Did the wild cat leave a child in "The Wind Blows Pinellia"?

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wind blowing pinellia overall score 2022 /

Gao Xinyi finally left the child. Gao Xinyi, who originally had ideals and ambitions, was very determined to get rid of this child. She didn't want to be bound by the child at a young age. She saw that a mother who has a child and will be a child for the rest of her life will never be able to be herself, let alone go Pursue your dreams. She approached her mother, Gao Yuejin, and said that she wanted to abort the child, and even asked whether abortion would affect future fertility, but was educated by her mother. There was even more disagreement with Tong Xiaoqi on the issue of whether or not to have a child. She felt that Tong Xiaoqi did not consider her.

Did the wild cat leave a child in 'The Wind Blows Pinellia'? - Lujuba

Get along day and night, facing Tong Xiaoqi's careful care of her every day, she is very irritable, so she finds Ban Xia to complain. It is also true that one does not know one's happiness in the midst of blessings. At this time, Xu Youren, Xu Banxia's father, met Banxia's ex-husband Wang Quan at the door of his house, and ran to deliver a letter to Banxia in a panic, and happened to meet a wild cat complaining here. Xu Youren talked about the story of Banxia's own mother back then, and Gao Xinyi, who was about to be a mother, was very moved. She went to the hospital and saw a small life swimming in her stomach and her heart was beating on the B-ultrasound. She was determined to stay. Give birth to the child and not go abroad. She hoped that Tong Xiaoqi would make the transportation company better for the sake of the child!

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