Did Banxia sue Wang Quan in "The Wind Blows Pinellia"?

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Pinellia gave up suing Wang Quan and gave Wang Quan a retreat. Wang Quan took revenge on Ban Xia, followed Ban Xia, and injured Ban Xia's head with an iron rod. Zhao Lei rushed to the hospital after learning about it, and Ban Xia told him that he did not want to sue Wang Quan. In Ban Xia's heart, they were considered even, and her heart was relieved, and she would never feel guilty towards Wang Quan because of that incident.

Did Banxia sue Wang Quan in 'The Wind Blows Pinellia'? - Lujuba

Wang Quan was released, Zhao Lei accompanied Ban Xia to see him, Ban Xia said it should be over, she knew that Wang Quan had adopted a child, which meant that she was still full of expectations for the family, and she gave Wang Quan a piece of paper Card, and promised to put money into it every month, willing to make up for him, I hope he can live a good life, start again, and really let go of this matter from the heart. Wang Quan wanted to say something but swallowed it back, Zhao Lei put the card in Wang Quan's pocket. After Banxia left in the car, he murmured to himself, in fact, if he really wanted to kill Xu Banxia that night, he would never be able to wait for someone to rescue her. He still couldn't bear it in his heart, so he sat down on the ground and cried bitterly. This grievance can be regarded as the real end.

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