The insurance industry received 3.7 trillion premiums in the first 10 months, and the growth rate of the six major life insurance companies was lower than the industry level

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The report card of the insurance industry from January to October 2019 was released as scheduled! According to

data, the original insurance premium income of the entire industry in the first 10 months was 3,705.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.2%. Among them, the original insurance premiums of property insurance companies in the first 10 months were 1,073.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.98%; the original insurance premiums of life insurance companies in the first 10 months were 2,632.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.69%.

In addition, as of the end of October, the insurance industry provided 5504 trillion yuan of insurance for the whole society, with 38.7 billion insurance policies; the total compensation payment of the insurance industry was 1,038.7 billion yuan; the total assets of the insurance industry were 19.99 trillion yuan, an increase of 9% from the beginning of the year; The balance of fund utilization was 17.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.54% from the beginning of the year.

Cumulative growth rate of insurance premiums in the industry:

Down by 12 percentage points from the beginning of the year

In 2019, the insurance industry got off to a good start and achieved a high growth rate of 24.05%, but then declined month by month.

The insurance industry received 3.7 trillion premiums in the first 10 months, and the growth rate of the six major life insurance companies was lower than the industry level - Lujuba

(compiled and tabulated by "International Finance News")

Accumulated premium growth rate of property insurance companies:

has remained stable at around 11% for 8 consecutive months

Decrease month by month

The growth rate of premiums of life insurance companies is basically consistent with the growth rate of premiums of the whole industry. A good start in 2019 achieved a high-speed growth of 24.83%, and then declined month by month. As of the end of October, the cumulative growth rate of life insurance company premiums was 12.69%.

The insurance industry received 3.7 trillion premiums in the first 10 months, and the growth rate of the six major life insurance companies was lower than the industry level - Lujuba

("International Finance News" tabulation)

Health insurance premium growth rate:

firmly held Top1

In the first 10 months, the property insurance business realized the original insurance premium income of 954.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.4%; the life insurance business was 2.036 billion yuan, A year-on-year increase of 9.46%; health insurance was 614.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.27%; personal accident insurance was 101.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.89%.

The insurance industry received 3.7 trillion premiums in the first 10 months, and the growth rate of the six major life insurance companies was lower than the industry level - Lujuba

(The "International Financial News" compiled and tabulated)

The "three new types of insurance" of property insurance companies:

Auto insurance, health insurance, and guarantee insurance

Since the beginning of this year, health insurance has jumped to become the second largest type of insurance for property insurance companies, followed closely by guarantee insurance Afterwards, auto insurance, health insurance, and guarantee insurance ranked among the top three types of insurance. Data show that in the first 10 months, property insurance companies realized a total of 1,073.6 billion yuan in original premium income, a year-on-year increase of 10.98%. Among them, the original premium income of auto insurance was 657.6 billion yuan, accounting for 61.25%, still occupying the absolute first place; health insurance ranked second with 74.3 billion yuan, accounting for 6.92%; the original premium income of guarantee insurance was 70.3 billion yuan, accounting for 6.55% , ranked third.

The insurance industry received 3.7 trillion premiums in the first 10 months, and the growth rate of the six major life insurance companies was lower than the industry level - Lujuba

(compiled and tabulated by "International Finance News")

Six major life insurance companies Growth rate of insurance premiums:

All are lower than the industry level %. Among them, the original premium income of life insurance was 2.036 billion yuan, accounting for 77.35%; the original premium income of accident insurance was 56.4 billion yuan, accounting for 2.14%; the original premium income of health insurance was 539.8 billion yuan, accounting for 20.51%.

It is worth mentioning that the six major life insurance companies (China Life, Ping An, PICC, CPIC, Taiping, Xinhua ) the growth rate of premiums in the first 10 months was lower than the industry average growth rate.

Among them, the original premium income of Taiping Life Insurance in the first 10 months was 125.859 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.6%, which was basically the same as the industry growth rate. The growth rates of the remaining five companies were all below 10%. China Life’s original premium income in the first 10 months was 520.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.8%; The original premium income of life insurance in the first 10 months was 197.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.6%; the original premium income of New China Insurance in the first 10 months was 118.35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.1%; 3.2%.

This article comes from the International Financial News

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