will be corresponding change accordingly.

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