Sinochem Fertilizer (00297.HK): Sinochem UK will continue to provide local supplier relationship and logistics services to Sinochem Macau

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Sinochem Fertilizer (00297.HK) announced that on December 13, 2022, Sinochem Macau, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, entered into a UK service agreement with Sinochem UK, from January 1, 2023 to 2025 During December 31 (both days inclusive), Sinochem UK will continue to provide local supplier relationship and logistics services to Sinochem Macau.

As of the close on December 13, 2022, Sinofert (00297.HK) closed at 0.96 yuan, up 0.0%, turnover rate 0.05%, trading volume 3.336 million shares, turnover 3.2281 million Yuan. Investment banks do not pay much attention to the stock, and no investment bank has rated it within 90 days.

Sinochem FertilizerHong Kong stock market value is 6.743 billion Hong Kong dollars, ranking fourth in the chemical industry. The main indicators are shown in the table below:

Sinochem Fertilizer (00297.HK): Sinochem UK will continue to provide local supplier relationship and logistics services to Sinochem Macau - Lujuba

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